Chapter 10

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Steve throws his shield at Barnes but he blocks it with his metal arm. She tries to shoot at him but again his shield blocks it. She runs and grabs the railing spinning behind Steve as Barnes hits Steve. Steve hits Barnes backwards with his shield. He quickly gets up as she runs and kicks Steve forward, falling towards Barnes. Barnes pulls out a dagger and tries to stab Steve. Steve blocks him and punches him trying to keep him away from him. Steve hits him away with his shield and quickly puts in a combination into a system. It opens just as she rushes at his and tries to tackle him. Steve blocks her and pushes her away from him. He quickly picks up a circuit board and puts it in his belt. Barnes attacks him and so does she. She pulls out her gun and tries to shoot him but he quickly blocks it and punches Barnes in the face. She runs up and tackles Steve over the edge making the circuit card fall out of his belt. They land on something and Barnes follows them down. She slides down with the circuit board but doesn't notice it. She gets up and tries to punch Steve but he keeps blocking it. Barnes punches Steve off of her and Steve slides down grabbing the circuit board again. She runs up and tries to flip Steve but grabs his hands and keeps him from punching her instead. She twists his hands down making him drop the circuit board. Steve punches her away from him making her fall off and land on the glass. She lays there and groans.

 She rubs her forehead in pain. Her head is bleeding and she has a bloody nose. Steve jumps down to grab the circuit board but Barnes throws his shield at his back making him fall. Steve quickly picks up his shield and blocks Barnes's gun shots before throwing the shield at him. Barnes blocks it with his metal arm hitting it into a different direction. Barnes grabs his dagger from the ground and tries to puncture Steve. Steve tries to block but Barnes is able to stab him in the shoulder. Steve tries to hit him off of him but Barnes throws him down. Steve groans and pulls the dagger out of his shoulder. Barnes quickly rushes and picks up the circuit board. He holds it tightly in his hand as Steve tries to make him drop it. Steve has his hand on Barnes neck and his other on his arm. "Drop it" he says. Barnes tries to get him off of him. "Drop it" Steve repeats. When Barnes doesn't Steve twists his arm making him release a painful scream. Barnes still doesnt drop it. Steve quickly goes into a different position wrapping his arms around Barnes neck. Barnes is gasping for air trying to make Steve let go. Barnes struggles some more before he stops moving, his hand letting go of the circuit board. She turns over to see Steve grab the circuit board and let go of Barnes's limb body on the floor. She quickly gets up to check on Barnes. She rushes to his body and checks his pulse. She stands up before placing her hand on the back of her head. She pulls it away and sees blood. 

Steve jumps up onto one platform and then up onto another before he gets shot. Her and Barnes both have their guns out. Barnes shot him but She is very ready to shoot again. Steve tries to shuffle to the system with the circuit board. She shoots him and he slumps a bit farther down, still walking. Barnes shoots him again and he finally falls to the ground. He drags himself to the system and slowly lifts his hand up to place the circuit board. Nancy shoots him and he winces in pain but places the circuit board in. He slumps to the ground and takes some deep breaths. 

After a couple minutes the Helicarrier there on starts flying down and towards a building. Her eyes go wide. "What the fuck is happening?" she signs to Barnes. "I have no idea" he signs back. The helicarrier flies into the building  destroying the side of both the helicarrier and the building. She falls down and hits her head on the floor knocking her unconscious. Barnes tries to go and help her but a large metal piece of the helicarrier falls onto him, laying on his legs making him incapable of moving.  He tries to lift the piece of metal but it's simply too heavy for him to lift in that position. He looks to the side and sees her on the floor, her eyes closed but her chest going up and down. Still alive. He goes back at trying to lift the metal piece off of him. 

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