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Jimin: please seat in taehyung

He open the door like a gentleman

Tae: abb thank you

He site in jimin's car and jimin site in driving seat , he is driving towards jeon mansion

Tae is silent while they are in car, he did hide his tighs jimin noticed it but didn't said anything

Jimin: tae want to hear something

Tae: okay

Jimin: a lady with his old friend being uncomfortable at night

Tae: the old friend is you

Jimin: and the lady is you

Tae: yeah I know

Jimin: taehyungie you know it's not 1875

Tae: yeah so

Jimin: so why are being scared ?

Tae: I am not scared of you but-

Jimin: but worried if Mr jeon got to know about it

Tae: abb you can say that as well (looked down)

Jimin: I am with you

After sometime tae and jimin reached jeon mansion

Hope you all like this chapter Love you all Bye love

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