Chapter Two: A Hidden Secret

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Autobot Outpost Omega One:
When Erika woke up, she coughed hoarsely and shook off the dirt. After everything that has happened to her; after getting shot by the 'Cons, almost blasted to death by a red missile, nearly getting herself killed.
Once she was fully awake, she was surprised to see she's in a completely different place. She looked down and realized she has been resting on a giant, gray bed that felt like a yoga mat for some reason. Not just that, her eyes lingered on the white bandage on her left arm. Her fingers carefully lingered on the bandage, it started at her shoulder and ended just below her elbow.
She carefully walked towards her backpack with a limp and started looking through it. But her curiosity had won out, Erika started looking around carefully. The base seemed hidden within an old Cold War bunker, a massive underground facility that's a high-tech command center filled with advanced technology. It was an enormous, chamber-like room enclosed by a blend of metal and rock, filled with unique technology.
Erika felt the ground shaking underneath her as she pulled her backpack closer to her chest. However, the red bot that Erika remembered wasn't nearly as big as the green-colored robot that was more on the portly side. Erika didn't know robots could even have that kind of physique. He walked a couple of stepped before he stopped and quietly watching the girl on the berth.
Erika tensed when his bright blue optics have met hers. Her feelings and emotions were raging through her from a river of fear to a burst of courage and hope. But Erika let out a cry of surprise at the sight of him.
"Whoa! Whoa." The dark green bot rose his servos and seemed to be trying to calm her down. "It's okay kid. It's okay. You're safe now."
Erika gave him a long, unyielding look before she calmed down her nerves and nodded as she sat down on the berth next to her backpack. "Who are you?"
"I'm Bulkhead," said the dark green bot. "What's your name kid?"
Erika raised an eyebrow at him. "Short version or long version?"
"There's a long version?" asked Bulkhead.
"Yup." Erika gave him an amused smirk and her eyes gleamed playfully. Her expression softened into becoming more sincere. "My full name is Erika Spark."
"Nice to meet you kid." Bulkhead smiled at her warmly. "Thanks for saving our teammate back there."
"No problem," said Erika.
Erika yelped in surprise and spun around instinctively, like a startled dog. The Autobot is the same one that she had came across and rescued. He smirked at her reaction and chuckled softly, making her look away in embarrassment. "Hey, kid. Nice to see you're up."
Bulkhead turned around while smirking at him playfully. "Yup. Cliffjumper here's been worried sick about you. Blames himself for you getting knocked out, even though it was the 'Cons!"
Cliffjumper's optics widened slightly before laughing. "Pfft! Sure." Erika's eyes softened and limped towards his direction, both wary and curious about him. His red armor seemed to be shining in the light while his bright green optics contrasted his armor and his bull horns gleamed too. Cliffjumper smiled at the brave human girl softly. "I didn't get to thank ya for helping me out back there."
"Oh, um." Erika stumbled and spoke quietly, trying to find the proper response. "You're welcome."
"Don't worry darlin', I ain't gonna hurtcha." Cliffjumper laughed softly. "I owe you one after all."
"It's no big deal, anyone else would've done it," Erika mumbled, prompting a bark of laughter from Cliff.
"'Anyone else' would've ran away," pointed out Cliff.
"Maybe so." Erika let out a weary sigh and met Cliff's gentle optics. "But I was willing to help you nevertheless."
"But weren't you scared?" Cliffjumper asked.
There was a brief pause and some bots were shaking in their peds, impatient for the teenage girl to speak.
"I... was terrified. I mean who wouldn't be going up against a robot five times your size?" Erika laughed nervously, before releasing a shaky breath. "But...if not... if not me, who would?"
"Heh, looks like I underestimated you little guys." Cliffjumper chuckled and used his digit to stroke her hair.
"Indeed Erika." Erika winced, but only briefly, at the new voice that reverberated from behind her. It was a voice that was, to put it bluntly, shockingly deep and resounding. At the same time, though, it wasn't exactly intimidating. It was difficult to explain; like, as powerful as it was, there was a certain warmth and reassurance to it.
Just then the ground began to shake, and Erika turned to see a bot towering over her. He's taller than the other bots and yet he seems to be the leader, which made Erika feel safe and felt a wave of familiarity as she gazed at him with wary curiosity. Standing directly in front of the  stood a tall robot. A strange symbol adorns the bot's bright red arms, and Erika recognized it as the same symbol from the middle of Cliffjumper's steering wheel. The robot has long silver and blue legs, with four large wheels mounted to the back of his feet. His dark blue head stared at her with his piercing blue optics, and she was getting the feeling that he was analyzing her. He has three antenna-like rods on each side of his head which are attached to his audio receptors. He has an air of quiet leadership surrounding him, though Erika could feel selfless compassion and strong courage, but she sensed that he has hidden regret for something.
"How do you know my name?" Erika asked him, her voice hushed and stepped forward boldly.
Optimus smiled at how bold and calm she was, even though she doesn't even know them at all. "I will tell you all you need to know Erika. I am Optimus Prime; the Leader of the Autobots." He extended a servo to the wary blue and black femme. "You have met our warrior, Arcee. She acts as the leader when I or Ratchet is not present." He turned to look at the smiling red bot. "You have already met our warrior, Cliffjumper." He turned to the green bot next to her. "Bulkhead is our Wrecker." He turned to the orange and white bot. "This is our medic, Ratchet." Erika received a gentle look from the bot. Optimus turned to look at the young yellow and black bot. "This is Bumblebee, our young scout." Erika smiled at the members of the team.
"Nice to meet you all," said Erika with a weary smile. But she felt a wave of weariness washing over her, which caused her to sit down and carefully cradled her bandaged arm.
She soon saw three kids joining them, who she had learnt to recognize at school; Jack Darby, a younger version of Optimus with his courage and kindness. Miko Nakadai, a rebellious and adventurous girl with a bold attitude as any Wrecker. Lastly, Rafael Esquivel, a kind and intelligent boy who is the youngest one of the team.
The robot kneeled down on one leg, so he became eye leveled with the kids. His bright blue optics looked at each kid. The blue in his optics seemed to grow softer, like that bright haze of blue just like the horizon as the sun continued to rise. "We are autonomous robotic organisms that come from the planet Cybertron. Also known as Autobots."
"So, why are you here on Earth?" Jack asked.
"To protect your planet from the Decepticons," replied Optimus Prime.
"The jokers who tried to bump us off last night." Arcee seemed to interject her comment on yesterday's events with a casual air.
"So, why are they here?" Jack asked.
"A fair question, Jack," Optimus Prime said. "They are here in part because our planet is uninhabitable. Ravaged by centuries of civil war."
"Why were you fighting a war?" Raf asked.
"For most, over control of our world's supply of energon. The fuel and life-blood of all Autobots and Decepticons alike." He seemed to have a distant look in his optics, as if he was looking through them all to a distant memory as he continued to share their story. "The combat was fierce and endured for centuries. In the beginning, I fought alongside one who I considered a brother. But in war, ideals can be corrupted. And it was thus that Megatron lost his way." 
Just before Miko could speak, Erika had cut her off and glanced at Optimus Prime with a cautious look. "Megatron?"
"Megatron has not been seen or heard for some time," explained Optimus Prime. "But if his return is imminent as I fear, the results could be catastrophic." Optimus let his words sink in for a moment before continuing. "And since you now know of our existence, I fear that as of last night the Decepticons now know of yours."
Erika froze at the familiarity of the story it wasn't just the tall tales her mother used to tell her of the giants that battled for justice, or the special drinks her mom gave her when she started to get sick, it was the name at the end of the story that would terrify even their mother. Megatron the faceless nightmare that frightened her as a child was real?
"It is best that you four remain under our watch," explained Optimus Prime. "At least until we can determine our enemies' intentions."
"Optimus." Everyone turned to look at Ratchet, who took Optimus aside to talk. "With all due respect, the human children are in as much danger here, than anywhere." Miko rolled her eyes and Raf looked nervous while Jack and Erika both exchanged glances. "They have no protective shell! If they get underfoot they will go squish." To make his point, Ratchet took an ominous step closer to the kids, making them take a wary step back.
"Then for the time being, Ratchet, we must watch where we step," said Optimus Prime.
Erika smirked playfully and leaned closer to Jack's side while speaking in a whisper. "At least we know how to move out of the way when something is about to land on top of us." The others snickered softly at her playful tease while Ratchet scoffed.
Suddenly, an alarm system had went off, and the green tinted computer screens flashed. The kids jumped back a little, caught off guard by the sudden alarms blaring through the base.
"What's that?" asked Jack curiously. 
"Proximity alert," Bumblebee said.
"Proximity Sensor. Someone's up top," Raf supplied as if he was the only one that could decipher the strange language. How could Raf understand all those sounds, how could he understand? Questions for later.
"It's Agent Fowler," said Ratchet, pulling up a monitor that showed a man in a dark gray suit climbing out of a military helicopter.
"I thought we were the only humans who knew about you guys?" Jack asked.
"Special Agent Fowler is our designated liaison to the outside world, as he tends to visit only when there are issues," Optimus Prime explained. "It may be best if you do not meet him at this time."
The kids went to the edge of the raised platform where they can't be seen and wait for Agent Fowler to enter the base. A small ding brought her attention back to the elevator.
The doors opened and she can hear heavy footsteps as the agent walked up to the railing of the level next to the one where she was hiding. "Seven wrecks, thirty-four fender-benders, a three hour traffic jam, and on particular note, numerous reports of teen taking a joy ride on a speeding motorcycle of unknown make, and a yellow and black custom muscle car." Erika smirked and looked over at Jack in amusement, who met her gaze looking less than thrilled with the attention. Agent Fowler's hand flew in the direction of Cliffjumper. "Do you know what your little stunt in New York could have cost us?"
"Who? Me? Agent Fowler, I assure you I don't have a clue what you're talking about." It almost sounded genuine, almost. The smug look Cliffjumper was giving the agent shattered all belief of his innocence on the matter.
Agent Fowler shook his head and fixed his glare on Optimus. "So, anything you care to get off your tin chest Prime?"
Curiosity got the better of her, Erika peeked around the corner to see if she can catch a glimpse of Agent Fowler. Erika could see a slightly overweight man in a crisp suit and tie. He has a strong jaw and short, curly black hair. Just then, she felt a hand on her shoulder pulling her away from the edge of the corner. Erika turned around and see that it was Jack. He shook his head quickly and she can understand him. Don't! You'll get caught. Erika ignored him and poked her head out again, making sure not to stick out too far.
Optimus spoke, and Nova can see that he is right in front of the agent. "We have the situation under control, Agent Fowler."
"They're back, aren't they?" asked Agent Fowler.
"If you are referring to the Decepticons, I have doubts that they ever left," Optimus Prime said. "Your planet is much too valuable."
"Then it's time to wake up the Pentagon," said Agent Fowler firmly.
"Hey fleshie," Bulkhead called out. "Did anyone get splattered on that freeway? Team Prime knows when to use force." He picked up a robotic-looking arm from the medical center. "And how much to use." The big bot squeezed the arm and the top popped off with a spark of electricity.
"Bulkhead, I needed that!" Ratchet exclaimed angrily.
"Enough," Optimus called out, stopping an argument before it starts. "Military involvement will only result in catastrophe. Perhaps you can condone widespread human casualties, Agent Fowler. I, however, cannot."
"Then do us both a favor and handle this, Prime. Under the radar." Agent Fowler walked back to the elevator, pressing a button on it so the doors began to slide shut. "Or I will."
"Pretty big bearings, for a human," remarked Bulkhead after Agent Fowler's helicopter had left the base and the four kids came out of hiding.
Cliffjumper scoffed and crossed his arms over his chassis. "No kidding."
"Agent Fowler is concerned for his world
Bulkhead and Cliffjumper, as he should be," replied Optimus.
Just then the computers started to make a beeping noise, this time different then the one for the proximity sensor.

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