Part 6

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Momon and Aether decided to stay one more night in Mondstadt to get things ready for their journey to Liyue. While walking in the streets of the city, Momon noticed a sense of fear at the knights. They greeted him, yet, that joy they had days ago was not present anymore with some of them.

This was happening because Momon had become the harbinger of a brutal massacre at the cathedral, leaving the aftermath of his clash with Fatui agents etched into the memories of those who witnessed it. The grotesque brutality displayed by Momon surpassed anything Mondstadt had ever experienced. The very air bore witness to the aftermath of a monstrous act that sent shockwaves through the city.

Momon and Aether were in this era Mondsadt's heroes. Aether is the one who is very calm and friendly, even showing mercy to the enemies. Momon on the other hand... gods have mercy upon his enemies because Momon won't give that.

The dark warrior paid little heed to the whispers of fear that surrounded him in Mondstadt's streets. The opinions of the knights mattered little to him; their judgment was inconsequential in the face of the power he wielded. A silent confidence emanated from him, a conviction that if a situation akin to the Stormterror threat were to arise, the very ones who now viewed him with trepidation would come crawling back, seeking the protection only he could provide.

His status as an undead Overlord gave him an unyielding confidence, and the peace that enveloped Mondstadt did nothing to dull his instincts as a warrior. Despite being surrounded by the tranquility of the city, Momon found an unexpected solace in the region. The winding streets and towering spires seemed incongruent with his dark essence, yet Mondstadt held a unique charm that resonated with him.

"Hm, seems like the knights did not like the scene at the cathedral. It must have traumatized them," Aether observed, his empathetic nature reflecting in his words.

Momon maintained his stoic demeanor, dismissing the concerns with a pragmatic outlook. "They are the military, they are supposed to know that a battle might end in a terrible way," Momon stated matter-of-factly, his cold logic unyielding.

Aether, caught between Momon's unwavering realism and his own compassionate perspective, nodded in reluctant agreement. "I guess you're right, Momon," he conceded, understanding the harsh reality that warriors often faced.

Momon's inquiry about Paimon brought attention to the absence of the floating companion who was usually a constant presence by Aether's side.

"Anyway, where's Paimon? Isn't she always by your side?" Momon inquired, curiosity edging into his deep, monotone voice.

Aether shared a small smile, revealing the mundane yet extraordinary nature of their adventures. "Yeah, she went to sleep. She had a terrible time today by turning into an ice ball," he explained, a hint of concern underlying his words.

Their conversation shifted, and Momon, ever practical, asked about their next destination. "So where are we going now?" he inquired.

Aether's attention was momentarily diverted as he spotted Amber in the distance, waving enthusiastically. "Uhh, Amber is waiting for me. Do you mind if I go?" he asked, his gaze momentarily flickering towards the energetic Outrider.

"Oh please, go ahead, no problem," Momon replied, his demeanor unchanged.

With a nod of gratitude, Aether made his way towards Amber, leaving Momon to his solitude. "Alright, see you tomorrow, Momon,"

As Momon observed Aether's warm embrace with Amber, a moment of realization washed over him. The affectionate hug and tender kiss exchanged between the two hinted at a deeper connection, and Momon couldn't help but understand the unspoken reason behind Paimon's early departure to slumber.

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