1. ms mina and jungkook 😢

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It's a beautiful morning birds are chipping, flowers are blooming and sun is shining happily

Tae is in his bed when sun rays fell on his face , he opened his beautiful almond brown eyes

He saw jungkook is still sleeping beside him, he decided not to disturb him and get up form bed

Tae: good morning jeon taehyung (said to himself)

He go to bathroom and did his morning routine as usual

After that he goes to kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone

Time skip

Tae: yun , rina wake up or both will get late for school

Rina: 5 mins more (still sleeping)

Tae: wake up or do you both wanna get scolded by your dad

Rina and yun: noo

They both get up form their bed

Tae: good now go and get fresh

Time skip again

Tae is serving breakfast for everyone jungkook is ready as well as kids

The breakfast

The breakfast

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Milk is for kids

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Milk is for kids

Rina: mom why didn't make sandwich insead of this (pout)

Tae: you are going to stay in school till 12.pm , you will get hungry again

Yun: mom , I don't want to drink milk

Tae: yun finish it up (husky voice)

Rina and yun: dad (puppy eyes)

Jk: tae just give whatever they want to eat

Tae:  jungkoo-

Jk: I am going to office

Jungkook left for office without saying bye , kids did start eating breakfast

Time skip

Kids also left for school, jungkook and kids never finish their breakfast

Tae did eating his breakfast as well I mean the left over food he don't like to waste food

Jungkook never take tae's side on anything

In office

Jungkook is in meeting room waiting for his business partner lee mina

Mina: hello jungkook

Jk: hey mina

Mina: our clients are coming after sometime

Jk: till then we can have a cup of coffee

Mina: yeah why not

Time skip

His secretary come with two cup of coffee

Secretary: here you go sir

Jk: thanks , you can go now

Mina: so , what's going in your life (sip her coffee)

Jk: nothing just my wife and kids

Mina: you never mentioned about your wife before (curious)

Jk: he is not something interesting that I will mention about him

Mina: well I think your relation is not much good with your wife

Jk: it's not like that , we had an arrange marriage so he is just stick with me

Mina: well I think he is not your type at all

Jk: yeah he is very old fashion and sometimes times it's too much

Mina: ohh

Jk: it's time to go right

Mina: yes but-

Author: hello store of torn clothes get out

I want something form you all , but you all will never give me that

Hope you all like this chapter if you don't like then stop reading

Bye bye

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