52. happy ending

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Jungkook is waiting for doctor to come out of operation theater

His heart beat start increasing with every minute, tears are continuously falling form his eyes

His heart beat start increasing with every minute, tears are continuously falling form his eyes

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After some minutes

Doctors came out of operation theater, with a serious face

JK: d.doctor i.is my wifey is okay (worried)

Doctor: your wife is fine Mr

JK: can I go and meet him once please

Jungkook is feeling realieve when doctor said he is fine now

Doctor: you can meet him but he is unconscious

JK: o.okay

Jungkook walk inside the O.T, he saw that tae is laying in bed

Tears follow form his eyes , he touch his face his soft skin is touched by his rough hands

JK: baby (weak smiled) , I love you

He take his hands on his plam, tears are still in his eyes but still he have smile on his face

Jk: I know what I have did to you after that you will never forgive me but just a last chance pls

After you wake up you will be never be with me but till then I wanted to be with you

He start crying beside tae , it's his wife after all it's hurts so much

JK: I never said you anything about my feelings but you don't deserve a husband like me at all

I know I am worse husband but still I want you to be with me , i will change myself

I will be the husband you wanted the person you can love and trust

He is crying while saying all this the thought of tae leaving him forever scares him

He can not even imagine his life without tae

Jk: I love you taetae , will you leave me , what will I do without you

Without you my life is pointless, I love you so much my taetae

Jungkook is crying so much

Tae: y.you love me

Jungkook heard tae's voice he slowly lift up his face with crying marks buries

He look towards tae who is laying in bed looking very weak yet angelic

Jk: t.taetae

Tae: after all this years it's the first time you said that you love me

JK: yess tae I love you love you so much more than anything in this world

Tae: why didn't you told me before

Jk: I was an idiot tae who never respect you who never realized that I love you

Tae passed a weak smile at jungkook while they both are looking at each other with love

Jungkook went closer to tae and kissed him on his lips tae kissed back with passion

Tae grab the sheet tightly while they are kissing it's like their first kiss

Because jungkook is not showing lust and possession over him

It's full of love and passion

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