Chapter 1

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⚠️⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING: A bit physical and verbal abuse, Some words may be triggering or offensive to some people


Word count: 747

~5 years before the story takes place~

Han Jisung, a quiet kid who usually kept to himself and was always polite and respectful. Jisung was always alone at school, nobody wanted to be his friend as they all thought he was weird for how quiet he always was. The one person he found he could talk to was a highschooler named Yeonjun, but they didn't really see each other that often as Jisung was still in middle school at the time. So other than Yeonjun nobody talked to Jisung except two people who made it their goal in life to make Jisungs life a living hell.

Jisung was walking down the hall too his locker so he could put his stuff away before class started when suddenly he's shoved rather harshly too the ground. He looks behind him and it's none other than San and Mingi. (I'm so sorry san and mingi i love you😅) "Watch where you're going freak" San says. Mingi then kicks him in the stomach rather harshly causing him to groan and clutch his stomach. Mingi and San just walk away leaving Jisung in tears. He grabs his stuff and puts it in his locker going to his class acting like nothing happened.

He walks in the door of his house after school ends seeing his parents on the couch watching tv, He sets his stuff down taking his shoes off before slowly walking into the living room fully. "I'm home" He says. His dad glares at him before saying "We don't care just go to your room and stay out of the way you useless child" "Yes sir" He walks to his room and lays down tears falling from his eyes.

And this is pretty much how every day has went for Jisung for the past five years, His parents not caring about him and always telling him how useless he is to them and that they wish they had a daughter.


Jisung and his parents are driving home from a dinner where they talked about how they want to marry Jisung off to this girl whose parents are really rich. Jisung decides that he should probably tell his parents that he's gay sooner rather than later. "U-Um mom dad can I tell you something" his dad looks at him through the rear view mirror, "Hurry up." "Im uh" He struggles to say it "Come on we don't have all day idiot" his mom glares at him. "I don't wanna marry that girl b-because Im gay" The car immediately stops in the middle of the road, "Excuse me?!" His father says. "No son of mine is going to be a fag!" (Makes me sick just writing that) "b-but dad I-I" "Get the hell out of this car right now!" "M-mom d-dad please I-Im sorry" Jisung says tears streaming down his face. "Get out now!" His dad gets out of the car and opens his door pulling him out and onto the road and gets back in speeding off leaving Jisung to sob into his hands.

After a while of sitting there he realizes that if he wants to live he's got to get inside seeing as it's like 15 degrees outside and raining. He stands up wiping his face with his sleeve, "m-maybe I can call yeonjun" he checks his pockets for his phone and realizes it's not there which causes him to start crying again. He starts walking down the almost empty street and he walks upon a house, He stands in the sidewalk for a second before slowly making his way up to the front door. Jisung lifts his hand like he's about to knock and hesitates for a second before slowly knocking.

A few minutes later and he thinks about knocking again just as the door swings open. He looks up at the person and is about to say something. "Jisung?" the person says.

I hope you guys like it so far!!!!
I don't really have set times that I'll update the story i usually have a lot of free time since I do online school but I really hope you guys enjoy it.
Jisungs parents make me want to throw them away

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