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Hai again! I hope your all doing okay<3

"Kenji dear, are you sure you're alright to lock up tonight?" Yosano called out as she grabbed her bag next to her office desk.

"Yep! You get home and have a glass of adult juice or something, it's been a long day" she heard a voice come from the corridor outside.

Yosano smiled to herself. What a sweet boy.

She pulled her phone out and made her way to the exit, sending off a quick text to the agency group chat (that only a few of the members ever actually used) that she was headed home now and that kenji was locking up tonight rather than her.

The whole meeting with the port mafia was overwhelming for her to say the least. But at the end of the day she had bigger problems than Mori to be worrying about, she shouldn't be focusing on him and the mafia.

Yosano lived in an apartment block not too far from the agency, so she walks to and from work most days.

But today she called a taxi instead, she was way too tired to take even a 15 minute walk.

As she scrolled on her phone taking quick a look at her emails and social media she wondered about Kunikida and Dazai. She was the only one who knew about what had happened with Dazai and Chuuya and even just watching them in the port mafia building was painful. It was obvious that there was something there. While maybe she was one of the only ones who knew that for a fact, anyone else would've been able to see it.

Including kunikida.

She should call him, ask him how he's doing, but she was too worried she would let something slip and she could already see that he and Dazai were hitting a rough patch.

Dazai and Kunikida kept their relationship relatively private. There was occasional pet names to be heard in the Agency and slight flirting here and there but the only people who ever really heard about the insides of their relationship was Ranpo, Yosano tanizaki and occasionally Poe (when ranpo invited him over)

Sometimes Atsushi would ask Dazai questions about Kunikida and what he was like in a relationship and of course, Dazai would answer lovingly about his boyfriend.

So what the hell was missing? Why was Dazai often so distant? Why would Kunikida come to Yosano or Ranpo for help when Dazai would keep him out and why were their fights always left unresolved?

Yosano had seen it happen multiple times, but recently it went from a call once every 2 weeks to once every 2 days.

Yosano sighed. She understood the situation and confusion Dazai was going through but all he was doing was hurting the both of them and there was nothing she could do other than listen when either of them came to her.

It pained her to watch two of her best friends hurt one another silently knowing she could do nothing-.

*ring ring*

Yosano yelped in surprise, almost dropping her phone as she went to check who was calling her.

"...Kunikida?" She mumbled to herself "why is he calling me? Isn't he with-"

Oh. Oh shit.

Probably another fight? Fuck. Did Dazai come clean about what happened with Chuuya? God this will be her end if Kunikida knows that she knew the whole time-

She swiped to accept the call and put it to her ear almost too fast.

"Hey Kunikida! How's it going?"

Put on your calmest voice. Don't you dare let anything slip, not even a hint of guilt

"Yosano where are you?" Came a nervous voice from the other line.

"I'm outside the armed detective agency office...why do you need my help? What's going on?"

Yosano was concerned beyond believe, Kunikida sounded worried.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" Kunikida muttered on the other line.

Yosano tensed "Kunikida what's going on?"

"Dazai said he was coming over to yours. Don't even try to defend him because I know he was lying"

Kunikida was yelling now. Shit.
Yosano was stuck on what to do. Why the hell had Dazai told Kunikida he was going to her place?

"Did you guys have a fight? May- maybe he just needed some space?" She fumbled over her words, unsure of what to do.

Yosano could hear shuffling from the other side of the line, completely ignoring her question "I'm going to check his apartment but I'll call him first to give him a chance to explain, but if he can't...I think I know exactly where he is."

Yosano saw her taxi had pulled up to the curb, rolling the window down.

"Look kunikida, I've gotta go but please for the love of God don't do anything stupi-"

The line cut off.

Yosano sighed to herself, making her way to the taxi and telling the driver the address.

She had already guessed where dazai had gone. Dazai would've expected Yosano to cover for him if he had really gone to him.

If only he had told her about it first.

But he didn't.

now, Dazai was completely and utterly fucked.

And there was absolutely nothing she could do to help him now. Shit.

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