Chapter 8

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The weekend had appeared sooner then I expected it to. It was finally time to take Rachel on a proper date. Somewhere that didn't smell like smoke and alcohol. I picked her up around nine pm at a little apartment complex just outside of town. She had on a black, low cut blouse with a band that cinched around the waist, leaving the rest of the fabric falling straight downward just enough to to cover her butt. The sleeves were a matching lace that ran the length of her arms and ended in a flare. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. She was truly breathtaking. I felt so under-dressed. All I had on was a pair of tights with a rainbow shirt that fell of the shoulder. I'm definitely under-dressed, I frowned. Trying not to stare at her glorious ass too long, I fumbled to open the door for her.

"My eyes are up here you know?" She caught me off guard. 

Apparently I did not succeed in keeping my attention from being obvious.

I attempted to smile, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to come off as pervy, but if I must say your ass does look nice in that dress."

Her grin turned devious, causing me to swiftly close the scratched up yellow door behind her. Hurrying to my side of the car, I completely lost my cool and tripped right in front of her. My gaze shot upward where I could see her in front of the dash laughing. How embarrassing! My face flushed. The fall ended up putting a hole into my tights too. Nothing big, but enough it annoyed me. By the time we were driving, she had stopped laughing. However, I remained sheepish after my accident so our drive across town was quiet. We arrived at our destination only to find out that little French restaurant had been closed for repairs. Figures. Outside of Rachel looking like an absolute dream, nothing was going right.

I sighed heavily. "I'm sorry. I should have called to make sure they were open."

"It's okay," she said, giving me a genuine smile. "We can go back to my shop. There's a noodle place right next door." 

She layed her hand against my leg, sending goose bumps down it and my arms.

"Okay," I blushed, but managed not to stumble on my words, "As long as you are sure."

She nodded with that sweet smile of hers and proceeded to give me directions. At first, we got turned around, but eventually made it to her brightly painted shop. I was kinda giggling inside that her shop was rainbow. She's definitely a lesbian. We pulled up and parked next a blue F150. And of course she has a truck. It makes her being gay even more obvious.

"Nice truck."

"Thanks, she's my baby," she replied proudly, "Ready for the best noodles of your life?"

"Absolutely," I trailed off, again staring at her ass as she grabbed my hand to lead the way.

The grin that was plastered across my face probably made me look stupid, but I didn't care. My attention journeyed back up to her face as we began to walk towards this amazing aroma filling the cool air. What was that delicious smell? Surely this isn't the noodle place. I had never smelled something so good! Well, I thought surreptitiously, minus her pheromones. Okay so maybe I was developing an unhealthy attachment, but who wouldn't be obsessed with this beauty? We came around the corner to find a white, beat-up food truck where there was a lengthy line of people waiting. I sniffed the air as if I was a dog smelling a steak for the first time.

"It smells heavenly," I commented.

"Just wait until you put it in your mouth." She winked.

Did she really just say that? We finally got up to the window and ordered a bowl to go. They handed us chopsticks and a set of water bottles. There were a couple of benches under a tarp where some customers were gathering. However, we decided to make our way back to her mechanic shop for a bit more room and privacy. She opened her truck bed and proceeded to climb in. As short as I was, I was having problems getting in until she pulled me up, making us fall on top of each other. I lay there, my stomach flat against her as the moon shone down on her face, lighting up her gorgeous eyes and that beautiful, entrancing smile. I could have stayed like that forever, but my fear of being too much or too awkward made me get up quickly and scoot over to the edge of the tail gate.

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