Bittersweet Situationship

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My agony becomes bliss when you're here

The pain turns into pleasure

I'm floating when you touch me

In the stars when you want me

Desperately free when you kiss me

Recklessly alive when you need me

The longing leaves my soul when your hands are finally on me

When you walk in the door I'm no longer hanging on by a thread

When you hold me my heart explodes

There's no cracks there when you kiss me

The torture releases its grip on my throat

And the moment you grab my waist

Electricity ricochets through my entire body

I can't think straight but I don't feel the agony in these moments

The suffering completely subsides when you kiss my forehead and pull me in

My anger turns to ecstasy when you slide into me

I melt through you with every thrust

With every moan and scream, I feel like I'm on fire

When you explode, I am in the clouds

Riding the high, my body revels in you

I slowly come back down to earth as you get dressed

I lose my breath as you find your keys

I shatter the moment you leave

Confirming my unworthiness; never good enough for more but good enough to feel good with for the night

My entire being left exposed and broken on the floor

I just want you to want me

Want you to never have had enough of me

Need you see me how I see you

Desperately needing you to stay on this side of the door

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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