Past Letters -- Darren's Pov

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[ They say 'You don't know what you have until it's gone.' But I do. I know exactly who I have - or rather, had. Darren Smith. He's been my friend for the past three years; sometimes, we've been more than that. But I can't let him leave me behind. ]


It's nearly 2am. I'm supposed to be asleep, but instead, I'm lying in bed, listening to the raindrops fall against my window. I haven't been able to sleep all week, and my anxiety is getting worse and worse each day. I swear, someone is watching me. At first, I chalked it up to wildlife. But wildlife doesn't leave you gifts on your front porch, do they?

And I know I'm probably being paranoid, and there's probably a valid explanation for this. For all I know, someone could just be a secret admirer and doesn't know how to talk to me.

But, that doesn't explain the feeling that someone is watching me. Observing me. Of course, it's not stopping me from doing anything, after all, I've done nothing wrong to anyone. So why would I be worried? But it still shoots my anxiety up through the roof at the thought. I've questioned who would do such a thing, and nobody comes to mind-- nobody I suspect, anyway. I've gone through every ex-girlfriend of mine, every ex-lover, everyone.

I'll give it more thought tomorrow after I talk to Anthony about it. He'll probably say the same thing I did, if not something more reasonable. Speaking of Anthony...

I look over to the box underneath my desk; filled with letters from him whenever I was sick a few weeks ago. It's weird, but sweet. He acted like I was dying when it was just a simple cold!

I get up, feeling the urge to re-read them to calm down again, so I do. I sat down in front of the box and looked through it, trying to figure out which one I should read first. They're all super calming, so I can't decide. Eventually, I decided to just try and read them in order.


Dear, Darren.

I missed you in class today. It was boring without you rambling on about how you don't want to do the work Mrs.Anderson assigned., and how you'd rather be in bed sleeping.

Guess you got your wish, huh? Haha. On another note, I got the work you missed. I'll drop it off after school, that way I can also get the worksheet she handed us that goes along with that assignment. I also wanted to inform you that we have a quiz coming up soon, the 12th, I believe.

Enough about school. I doubt you want to hear about that., especially out sick! So, my family is going to the park this coming Saturday, and I was wondering if you'd like to go? We can sneak off, of course. I already thought about how that would go. Just let me know!

Yours truly,



I read another letter, this one being more worried than the last., and yet, more sweeter, too.


Dear, Darren.

I hope you're okay. I'm not doing so well with your absence. I found myself turning to talk to you in class today, but I remembered you were gone. The class has been boring without you by my side. Nevertheless, I hope you took that cold medication I left on your porch., I can't have you being sick any longer than you need to be. You've already missed so much work, and I don't want you to fail the class.

Besides, the more you take it, the quicker we can see each other again! That's always a plus, right? I know it is for me. I can't handle being this far away from you. It's like separating the time from a clock. Sorry, was that a stupid analogy? You were always the more poetic one. that's what I love about you, in case you ever wondered.

Get well soon,



Thinking back to the time I was sick, and all the cold medication he'd leave for me to find., I smile. I sigh happily, setting down the letters I had just read gently. I look towards the box again, about to grab another. I skimmed over the one I grabbed and laughed as I began to read it.


Dear, Darren.

You won't believe what happened today! First, Martha A. confessed her love to Jacob D. In front of everyone! The poor girl, though...he rejected her. I can't imagine what she was feeling, but I do hope it doesn't affect her much, I had a feeling it did, considering she ran off as soon as the words 'I'm sorry, but..' came out his mouth. I saw a few of her friends run after her, presumably to comfort her.

Next up, I saw a cat today on campus. I thought of you since you like cats, but especially since it was ginger! (just like you.) It was super friendly, and it ran right up to me! Of course, I petted it for you.

Then, perhaps one of the second exciting things to happen today, I found a love letter in my locker. I threw it away. I'm not interested in anyone else, only you.

Yours forever,



I stand up, looking outside at the rain. I should probably be in bed, but another few hours won't hurt, right? I turn off my light, thinking more about what Anthony said. It was a few weeks ago, sure, but a love letter? Who would write him a love letter? And why didn't they hand it to him in person, instead of putting it in his locker? I sigh, pondering more on the thought, staring at my ceiling. Eventually, my eyes began to slowly close as I grew more tired. I listen to the rain hitting my window again, letting it become background noise for my thoughts. The soft pattering, occasionally broken by the rumble of thunder, dragging me off to sleep.

The last thing on my mind? Anthony.


WOO! The first chapter published! Word count; 1k. Please don't be afraid to give feedback, especially on the way I write! it's always appreciated. And I know it wasn't long, but I had a deadline to write this. (Before bed! lmao.) Longer chapters coming soon!

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