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"Shi, you should really listen to your brother more, not gonna lie.." He really hated Shi Qingxuans brother Shi wudu but hated when Shi Qingxuan put themself in danger

(Oh yeah, btw Shi Qingxuan is genderfulid in my AU or headcannon idk anymore, man)

"....hmph...fine Only because you said so Ming-Xiong" Shi Qingxuan just smiles, nuzzling himself more into Ming Yi, "Thanks, Shi...."
>!! Time Skip !!<
"Shi?" Ming Yi looked at the sleeping man next to him while thinking 'What the fuck am I gonna do when I have to leave him' Ming Yi just sighed before getting up carrying Shi Qingxuan back to the heavens. When they got there, Shi Wudu instantly took Shi Qingxuan from Ming Yi glaring.
><!!TIME SKIPPP!!!><
When Shi Qingxuan woke up, he heard talking something like 'you can't treat him like a child anymore Shi wudu it's not good'..

That was Ling wens voice! Shi Qingxuan could recognize her voice anywhere, so it couldn't be anyone else! Suddenly, there was a slam it had to be his brother being annoyed. Ling Wen walked in the room to check up on Shi Qingxuan
"Wind Master Shi Qingxuan, How are you doing?" Ling wen asked, looking beautiful as always.
(I'm a simp for her dont blame me)
"Im doing alright. How about you?" Shi Qingxuan smiled
"That's good, and I'm doing well." Ling wen replied..."Where is Ming-Xiong? I wanna see him!"
"He is on a mission. Don't worry, he'll be back in a few days!" Ling wen calmed him down
"Oh..awwhhhh, I wish he was here already!"
A few days later, Shi Qingxuan and Xie lian were walking around in the mortal realm(Maybe ghost realm they didn't know👀). While they were walking, it started pouring rain right on them "e-eh?! Your Highness was it supposed to rain or something?!" Shi Qingxuan exclaimed, trying to find shelter when they suddenly saw something red and bright in the distance."It's ghost city! Yippee! Wait a damn minute. Where'd the Curly haired autism(Quan Yizhen)go?"
(BTW if you're offend3d by Quan Yizhens, nickname and think I was rude to autistic ppl...yk smth crazyyy👀👀💅 I am autistic•>0<•)

"Oh yeah, where is he? He's fine! I'm sure he probably went back up to heaven" They immediately ran into ghost city, Xie lian to see Hua Cheng mostly and Shi Qingxuan just for shelter so his robes don't get cold "San Lang!" Xie Lian yelled when he saw Hua Cheng,"GeGe! Come come! I don't want you to get sick be careful gege!" Hua cheng immediately ran up to Xie Lian and Made sure he was under the maple red umbrella while Shi Qingxuan hid under a roof with Seems to be Black water...? It was a dark haired man with water color eyes who was taller than Shi Qingxuan and Xie Lian. "Black Water SS, I assume? How are you not cold?" Shi Qingxuan forgot that ghosts are naturally cold for a second then realized what he said "Oh! Sorry!! I forgot ghosts are naturally cold I'm so sorry!" Shi Qingxuan immediately apologized and weakly smiled at the person who was looking at him confused but also with a hint of blush "It's fine I guess but yes I am Black water SS" He xuan sighed before pulling Shi Qingxuan close I guess to keep warm convenient since he's always cold Shi Qingxuan Squeaked at the sudden movement "Eh?! Oh thanks..." Shi Qingxuan kinda moved closer and held himself on He xuans person 'Ge would kill me if he saw how close I am with a ghost king' Shi Qingxuan thought but still held onto the taller muscular man feeling nothing but safety and warmness...He suddenly felt himself being picked up by said tall man "E-eh? What are you doing?!" Shi Qingxuan asked in surprise "Getting you inside but you zoned out soooo... yeah" he xuan explained taking him inside with Hua Cheng and Xie Lian walking beside eachother smiling..


679 words yippeeee

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