Chapter 4

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"What's it like being taught under by All Might?!" Sumihiko yelped as a microphone was shoved in his face. The person behind it was a eager reporter, who kept inching into the burgundy-haired boy's space. He hesitantly took a couple steps back, putting some distance between them. 

"All Might? Well, I guess it's not bad..." Sumihiko scratched his cheek awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable with the whole interaction. "We've only had class with him once, so I don't have much to say." He added a nervous chuckle at the end. Hopefully, that will be good enough.

It was not. The reporter got right back into his face, "Can you explain in more detail? What was that one class like?" The cameraman wasn't far behind in following her lead, also shoving the camera into his face. 

Giving a shaky smile to the camera, Sumihiko stuttered out, "W-well, I really have to get to class...So if you'd excuse me-"

"Wait! You didn't answer my question!" 

Before she could attempt to stop him, Sumihiko felt another hand grab his collar and drag him through the UA gates. The reporter tried to follow him but a deep voice stopped her. "Stop harassing my students. Go bother someone else."

Sumihiko spun around to see that Aizawa was the one to pull him out of the mass of reporters. The tired man looked down, looking a lot more exhausted than usual. "Get to class, kid, I'll meet you there."

Giving a short nod, Sumihiko glanced over at the female reporter once more, who was glaring at Aizawa. Before she could notice his glance, he quickly scurried into UA. Apparently, the reporters have been bothering a lot of students as that was all that was talked about in the halls. Some looked uncomfortable, while others seemed rather enthusiastic about everything. They were probably more happy to be talking about All Might rather than to the reporters. 

Opening the door to his classroom, Sumihiko glanced over to Midoriya and Bakugo, who seem to be back to normal. Midoriya's arm also seems to be all healed up, as it was no longer held in a sling. Sumihiko walked over, flashing a smile at the green-haired boy as he did, sitting down at his seat. He looked out the window at the crowd of reporters that still seemed to be gathered around the front of the school. They're quite persistent about this, they don't seem to want to give up. He pushed his thoughts aside, the door opening to Aizawa. 

The underground hero made his way to the front, looking over some reports that might've been left by All Might. His expression betrayed nothing as he shuffled through the papers. However, while his expression didn't show his feelings, his scent did. There was a faint scent of disappointment mix with interest and pride. 

He placed the papers down, "Good work with yesterday's Battle Training. I've looked over your grades and evaluations." His dull eyes flicker over to Bakugo, "Bakugo, grow up already. Stop wasting your talent." 

"Got it..." Bakugo grumbled out.

"And Midoriya, it seems that you ended up breaking an arm again. Learn to control your quirk because just trying isn't going to cut it. I hate to repeat myself, you have potential if you can overcome this setback. Work on it." 

Midoriya squeaked a "Yes!"

Aizawa turned to looked around the rest of the class, his presence seeming to loom over them all. It gave an eerie feeling, perhaps one of dread, about what was to come next. Sumihiko took a deep breath of air, hoping to maybe predict what Aizawa was about to say, however, his scent was just as intense. The burgundy-haired boy gulped, this can't be good...

"Now, on to homeroom business...sorry for the sudden announcement, but today..." The feeling of dread seemed to intensify, everyone was tense, awaiting the worse. "You'll be picking a class president!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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