The shadow raises... Chapter 1

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Hello, stranger. Who am i? You will know it soon. How did u get there? I do not know. Do you want to hear a long story from an old men like me? Why? you are stuck here for pretty long time. Should i start?-Y-yes.Ok....A long time ago..... There was A PLANET, bigger than THE SUN. Planet was just like earth but bigger.... However, things were different. Monsters, magical powers, and etc. Its the story about the little boy that became a great warrior...*Children running around the village, pretty good day*??- Cmon Matd! Lets go to lake! Today is pretty hot, we can swim just like last time!Matd- Gomen, Arti, i need to go home, mom is probably worried about me, its almost the lunch time!Arti- Ok! i will wait u here!Matd ran to his house.Mother- Oh, i wanted to go look for you, You almost missed ur lunch!Matd- Sorry motherMother- Anyway, lunch on the table, go and eat.*When boy ate everything he came back to his friend. what a happy village. Everything was good, guards was killing monsters, the big clan war didnt affect them... or they thinked so....*When it was night....Matd- Father! How was ur job?Father- Everything was good, we striked some monsters, but every one is fine. Go to sleep my boy, tomorow i will star ur training.Matd- HAI!!!!What a happy life... ***it used to be***Before the sun woke up... When the whole village was sleeping... One of the strongest clans decied to destroy the village... Why? The monsters they killed yesterday was one of the capitans pets.*Dad woke matd up*Matd- Dad? what---Father- NO TIME TO EXPLAIN! MELISSA! GRAB HIM AND GO!*mother grabbed Matd and went outside, everywhere was exploisons and soldiers fighting wsith guards**Suddenly mother got hit by magic spell, Right in the head. She died. Matd was in pure horror, he wasnt even able to cry. Next Matd saw how his father killed one soldier and got stabbed in the heart by sword*Matd- Why... how..*Matds house was near the gates, so capitan saw this boy and smirked*Capitan- Take this boy, we can sell him in the capital.Soldiers- Roger.*Village was destroyed so bad.. the boy was taken to the capital city of this clan...*Week later, kid was sitting in the cage, sleeping. Capitan was about to go to the special place, where slaves can be sold.... But, capitan saw one of the Female generals, Visteria. He saw her and decied to gift her the boy as in future he can rank up faster with her help.Capitan- My lady! wait!Visteria- Mh? And who may you beCapitan- My name is Fred, im one of the capitans near our borders! I've got a gift for you from some village!Visteria- .. Show me, i guess.*She saw a boy, Shes one of the strongest warriors, so of course she saw his potential.*Visteria- I shall take that. This boy... seems to be great warrior in future, Mayor.Capitan- WHY THANK YOU MISS!Visteria- Yeah-yeah, now you can get lost.*Mastd was asleep, so Visteria just picked him up and took him to her castle... She blitzed to castle at lighting speed*What a cutie..-visteria chuckles and once they arrived at the castle she let him sleep in her room until next day when he woke up.Matd woke up in tears, during this week soldiers were feeding him but mostly were making fun of him or using him as slave. Matd looked around...Matd looked around. It was huge room with windows and soft warm bed he was laying on. It was morning.Visteria came into room, she was in home clothes, white dress without the usual armor over the dress, black shoes and blue eyes, long hair and a very feminine build, buts he still had her sword in sheath. She looked at boy, he was shaking with tears as he saw sword, soldiers of this clan made him scared of any armored people. Visteria came to him with soft smile and sat on bed.Are you feeling fine, honey? -She said in very soft tone as she perfectly knows that if she wont calm the kid down it will lead probably to VERY loud crying.Matd nodded yes, still with tears. Visteria put him into hug and was patting his head until he fully calmed down.*There, there. No need to cry, you are safe now. Tell me your name, age and if you need something, boy.-Visteria said.M...Matd... I am f-five... And y-yes... i-i need to ... -matd said.Oh, you are really young... What is it? - Visteria askedBathroom... I havent go to toilet in days... They didnt let me...- Matd saidVisteria lead him the way and waited for him to get things done.After that she saidWell. call me Visteria, matd. Visteria Hopo. I got you here.. And since you are pretty young i can be nice to you if you will listen to me, little boy, or you will get a spanking as my normal punishment would kill you in instant. Visteria had devil smile, it scared Matd and he just nodded. Visteria began to speak again, while walking with her gently arm holding Matd and dragging him.So, i saw you have a great potential, and doesnt matter if you wish to be warrior or not. You are mine now, but i can raise you and you wont see difference between your childhood and others, i can replace parents to you, but only if you will be loyal to me.You shall call me master from now. You will go under my surname and will be trained.She finally dragged him to the room.Matd was listening.. He was being dragged the whole time but he didnt even noticed she picked him up while walking to walk faster.She then puts him down and pushed him into the room. He saw white male clothes to his size, and training katana.. as well as bed and windows, it was 9 AM and sun was shining.Visteria said-It will be your room, there is a lot of servant, feel free to use them to ask for me if you need something. Get changed, your old clothes will be burned off since they are.. well, wont say bad words. As well as i will show you places in castle. Since it your first day here you will spend time only on that.Matd said then- Uhh... i need to put clothes on the chair, yes? just in carpet there is so many others and it is open..Visteria only chuckles at him.Yes, on the chair.- She said and was looking at Matd.Matd- There is even panties... can you.. uhh... turn away at least? Feels wrong when someone watching me whos not my mother....Matd was a little more braver now as Visteria was giving a good vibe.Visteria then said- I wont. From now am your master and you will learn to not hide anything from me and trust me fully. And since its gonna take a while to show you castle i'll help you change as you seems to have trouble to at least grab clothes... Well, maybe because servants are genius and chairs that is one by one above is fused into one big chair right now. I swear i will never let old servants to do tasks like this, they are too blind due to age.Visteria then helped Matd to change, he was embarrassed when he was naked at first as she at first took his clothes to give that to servants nd told him to burn him away, he was embarrassed for some reason and was in flexed position but after one gentle smack to ass which still left image of arm and let him jump a little Visteria changed his clothes fully and said.C'mon, dont be like that, little one, and come here now.She picked him up and patted him to calm him down.Lets show you the castle.She was walking around, presenting him to all servants and showing him kitchen, living rooms, stoves, and places where servants that were working bad or wasnt loyal were getting punished, it was too scary for matd as even adult would cry and beg for mercy from these punishments, when it comes to them Visteria is pure evil as in their world everything judged by force and she need to put everyone into their place. Matd was almost crying, but fresh water with lemon and apple inside did their job.Visteria then showed training grounds and garden... It was more beautiful than nature... Though garden nearby forest who is also part of her territory and is well treated. It was 15:00. Visteria was walking to training grounds again, but this time to show him basics of katana as Matd has training katana in sheath now, perfect for his size, but doesnt know how to treat it or something else.She put him down and became talking.It is training katana which is buffed from ore and magic, it works like normal one, but works like nomrla one for poor people such as villagers, so it wont cause huge damage to anyone armored. Unsheath it and i will explain How to treat it and show you how to swing, tomorrow real training will be started.She shoed him and askedUnderstood?-Yes Vi- but after look from visteria he changed in instant- Master, yes master.- Matd said with a little fear in toneVisteria had soft smile and gentle patted himGood boy!She patted the place where hours ago she hit weakly and it still had mark.After that Visteria was minding her business while Matd... now Matd Hopo was walking around, day pass as Matd understood how castle works.. He is getting good food and treated very well by servants, it fells uneasy for him.Next day. 6 AM.Visteria went to his room and saidWake up and get changed, sleepy head, we are starting training. She had armour above dress.After that matd changed, he did it fast and wasnt bothered by her looking at him.Timeskip to training ground~~~Visteria was explaining things and showing him how to swing right. First time he will learn only base things with katana. After 6 hours of training, Matd really success for his age and first time. After that she was teaching matd math, writing and etc. Only at evening he was free.Days were passing like that, Even with her work she always had time to train him and was very caring, her method really working and after month Matd is fully trusting her.Matd was swinging katana to left, right, above, below at Visteria while she was blocking without attacking.Vesteria- Good, but do it faster!Matd wa doings well with katana, for his age of course. Visteria then became attacking slowly, but for human eye it still cant be seen so Matd blocked only one hit and was thrown to the ground.Visteria- Guess i also will work on reaction as well with strength and speed. Pick up your sword and lets continue.Visteria had many training grounds, each of them suits for every stat. There was forest-like place with dangerous attacks, traps and arrows. Water place where he needs to swim sometimes and jump a lot while blocking something to train stamina and reaction, and mountain-like place with boulders which needs to be cut in half or picked up.Of course first time he was failing a lot, but Visteria was always helping him to improve, she never really used violence for lesson, only one time she spanked Matd for repeating bad words he heard somewhere from servants during training.Time was passing, Its been a year and Matd is 6 now. He was free for birthday.Visteria came to room and saidBirthday, honey!Matd was awake in his clothes, she hugged him and gave him new katana, special one. It growns with owner and is always perfect for him, it can get bigger or smaller on owner's will.Whoa!- Matd was amazedVisteria picked him up with easy when matd sheatned new blade and became walking pretty fast for matdMatd- AAHH. Why are we so fast.Visteria- Im walking slowly to not scare you from speed. Her walking was already supersonic speed which was peak for Matd for now.You will meat my friends, most of them are Juners, and some are mayors.Matd didnt really understood so she said again-Sighs. Our clan has hierarchy.Slaves-Soldiers-Low comander-Comander-High comander-Leutinant-capitan-mayor-Izlens, which is one of the general's successors-Juner-Generals.-Main general which is the strongest general - Leader.Matd nodded and they walked to living room.Visteria said- Hello girls!There was 5 women, they were near visteria's age which is 25-30, physically. I dont remember their appearance exactly, so wont say for now. They all looked at boy, Visteria introduced him.-This is Matd, Matd Hopo. He is under my care.Well, whole day they were celebrating. Well, matd ate chicken and cake but Girls just drank too much. When it was night they finally went home, This night Visteria was too drunk and she was still holding Matd as the whole time he was with them, but he fell asleep during evening. She was too lazy to drag him to room so they slept together, Matd was hugging her and sleeping, just like a kid. Visteria during sleep was also hugging him, but in very gentle way and only to her arms be above him in protective way.They woke up at the same time. Visteria- Oh.. I drank too much, head hurts. !!! OH! Matd, you okay, honey? I didnt hurt you or something?She was looking at him and making sure he is fine.-Im fine, master.So, since they both were in clothes theyjust went to the ground, Visteria used medicine magic to heal her head.-Okay, lets see ur best now, attack me at full power.Matd blitzed at her at supersonic speed and was attacking at the same speed. He was swinging at left, right, was jumping into her using his small height to jump from below to stab. Visteria was blocking and attacking at the same speed back, Matd was blocking perfectly and dodging with running around.Visteria understood his tactic, but still wasnt able to do anything as she is holding herself back to let him use everything.Matd created pressure in air, something liek shockwave which became circle in the center of that was matd, circle was 10m long and wasnt tall. It was created somehow by matd when he was swinging his black katana.Visteria blocked it with her purple katana. Trees near her got sliced into 100 pieces and bolder got slaced into 50 pieces. Matd jumped away and created shockwaves from blade as well as longed his sword to created 2 circles with swing.Visteria easily blocked all. Then she created light beam, it was flying at light speed and it was coming from swing of her sword. It could kill matd but she launched it perfectly near his ear.Visteria then said-Good, no, really good. I see you are already creating your own style to fight based on speed, This is unique way to fight and pretty smart, usually people dont use air as ally but you are using that. Though even if i didnt dodge or block still wouldnt affect me.Matd was tired, but still standing and looking at stones made of something mysterious.. He was wondering why this material used for her castle and why he cant even scratch it as normal stone would be destroyed.Visteria noticed his look-Oh, i see. Let me explain this to you, but first..She picked him up and went to kitchen to eat, when they sat and became eating she was talking.These stones made of special magic, this magic contains in this stone INFINITE amount of universes, universe is a familiar thread of space-time operating within three spatial dimensions and one temporal axis.. Let me explain you something about our world.Our clan is the strongest and we are just preparing soldiers to start world war to took control over, I can create stones with infinite of universes inside of it, it can be used as weapon to fire and as block for building, as well as i can use special energy when i learned it.At my best i can create this stone cub with infinity MULTIVERSES, Multiverse, a realm governed by string theory, where the fabric of existence permeates twenty-six dimensions, encompassing an infinite number of separate universes.Strongest general can create at best cube with infinity hyperverses inside, but he may be able to do more as i never saw his true power. Hyperverses, colossal entities beyond the Multiverse, capable of containing them in immeasurable quantities. Unlike their predecessors, Hyperverses defy precise dimensionality, as their spatial and temporal dimensions defy fixed categorization. With a minimum dimensionality starting at 27, their expansive nature allows for an infinite range of potential dimensions - 30, 80, 100 and more - an unlimited set of possibilities.The Spatial Plan itself encompasses an immeasurable multitude of Hyperverses, marking the dimension of the "primary" Spatial Plans as infinite beyond enumeration. And our leader can create cube with infinity realities. reality or realm, a Reality that exists on an ineffable existential plane that eludes the grasp of these physical concepts. It stands apart, residing in a realm inaccessible to even the most complex and vast of existences, a realm inaccessible to quantitative or qualitative measurements, existing on an entirely different plane of existence.And at best he can create cubs with infinity hierarchies of realities. hierarchy of realities, a unique form of superiority originates in the domain of the something we dont really know. Resonating with the echoing structures of lower levels, each higher reality occupies a vantage point that perceives lower realities and recursive layers akin to abstract concepts intertwined in the physical dimension. From this elevated perspective, these nested realities appear as mere facets of a spatial structure, disregarding the inner nature that lies beyond such abstract constructs.And the only reason our planet is alive, the second surface...It is inaccessible to her, that even if one expands the hierarchy of <Reality> in every conceivable way, it still remains ephemeral, unable to comprehend it,also, it is lowering hard our Destructive range, DC, range of any attack. But we still have same speed, AP, striking strength, strength, power and etc. Second surface is quite strange thing.This can be hard to understand, but thats how our world works.Visteria finished eating with Matd and they went to another room where Visteria was teaching him math. She as well told him that she is 3rd strongest person and about what will happen to boy in future.Years passed, Matd wa also trying to learn power of cubes which he cant afford right now and training with Visteria. Matd is 10 years now. He is jumping, deflecting arrows, dodging traps, swimming and running. He is at his training. All of that to the end came to the arena where Visteria is standing and waiting. Matd jumped to arena, he ready his sword while visteria slowly stands and unsheathes her blade.Matd dashed at hypersonic speed and became attacking, changing directions every block and then tried to stab her, she blocked it but shockwave destroyed boulders near them.Year ago they moved to another place closed to the end of clan's territory, where Visteria was training Matd at mountain's territory.Matd then created circle again, it was dangerous and fast, Visteria still cant be damaged by that but is still blocking or dodging. Matd is using his blade to create shockwaves and circles, as well as now he can create tornado out of speed, it can destroy part of mountain but territory was under shield of Visteria. She still was dodging or blocking. She was also attacking back at hypersonic speed and using light beams to attack, Matd was dodging that by running around in chaotic way and dodge before she fire an attack. Visteria still doesnt using strong attacks.They became clashing swords, creating shockwaves from clashes. Matd was trying to at least hit her, it wont damage her but at least he will reach her.Visteria- Not bad, but still not enough. She said and sliced off boulder behind Matd.Matd then used black energy.. shadow energy. It was as armor and his sword was in dark energy, he created huge wave of darkness which VIsteria dodged and was surprised and and lighting speed speedblitzed matdIn gentle way to only make him fall.She said in pretty soft voice-OOHHHH!!! YOU FINALLY UNLOCKED UR ABILITY!!!She hugged him. It was his first time using his own magic type.Matd was shocked.Visteria said-We will improve your abilities, boy, do not worry! I will help you master that, 4 years before we start so we have enough time. After that Visteria picked him up with his sword and went to the mansion.They both began to eat fried chicken with rice.Visteria said- I will help you to train that and you will master ur abilities. We will start it tomorrow, and now lets continue after lunch to improve your skills.Matd nodded, while eating.Later that day Matd was running through training grounds, improving his stamina and speed. as well as he was attacking monster near mansion. He was killing skeletons, wolfs, huge orges and met huge scorpion.Matd was dodging Scorpion's attacks as well as running around, he was studying him as he was interested. He then dashes at something near lighting speed at scorpion and sliced it in half with many boulders, leaving many cuts which destroyed trees and boulders. Matd then used shadow energy again in his sword to created circle he is usually creating, but this time buffed with shadow power. It made circle 10 times bigger and 10 more dangerous which destroyed half of forest and many entities. After like 5 mins he was sitting on knees with pain in head at the verge of crying as Visteria was yelling at him for doing such mess.Matds was sobbingIm sorry. i didnt wanted to... I..- just....Visteria calmed down a bit and said-Ugh... I guess isnt really your fault since you cant control it now. Just.. Be more careful next time, kay?-She said and patted him, as well as kissed him in forehead, Matd calmed down after that.It is evening now. Lets go back to mansion and sleep.Visteria said and the both came to mansion and went to their rooms. Matd fell asleep and Visteria was planning training for Matd.Next day.Forest was already revived by second surface which can restore anything. 5:30 AM. Matd Came out of his room in his white clothes. He has white pants and costume, costume itself has armor inside which cant be seen. In sheath his katana he was gifted, Black shoes. He was just like little copy of Visteria but with male clothes and short hairs. His blue eyes were looking at Visteria who was standing here and looking at him with smile. She then said-Morning! Follow me, we will go to another training palce and i will help you to use your ability better.-Yes, master. Matd and Visteria was walking around mansion, Visteria was heading to training place while matd was following her. During walk she said:Listen, i know you are still trying to learn about cubes and how to reach such level, let me just say, dont try it in fights until you 1000% sure you can do it. Only our clan have such power and thats why we are the strongest. Once you learn your abilities a bit better we both will go inside cube and i will show you difference in power, i think you remember that second surface is lowering our destructive range and range, leaving only striking strength, AP, speed and etc. - Matd just nodded and they arrived.It was forest-like area, made out of cubes of Visteria which contain infinity amoun of universes each. They were creating a shield around area, and inside was 2 huge areas. One was for normal training, had trees, boulders, metals, and etc, and second area was really strange... Matd decided to ask about it later.Visteria came to center of first area and said:Okay, try to use your ability now.Matd nodded. He got shadow aura round him and his sword was glowing black inside sheath.Oh! I see, your magic can fuse with your blade. Unsheathe it and try to fuse it, once you do this it wont only be stronger, but you can summon it at any time even when it broken into pieces as fully heathy blade-Visteria said and looked at Matd. Matd slowly unsheathed blade.He then focused and his blade was covered in shadow. -Good! You fused it, now it will be like this forever. - Visteria said and took his blade, after that she said: -Try to summon it in your handMatd only nodded and focused. He success and blade was in his hand.-Perfect! Later we will focus to make you do it in instant as normal thing. Right now i want to see that you can do, buff yourself with this and try to hit me. Matd nodded and shadow armor appeared on him as well as his sword became glowing stronger. Matd blitzed at lighting speed while creating afterimages. 10 afterimages and all of them used circle. Circle would destroy half of the forest alone and had enough power to cut metal and rocks with boulders. And now there was ten huge circles, this move will be called "rampage" while matd blitzed with "shadow strike" - instant teleport 5 meters in front and thousand of cuts behind. Visteria just jumped our of way and blocked circles. Mat with shadow energy threw circles again, but this time they were moving in chaotic way like shurikens. Visteria teleported behind, leaving some light on the spot she appeared. This move will be called "rampage shurikens" Matd then was throwing swings at every directions which visteria was easily blocking. Looks like for her speed of light is nothing really dangerous. She was attacking back at the same speed. They were clashing swords while matd was trying to create something new with that power. And when he missed a hit he managed to teleport 3 meters behind her, he understood how he can teleport, but during normal teleports there was shadow effect. He was spamming teleports to try to distract her and then created shadow tornado standing in the center of tornado which last 10 seconds. Millions of cuts inside tornado. He did it in close range but visteria blocked everything. Matd then created hundreds of slashes from that to attack her, she just dodged and attacked at lighting speed, matd was blocking perfectly.Visteria was holding back her raw strength of course, she was just attacking with normal sword abilities and then speedblitzed him at speed faster than light speed, of course she held back and Matd only got armor destroyed and fell on the ground.Ugh....-Matd groaned with few injuries, it was fine for him to get damage from Visteria during training.Not bad, we will improve your abilities and skills. I see thats almost everything you have, but i perfectly know you can have better ones As well as dont worry if you notice something weird with shadow magic of yours. You have part of my magic inside so i can always teleport you to me or myself to you..-Said visteria and helped him to get up.After that another week passed. Matd learned Shadow beam. He can create beams out of slashed he create or from blade, as well as he learned shadow path. For 2 second 5x5 meters area will covered in shadow and then dark spikes will raise. He also learned that shadow magic can heal any injury he gets but only during shadow mode. As well as he can copy attack as shadow version of it, but it need to be weaker, equal or stronger than his 2 times maximum, otherwise shadow attack will be weaker than original one. Now matd is staying in front of visteria who called him.-Is there something you need, master? -Matd askedVisteria said- Yes, come here, please.Matd came close to her and she touched him, filling him with some energy. Matd became fully in shadow armors and even his eyes were black.-This is your "rage" mode, it can be activated with strong emotions or when you gain more than 120% of energy inside your body. Energy is either way stamina or soul power, strong soul give strong will and can let you fight even when you are out of stamina. And your soul is indeed strong. But it will last only ten minutes. I showed you this only for you to know that there is another mode if you are in huge danger and i dont know about, maybe it will save you one day.Matd was amazed by this, but after ten minutes he was at his normal state. Matd learned a bit better how to control his power so he went to kill monsters again.Matd was hunting them down. And in mountain he met Triple headed bear. He was sure corrupted by magic. Bear was slow but his claws was creating blood which was melting rocks in instant, Matd was running around and cutting at lighting speed away bear's heads and body parts, but since it was restoring from regen he used shadow powers and at more than lighting speed cut bear into 10.000 pieces. And shadows was destroying cells faster than they could regenerate.... and mountain was cut in half. But it was perfectly standing so Visteria didnt notice. And she would notice normal damage as from mansion it easy to see. Matd also learned how to absorb with that as he absorbed bear's blood to make his attack have melting effect. It wouldnt hurt visteria for example but normal soldiers and mayors for sure. He headed back to mansion. He then decided to walk into area where shield was made of cubes. When he touched it he felt this power... He tried to push him more to let his energy inside to see it himself. He got sucked in. He was staying in cube... amazed. Inside cube there really was infinity amount of universes, he was looking at that beautiful view.. He was using shadow's energy to levitate to not fall into universe. He was so amazed but then he felt something pushing him out of cube.AH! - Matd yelled when Visteria smacked his head.Matd... HAVE YOU LOST YOUR BRAIN? YOURSELF YOU WOULDNT BE ABLE TO LEAVE THAT AND WOULD BE STUCK HERE!-Visteria yelled while Matd was on knees, bowing, asking for mercy.-I AM SORRY, MASTER, I DIDNT MEANT!!!!!- Matd was sitting in bowing position.After while Visteria calmed down and said:Tomorrow you will se the second area of this place and will understand why it needs to be here. I will show you the nature of cubs and the funniest thing about them. Just dont do it again.Visteria said and went away. Next day, 6 AM. Mountain was regenerated fully by second surface. Matd was staying in front of Visteria in special area, it was empty place which visteria then filled with barrier.-This barrier is pure universes's energy. You also will be able to do stuff like that, but first step is always being able to create such things as cubes.-Whoaaaa- Matd was amazed and had sparkle in eyesVisteria just smiled and created another cube, stronger than all cubes here.-This cube filled with infinity multiverses, you sure remember one multiverse's things, right? You have good memory and even when i said it years ago you must remember this 26D stuff. Hold my hand and i will you show you..Matd nodded and grabbed her hand. THey then teleported inside cube. Matd was amazed when Visteria picked him up and became flying around.Watch. -Visteria said and raised hand, light energy fired and destroyed one multiverse. -As you remember the second surface lowering our range and destructive range, but leaving the same AP and strength. But here we have our full range. Cube outside is as hard as all of these multiverses together.Visteria was flying around to show Matd how beautiful it is, Matd was truly amazed by this view.Then visteria teleported both of them outside of cube and placed him back. She made Matd look at cube and Thing swinged her arm at infinity speed, cube was fully destroyed by her purple sword. Matd didnt even saw that and was just amazed.Look, i can start teaching you that. After you will be able create cube at least with universes you will be able to create barriers, beams which posses power of cube. It will be really useful to you. It will be hard for you to learn and at first i will end with your ability training to make you use it fully free and control it. You also will gain more power in every stat once you can create cube. Thats why none of your attacks can at least tickle me even if i wont block. Now lets start training. Matd nodAfter 7 hours of training, Visteria was walking to somewhere while Matd was following her. They were heading to outside of mansion. Matd asker her-Where are we going, master?You will see, Matd. Be patient. -Visteria said and they both continued to walk. After sometime they were in hidden part of forest where Matd never was before. Visteria stopped walking.-Today ive got some challenge for you. I caught VERY interesting entity. It will be your challenge to beat, but you wont find her until you reach platform which is 90 Kilometers away, as well as there is a lot of traps, weaker monsters and many dangerous flowers with parkour element. Are you ready? In this challenge your goal will be not to just complete this, but... Visteria placed on his head cup of teaTo hold this on your head whole time. You must do t otherwise you will fail. so, you must do it from first time if you dont wanna punished.She patted his head and became to walk back.-Once im out of your view challenge will start.-I wont fail, master.When visteria disappeared, Bird as big as mansion came out and became flying at him at hypersonic speed, it was slow for Matd, but his goal is to keep perfect balance as cup of tea must be full at the end.Matd was dodging fire from bird and it's grabs. He was avoiding traps and poisons, killing monsters. He then decided to blitz to the finish.-I think it worth a try.He blitzed at light speed to the finish, the platform where he must kill the bird now. Tea was still full when bird jumped to platform.Battle begins.Bird was using it's claws to make pressure in them and by mixing that with fire it was just like a bomb. Matd was carefully dodging attacks and fire bird was causing from mouth. Matd then blitzed through her attacks and teleported behind bird, leaving thousands of cuts cutting off it's legs. Bird then flew up high and was throwing it's feathers which was sharp enough to cut boulder. And there was millions of them. Matd was carefully deflecting.Matd wasnt able to use shadow powers as he cant control it at such way to make sure tea is safe.He then saw another feathers flying at him. He was deflecting that, but he went to right side and drop of tea was falling. He moved quickly and collected it back on tea, but he was too focused on that and got hit into left hand 4 times. Feathers hit him and burned off part of arm. Matd due to his age felt huge pain as remaining feathers was rushing bones, but he also was trained to ignore pain. He created circle out of his swing which was destroying feathers from every direction. There many blood falling on the ground, bones could be seen, burned skin and nerves. Matd used healed magic he learned during training. It restored his arm almost completely, but it was VERY painful process.-Ugh..Fucker.- Matd groaned and then circle went gone and matd teleported due to his speed to a tree.Alright you, fucking bird. I WILL KILL YOUMatd yelled that, he was rarely using such words due to his master but he was really mad at bird. He then blitzed at bird at speed of light, creating many slashes from air with his swings, bird was high so swings didnt reached it but matd cut into nothingness all feathers that were thrown and when he was near bird he cut bird into billion of pieces at lighting speed. Bird exploided in a fire. But before matd was about to get hit he created circle which was able to cut fire away with shockwave, so he wasnt damaged as forest which was destroyed. He then teleported back. Tea was perfectly fine. Visteria appeared near him.Wow, i thought you will do it longer or at least will waste at least a single part of tea. But as i can see you are perfectly fine. Say, have you been facing strong monsters in this forest before?- Visteria asked, hiding something.Matd nodded. But obly then he remembered... Visteria told him TO NOT face strong monsters... and by looking at her she doesnt seems happy, is she suspected something or heard Matd's curses......I see.-Visteria said with a smile and then grabbed his ear.So..... -Her voice became serious and scary, just like mother found out about bad behavior.-Not only you did curse which you are too young, you also ignored my orders, CHILD. Tell me, how would i punish you now? -Her eyes was piercing matd.-IM SOWWY!!!!!!!!!! I WONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!!!!Matd shouted, he wasnt looking at her eyes and just looking down.No, young man. You are getting a good lesson today. As well as i will go harder on you during training until you master holding your ability back and then we will start real part.She then blitzed to her room at infinity speed while grabbing Matd's arm, he was dizzy from such speed but she didnt care. After 20 minutes Matd was crying while now sitting on her knees and she had her arms around him gently.You understand it is only for your own good?Sobbing.. Yes...Visteria calmed him down as she then picked him up and helped him to dress up while letting him sleep at her room for now. Visteria was in garden. When she was talking to herself.Week to train his control and then i will start to prepare him for death fights. As well as i get him to understand that his power for his age is strong and most of soldiers cant even compate with him in our clan. Kids at his age usually just helping by carrying weapons and helping to hunt monsters while being used in real fights only when situation is bad. But he has already more than enough power. He is sure will surpass me in short time... I think i will get many soldiers that were captured from other clans. I will train him to kill and hide his emotions for good sake. Only 4 years until he will face cruel war.Visteria only let out a sigh. She then went inside mansion.When Matd woek up it was 6 AM. Visteria was changing and didnt notice he woke up. After she finished she saw him rubbing his eyes.Morning, sunshine.- Visteria said with soft smile.Hello, master.- Matd answered in low tone.After that they went on training. The point was to train his control. Matd was activating his power and using attacks, each time weaker while balancing on small desk. It was made to let him hold a perfect control and even if he falls he must still keep the same power without letting out more. After six days of such trainings which started already before, Matd was just having spar with his master. He was in his shadow armor made out of his power and faster than light was attacking teacher and blocking, deflecting or dodging while blitzing. They were clashing swords, matd was using his now average moves as circles and tornados, he also almost hit teacher with spikes but she avoided as she know he wont even scratch her so she is just letting his goal just touch her from attack. Matd was also sometimes using shadow beam and created shadow version of her light beam which she used to see what he will do. Attacks collapsed and created flashlight. Matd was blinded and Visteria was unfazed. She then just kicked him gently to the ground.-Heh. Your own attack made you lose.- Visteria chuckled and then men in armor teleported in front of her, on knee.-Lady Hopo, Master is inviting you to the meeting as well as all generals. Taking someone with yourself is allowed. He then stand up and gave her a piece of paper. He disappeared and Visteria looked at paper and then at matd.Hour before meeting... Matd, you will go with me.Matd didnt really understood the situation but he just nodded. She then grabbed him adn teleported them both to a castle. Meeting room was made out of cubes stronger than Visteria ever created last time... Matd was amazed. Visteria then Whispered to him-Be quiet during a meeting and be calm. Try to not listen the meeting and just sit on floor calmly. Try to learn.. hm... control of your sword on long distance, it can be useful! She whispered on how to learn that, she wanted him to be here just for leader, aka master to know her successor. Matd started.Matd was in full focus, his blade was flying around him.Meeting started. Room had chairs for 9 people including master and the main general and huge table.All of them appeared. Leader was in purple clothes, his face cant be seen. He then said in his calm but mighty voice:Hello there, my fellow generals. I called you here, to explain on how we company we are planning will go. All generals were bowing before leader said to sit on chairs. They sat on chairs.The generals are-Lous Vilenti- Main generalVisteria Hopo- top 2 generalGrak Ingo - top 3Shier Plous- Top 4Griek Loutern- Top 5Lesina Dues - Top 6Kargino Cutella- Top 7Margilla Spout - top 8Jount Brok - Top 9.All their chairs had the numbers based on their status. Other generals didnt bring their students as only Visteria seems to trust her person enough.Before Leader started explaining his eye caught attention on Matd who was sitting in silent with his blade flying around him. General then said:I see, so you, Visteria found a student for yourself? Or, perhaps, a successor?Visteria answered- Successor for sure.Other generals looked at boy who was too focused to understand what happening around him right now. Leader was interested as he saw that boy will be useful and loyal in future.Leader said- I want him to introduce himself. He seems interesting.Visteria called for Matd, he quickly sheathed his blade and looked at her, it was surprising how fast he reacted at her.-Yes, master? -Before boy understood visteria teleported him in front of leader.Matd looked at leader and when he saw his chair he understood the situation.He in instant fell on knee and saidHello sir! Its honor to meet you! He sound fully calm and fine. Even visteria was surprised, she taught him how to behave but he recognized leader so fast.Stand up boy and say your name and age. Leader said.Matd stand up and said. Matd, Matd Hopo, I am 10 years old.Some generals were shocked and one asked Visteria-Hopo? Is he your child?Visteria answered-No, he just going by mine surname.Leader said then while generals were whispering.- I see, Visteria might treat you very well as you go by her surname, i can sense you arent related. Go back to your master boy, i sure we will meet again.Matd nodded and teleported to his master, visteria told him to continue his training.Matd nodded and his sword became flying around him while he was all focused again.After that Leader was explaining how they will start company.Legions of generals (from 3 to 9) Will attack nearest clans as main force, while Visteria herself with her army will be striking power to useful territories or something important to capture.. Main general will rule everything on surface while leader will watch and control water company to assist where it possible or do attack as their ships is the best between bests. Matd didnt hear anything as he was sitting, training his control over sword. Leader then said-The problem that clans are shy and we dont really know much about them. I told you first projection of plan so you will be a little more ready. Clans might also plan something versus as, so use 4 years to prepare as much as you need. As well as be ready to start it sooner. From now thats all. We can leave. Leader disappeared into portal, causing everything to shake. Main general just teleported away, but he also caused room to shudder. Others teleported away and Visteria did the same. It was already night. She then said to matd-Alright, you will continue later. Right now, be prepared, tomorrow i will start hard way of training. So, during training i will be cruel and heartless, but if you will feel bad from that... you can always cry to me after training, kay?Matd nodded as Visteria patted him and began to walk somewhere to do her business. Matd spend rest of time on training control as it will be useful to control blade at distance, he went to bed, thinking. He was feeling nervous about tomorrow. He slowly fell asleep....Matd woke up next morning, 5 AM. He dressed up in his normal clothes and was heading towards training ground while grabbing candy apple from kitchen as breakfast. When he came Visteria was already standing here, glazing him. She then said-Today we will start hard training. I will cause many damage to you and you will fight back until you are knocked out. As well as later you will be blinded to improve your ears and then even ears will be covered to make sure you will sense aura and emotions. As well as you will be taught how to be real samurai/warrior of our clan. First... We will start with normal sparring. She still was going to hold back but make sure he will be getting any and many damage.Matd blocked her strike. They became clashing swords and running around while attacking at speed of light, then even faster. Matd was using everything, circles, tornados, while Visteria was using only sword. But her swings held more power than before.Matd wasnt able to keep up when she speeds up a bit. Matd then used his shadow power. He had black aura around him, sword was even more covered in shadows and his normal armor. He became attacking 10 times stronger and faster than before. Visteria was easily keeping up. Once Matd used spikes she jumped to avoid that, Matd silently created shadow version of his sword, he then threw his swords at her, he was controlling them with fingers, but after he train control more will be able to just by mind. They were attacking from both sides, she was easily blocking, she saw melting effect on boulders but wasnt surprised. She then powered up her swings a bit, but didnt speed up so Matd still can react. They were clashing swords when visteria destroyed both swords in air, so Matd had to respawn his sword in his hand. They were clashing, Matd was barely keeping up When he started to get cuts. After 1 missed swing Visteria cut off his armor with clothes and part of his skin, meat was seen, Matd only shudder a bit when he got another 2Shadow magic regenerated that of course, but he felt some pain.- DONT LET PAIN LOWER YOUR POWER- Visteria yelled and became attacking stronger and stronger, Matd was barely able to do anything while she was yellingDONT DISSAPOINT ME AND FIGHT. -She said when she kicked him hard, he flew into tree and tried to stand up, Visteria was already behind and he barely dodged cut. It had low size but he heard cube getting destroyed... THIS swing would cut off his arm...After 5 minutes of fight where Visteria was yelling at him and just beating him, she wasnt even using sword at sharp side and was weakly (for her of course) hitting him with flat one, Matd was barely standing, His shadow mode and power flew off as he was too drained, Visteria was too intense. He had many cuts, on leg there was bone to be seen, mouth sliced somewhere, part of arm cutted off..Matd was doing his best to ignore pain. Visteria then became slamming him with holding his head-FIGHT UNTILL YOU KNOCKED OUT!..Matd was barely conscious when he remembered about rage mode... He felt huge emotions such as determination and bravery. He was fully covered in shadows, armor was ore like a second skin now. Visteria jumped away from spikes getting out of ground, they were 10 Meters in height.. Matd blitzed at her, his speed still wasnt able to reach at least infinity to do anything but was a lot faster than he was before. His swing alone is strong enough to destroy mountain, and this is not even strongest swing. In normal Matd need at least 2 swings to not just slice it perfectly but to destroy. Visteria understood that by checking his aura.Matd teleported above her and when she about to strike teleported behind her, millions of cuts appeared. Visteria was surprised by that smart move, she didnt block or dodge, just tanked it completely unfazed.Matd used circle Which Visteria blocked, Circle was REALLY strong. But then Matd was knocked out, his body was too weak, at least shadow regenerated his injury.Visteria checked up him and then she quickly changed him into normal clothes as old were... Almost fully destroyed even the armor inside of them, which was made from strongest material not counting cubes. After that she gave old clothes to burn them away to servants and decided to let him sleep for 2 hours, she restored his stamina by passing energy from her to him, as his stamina compared to her was really low even when Matd's stamina at peak. She was holding him in arms and cuddled him, she was sitting under tree, drinking hot tea and gently patting Matd. - He improves a lot... After 2 hours i will start teaching him to kill humans without emotions.After 2 hours she gently shakes his body, patting him.-Wake up, you did good. Now we shall move to next part.Matd was still a bit sleepy-Mhm... Yes master.Visteria looked at Matd's face in motherly way, she put him on his feet and became walking, showing him sign to follow her.Matd was following her until they reached huge arena.-There will be enemy soldiers, you need to be always ready to kill, kill all of them. Im sure you will do first part easily.-First part? - Matd asked but visteria pushed him in and said-For the crimes against ORAMU clan, he will be your death. But if you win, you are free.She whispered to him- Have fun, sweetie.Ten swordsmen already blitzed at him.. But they there.. slow? Matd killed them at first swing. There was also around thousand of soldiers. Matd was taught already to kill enemies, but the fun part that remain 100 is innocent villagers and will beg for mercy.Matd in second killed all of them, only Villagers remain.Man around 25's jumped to Matd's legs-SPARE US LORD, PLEASE! WE ARE INNOCENT AND WONT EVER CAUSE HARM, PLEASE and many yelling people asking for mercy...Matd was shocked... he didnt knew what to do.Visteria in his mind (yes) said- KILL THEM. YOU MUST BE COLD AGAINST ENEMIES, THEY ARE STILL ENEMIES. Matd was stunned.. He was standing still...But then Matd saw projection of Visteria in his mind and in next nanosecond all of villagers were sliced into million pieces, he did it fast to not cause any pain, he looked at them in sad and felt bad for them... Visteria appeared behind him and hugged him.-You have to learn that, otherwise you will be fooled and killed. -Visteria said but Matd was still sad and had tears in eyes, He cried to her chest while she was petting him.. After Visteria calmed him down there was next part. Matd and Visteria was sitting in empty room, with 2 small tables with tea. They both were meditating.. -You need to feel auras around here, think of small hearts as each soul of person and any creature, first you need to feel their souls, then think of their auras and be able to feel where they are.Clocks were moving, after 3 hours passed he felt the SOULS. -Good, now try to see their auras- Said visteria still in meditating pose.After another 2 hours while clocks were the only sound he felt Auras of servants around mansion.. He remembered castle near capital they were living before as his mind was fully clear and cold, it became to remember past events, without remembering THAT night. He then asked his master.-Master, i can feel auras but i also need to ask you something, it isnt important but i wish to know.He said in childish curious.What is it? - Visteria asked.- i remember the hierarchy.. But what about.. normal people, where are they placed?Visteria laughed and said-Every person in our clans is slave or warrior, there are non active warriors who pretty much either way jsut weak or wish to live a normal life but still will be used if situation need and active warriors which is regular army of our clan. And since you unlocked ability to feel auras, later we will focus on that so you will do that as common thing such as breathing. Now you have free time, you can stay and drink tea while eating with me or go mind your business, my child.Matd decided to stay with her.Matd was eating Fried Chicken with potato while drinking tea with master, When they done eating servants took away their empty dishes. Visteria and and Matd were talking about stuff while they were drinking tea until Matd became sleepy.Visteria placed his head on her lap and was drinking tea like that until she was sleepy herself, it was night. She Teleported Matd to his room and went to her room.Next day after same sparring, Matd had his eyes covered up and was dodging stuff with ears, he also was blocking or slicing.Matd was also training his sense abilities to sense auras better and faster.As well as last in his training during that day were killing... again. Visteria was forcing him to kill innocents, Matd wasnt comfy with that... It will take quite time for him to stop feel bad for them.Days were kinda like this, he also sometimes was moving to a forest to kill monsters.4 years passed, last day before war and student was staying in front of his Master.-Be ready. Our last sparring in quite time as i wont have enough time to always train you since tomorrow. -Yes, master. 60 seconds before fight... Visteria and Matd were remembering moments...How Matd was first fightign with only ears, then with only sensing. How visteria saw when he finally showed no emotions to a kill...*Memories of MATD*11 years old Matd was standing with his eyes covered in friont of Visteria with his katana in battle stance. He was ready.Visteria then blitzed at him, Matd blocked first hit.Visteria was attacking, Matd was allowed to do anything but he was using only his ears to understand what is happening. Matd was fighting bad, but he became better after he got his arm cut off, Visteria wasnt giving him time to rest, and Matd was doing everything to put up a fight. Of course he was half dead in the end, laying without leg and arm, unconscious so Visteria had to heal him fully with healing magic. Matd also remembered first time using only aura's sense...He had eyes and ears covered... He feeling Visteria's aura, she trained him well and he can feel even hidden aura.He was feeling when visteria moves as aura is also moving, even when it is simple move of finger there is unnoticeable moving for eye, but nor for sensor.He was 12 years old at this event and was doing everything, Circles, tornados, rampages, spikes and blasts, he was attacking her with everything. He was perfectly blocking, attacking and fighting. Visteria was really happy with him and he saw that in the whole fight as he saw changes in aura to very good mood. He also could predict even attack at her full speed but still wont dodge due to how slow he is compared to her. Of course at the end he was laying, knocked off, without both arms while remaining energy of shadow mode was restoring them. He was fully fine at this point. Matd also was using only his aura sensing or just sense while fighting monsters or enemy soldiers that were captured. He remembered how he was fighting versus huge Plant only with aura, it had magic so he was feeling it's moves from magic's aura. He was dodging leans. cutting off huge part, He sliced plant into million pieces by one move and then used shadow mode and his cuts that appeared after his second attack became melting plant's roots. Plant exploded with green substance, but Matd at superlighting speed created many afterimages and circles which perfectly deflected that, he landed then safely and threw off his Blindfold, looking proud of himself......As well as Visteria remembered when he finally was able to kill without emotions.. At least she though so.Matd killed innocent during part of training, but he did it with rock face and eyes without emotions. Visteria was REALLY happy.But inside Matd prayed for these poor souls, he was only hiding his emotions and just moved them to 2nd plan. N O W.Visteria and Matd standing looking at each other, they both are ready to fight, fights will start once someone moves first.They were in empty mountains area. Special place Visteria owned only for this training, last training.Matd move at super lighting speed, he was faster than he ever was before. Matd Blitzed, creating pressure in the sharp end of sword, it was just liek circle but was aimed exactly for one small but lethal damage. Visteria could take that unfazed but she decided to dodge left.Matd with this hit in end destroyed mountain, he destroyed small part and it gave cracks to many lower parts, then they broke and whole mountain fell, They were fighting at falling boulders now, jumping around.Matd Sliced every boulder into million pieces when he blitzed behind Visteria, thinking that he at least hit her, but vistera then strike back, Matd managed to block but was pushed back. Matd created many after images, all of them created circles, Together they destroyed every mountain nearby, they were fighting at empty place without mountains with some of forest parts now. There was only dark and light points, they were fighting even in air and everywhere was just effect of clashing swords. Matd created spikes around him in circle form to made Visteria jump, then he fired shadow beam which Visteria just sliced in half.She then blitzed at him and kicked him, breaking his bone in chest. Matd created tornado with his wings made out of slashes destroying surface and 2nd surface was seen. Matd teleported above, then right, then left, and only then below her and tried to stab her, she dodged that easily and countered by cutting off his arm. Matd used shadow power to heal arm. Now they were clashing again, but Matd was even stronger than he was before. He was attacking from every direction, Visteria was easily blocking everything. Matd created 5 shadow version of sword and shadow version of Visteria's light wall she crated for powerful attack. But visteria had more than even 5 times energy in this attack so Matd had to dodge. With mind he was controling swords.Each sword was attacking in different way. Visteria easily destroyed them when matd made them explode before they completely were erased.Visteria didnt saw that, but was unfazed and small part of her dress was burned off. It made her a little mad as it was her new dress. Light apepared nad blined Matd, but he was feeling her aura and still was blocking. Visteria stil lwas holding back, otherwise Matd still couldnt even be able to react. They were clashing swords once again. Second surface was completely fine with their attack just like it never hit it. Matd and visteria both then created slash. Visteria made out of light, Matd out of shadow. Visteria had more power and obvious it overpowered and Matd sneaked under slash. Matd threw at her 5 flying circles made out of his swing mixed with shadow magic, they were slicing remaining trees like paper, visteria easily blocked them and matd was already near her face and tried to cut off her neck. Visteria just deflect his sword with finger just to make Matd feel weak. Matd was attacking at his full speed, which is above super lighting speed that was before, he teleported behind her, creating million of cuts which visteria blocked, every single one in mere nanosecond. Matd used his rage mode and became even more faster and stronger. They were clashing sword once again, this time visteria was a little serious but she was holding back still. Visteria then swung her sword faster than Matd could do, Matd barely dodged and tried to stab. Visteria came out of way and sliced him in half, but it was only after image with shadows in it's body. Visteria became less serious as she was drinking water she brought as it was hot area, while blocking every single swing of Matd with one arm. She drank bottle of water and said-ah, fresh water is always good. She lowered her guard for mere second to the level of normal human and due to taht Matd was able to hit her in chest. It did nothing but the goal was complete. Visteria looked.Visteria looked at him and by using infinity speed blitzed behind him. He got uncountable amount of cuts that made him drop to normal form, his shadow energy regened everything as Visteria didnt use anything to block regeneration, but Matd was almost knocked out as he had almost full stamina gone, he had enough stamina only to stay awake. Visteria came to him and instead of finishing him to knock him out she patted him gently.Good work, my baby boy- She chuckled.She picked him up and teleported to the Castle nearby Capital, that one castle they were living before mansion. Matd fell asleep in her arms, when it was evening she woke him up.Tomorrow eveything starts. Please, change into normal clothes as this were destroyed a bit during fight, you will be standing beside me on the balcony of the clan leader's main castle with other generals and their successors. Leader and we, generals will say our words to our armies and even slaves will be allowed to listen. Image how many people! Slaves are usually always working as miners, which is hard due to second surface and need to work fast, helping soldiers that non active and being farmers or any other stuff. As well as working In the manufactories. And all of them will be able to ignore their job for hour and come to listen to us! As well as everyone will see you, every warrior will know who you are! Isnt it good?Matd wasnt sure what to say, he just nodded. When Matd changed clothes visteria grabbed his arm and teleported them to the place. Matd looked around. He saw the generals he met before. As well as he saw their successors. He was the only male succesor of female master. Maing general didnt had succesor, but matd felt he also would have chosen boy. Female generals had ladies. Ladies because they were at least 16-18 each. And Male had males, they also were from 16 to 18. They were glazing at him. He was unfazed by their stare. But some of girls find him pretty cute as compared to them he was little boy. But.....Matd Saw that they had... weak aura? Only one or two looked strong to actually fight with him. Maybe that is because their masters is weaker than his. He and Male successor jsut nodded at each other as saying "hi" without word. And ladies either way didnt even care or was slicing him with stare that was saying: cute kid detected. After 20 mins there was.. More than millions of people, he didnt saw end of the huge army. He felt that they were even outside of city. Then leaders spoke, he was above generals with main general, on the top.-I shall say, that we are starting this war to bring our clan to it's peak! We will bring both peace to the world and greater life to us!Main general spoke-Prepare yourself and be ready for any tough battles. Running away without permission will bring you only to shameful death and if you have children to shame mark to them in future. His voice was cold, but mighty and... inspiring?After it was Visteria's turn.Be brave, and be loyal. As well as remember- Teamwork and proper fighting leads to win. Do not disappoint us on the battleground, or we will continue punishing system even here.Other successors shuddered a bit, Matd saw a lot of scars on their soul.. He felt like he is SUPER LUCKY GUY as Visteria at best could spank him or just torture his body but with healable effect and will calm him down after it is done. after that other generals said their words, Matd didnt listen. They moved to main hall, where most high ranked people will have a last party before war, of course in culture way. All generals went with leader to meeting room. And Matd was looking at walls made of cubes. Most part of the castle was with the cubes that visteria can do at best, but he felt not only in meeting room but somewhere else POWERFUL energy. Then group of people approached him, it was successors of generals. One girl became inching his cheeks-YOU are soooooo cute!!! too bad you will die in war, kiddo, I must be too weak to handle that...Matd didnt respond. In fact... he was... surprised? Most of them was acting more childish that he is in front of strangers. Girl got pushed off as boy came to him. It was successor of top 3.Call me Jok. They shake their hands.-I was also taught to see auras. I wonder how your master trained. You are must be still weaker than me but good enough. He was cocky and clearly was thinking he is the best. He was 18. There also was 18 years old lady, her aura said she is weaker than Jok but also strong. She looked coldly at Matd and said-You shall call me Kora, my master is top 6 general. You look interesting, i can feel only presence instead of souls or aura as i found it useless. You both seems interesting, maybe we will be good pals, not sure about kid. Just really, it is just a kid, i am pretty sure he cant do anything normal.Jok laughed a bit and said-Who knows~~~ Perhaps he is more worthy than you.The started to argue while Matd was silently sitting on ground, watching them argue. Generals then finally came and took all of their successors.He and Vistera was near borders where top 3 will lead his army.- We will help to strike one city, there is a lot of food and useful resources, it is one of richest cities of this clan, striking it will cause huge damage. which is good. While main army just ignore city and go deeper, mine is sliced at many parts, Each part being leaded by my friends. They will help every army to strike important stuff. Once it starts we will move. And now just prepare yourself and remember-Hold your destructive range back, leave only striking strength, we need city be ass good as possible.They was waiting until War officaly starts and then................... E N D OF THE C H A P T E R 1.Explaining about some parts:-Matd is so strong because he is trained liek that and has huge potential, normal soldiers and commanders wont be a threat, but strong warriros from each clan is still stronger than him, as well as all generals is stronger them them and him. -Matd already can kill thousand of soldiers because i wanted to show difference between him and non important NPCS. -Right now matd can survive at best only mountain+ level attack, he isnt even close to his master who is already strong enough if you read properly and saw feat with destroying Multiverse, and you know how strong the multiverse if you saw context.-Chapter 1 could be boring sometimes as i wanted to show how he was training and his mother and child relationship with his master, to make reader feel at least something when--------- WOOPS, No spoilers ^_^TY for reading, Chapter 2 can take quite time!!!!!!!

The shadow raises. Chapter 1.Where stories live. Discover now