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Dazai turned to face Chuuya

That was in fact a great question, what was he doing?

Oh well, doesn't matter now. He's here and so is Chuuya.

"Well?" Comes a little voice from below. God why was Dazai acting like a fool?

"Your fun to piss off" he smiled, genuinely "I thought you would've remember the way I used to act when we were partners."

Dazai's stomach does a small flip as he watches Chuuya's expression change from angry to....even more angry? Furious? Either way he didn't care. He loved to watch it.

"Seriously Dazai! Cut it with your bullshit, we aren't kids anymore and we are dealing with an actual war over here that could possibly destroy our home city." Chuuya straightens out his posture "we are adults now. We need to start acting like them"

Dazai frowns at Chuuya, stuffing his hands in his pocket

"Chuuya I wouldn't say we were ever kids to begin with-"

"Not my point."

Dazai shut his mouth pretty swiftly. Why did he drag Chuuya here again?

"We were immature and reckless" Chuuya continues, "what I am saying is, while our missions used to be fun like child's play. We are now dealing with a much greater problem"

Chuuya took a step or two closer to Dazai, closing in the largeish gap that separated the two

Why didn't Dazai move?

Why is he stood there, frozen, staring into Chuuya

What the fuck...? Why was he being foolish

As if it was like routine, (which it was) Chuuya lifted his right hand with a clenched fist and pushed it against Dazai's chest. Breaking the long held eye contact

'What the fuck?'

Dazai's mind running wild. Unsettling

Chuuya mumbled something, too quiet for Dazai to hear. This wasn't like Chuuya at all

"What was that? Speak up hatra-"

"I said you need to sort your shit out with Kunikida. Your playing the man, and don't you dare act like last week was nothing because we both know that isn't true"

The last part came out as a whisper.

Dazai's whole body grew warm delightfully but almost sickly

'Come on say something! What the fuck do you even say to that?!'

"I thought we agreed to not talk about that..." Dazai mumbled softly, careful in making sure there was nobody else around before placing a hand on top of Chuuyas head which was hung low.

Chuuya relaxed into the touch, sighing at it. Again making Dazai's insides squirm
He didn't remember it being this bad when he was in the port mafia...

"I know we weren't going to but let's face it. It'll get in the way and-" Chuuya cut himself off and stiffened from under Dazai "and every time I look at your stupid, shit eating face I see what happened"

Jesus. If Dazai wasn't fucked before he is now


Fuckkkkkk. What the hell was Chuuya doing

One minute he was scolding Dazai or what not and the next he had his fists clenched around Dazai's vest now confessing to him that he can't stop thinking about a stupid fucking kiss!

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