Part 3: Life After Death.

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I woke up in a different room. How long was I out? It felt like days. The first thing I felt was a strange feeling of lightness. Like my body weighted less. I felt energized and woke like I had woken for the first time in my life. I got up from the cold, moist, stone floor. A heavy chain around my neck was keeping me bound to the wall. The hatch had given place to a closed roof and a side window high up at the edge of the sheiling.

I looked down and was surprised to see a pair of breasts grown on my chest. The memories of the operations started flooding back. I looked between my legs. Nothing was there. It felt strange. I was scared to touch. I took a deep breath and slowly reached. I felt a soft squishy spot there. I felt the urge to push it. It felt like I was stuck by lightning. I pulled my hand quickly. This can't be! How did she even do that? I looked at my hands. Their shape was different. They were smaller with smoother edges. And the color... my skin was pale like milk. My hair fell on my face, hair dark and long, longer than it had ever been before. I screamed and touched my face. My scream sounded like the voice of a stranger. I could not recognize my own voice. My face felt different, my skin felt softer, every second passing I was discovering something different about my new body. I was able to find birthmarks and old scars even a large scar where I had taken the arrow in the knee and yet my whole body was different. This was still my body but somehow it had been morphed into a whole different person. My knee! How was my knee healed? How long had I been here? 

- Rise and shine princess.

The woman sounded and I heard a key turn in the lock.

- Time for you to get to your new home!

Home? The deal! I was the payment. My brain felt like it was recovering from trauma. Every memory was foggy and disconnected.

The heavy door opened with a loud clank. A large man wrapped in a red cloth that covered his whole body came in with the stone witch behind him.

- He doesn't look like a princess.

He said with a deep voice.

- He was literally a prince, that makes him a princess.

He looked at me for a while before he finally shook his head.

- Wonderful, now you take him and do whatever, just leave me to my work.

- How does the undead part work?

- He can't be punctured or cut. You can break his bones and they will heal within a few days if you let them. He still feels pain as normal. To dispose of him chain him up and bury him deep somewhere just make sure he won't be able to dig his way out and come disturbing both of us again. 

The man grabbed me and chained my arms and legs to my collar. I did not fight it. I do not know why. I just went along with it. He grabbed the end of the chain and started dragging me behind him. He took me up a helix staircase, until finally after a while, I was out in the sunlight. We were in a forest. We came out of an old, large tower made from stone. It looked abandoned, overgrown, and hidden in the vines and trees. My captor pulled me violently before I could get a better look. Maybe some kind of temple or a library? 

To my surprise, no cart or horse was waiting for us. We just walked and walked for hours until out of nowhere we found a village consisting of a few long wooden houses, where it looked like multiple families were living in each. The moment we were spotted, more people dressed in a similar manner, started gathering and shouting in a language I did not understand. They started poking me with sticks and throwing rocks. Someone stopped me to spit on my face. I tried to wipe the disgusting fluid off but someone else grabbed me and gave me a strong slap. My mind went blank for a second. I fell to the ground and felt my head spinning. Before I could manage to recover a kick found my guts. another one followed and then another one. The hits started to lose meaning, it just felt like a single giant fist was punching me down in the ground. My lungs had no air in them and my brain was screaming for me to breathe, but I was not in need of oxygen no more and it was not like they would let me. Someone grabbed me from the hair unraveling me from my crawled-up stance and punched me in the lower abdomen. I felt all my organs move upwards in my body. I felt like I wanted to puke. I spat and coughed, desperately trying to catch my breath but to no avail. I was thrown to the ground once more like a broken toy. But I was not broken yet...far from it! Someone grabbed my arm and snapped it on his knee. That did it. I passed out again.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a dark room, which I assumed was in one of the wooden houses. The only light was provided by a fire pit in the middle. I felt a man humping my lifeless broken body like an animal. I had lost feeling under my torso and I could scream no more. I assumed someone had done a number to my brain and lower spine. I wanted to scream. My mouth did not respond. Tears started flowing from my eyes. More men started coming and touching me, grabbing, me hitting me, pocking me, laughing, and raping my flesh to their liking. There was no stopping. Someone opened my mouth and forced a burning coal into it. I felt the pain and I smelled the burning flesh, but I could not do anything about it. I shook my head, and tried to take it off. They laughed and forced my mouth closed. I could only see shadows that resembled human beings. Suddenly, I started feeling my body again. A wave of excruciating pains from different areas, flooded me knocking me unconscious again.

When I woke up it was quiet. I felt no creature on me and no pain. How long had it been? Did it even matter anymore? I could not see. I wondered if my eyes were in place. I moved my arms to check but I found them bound on something. I heard giggles and whispers from a couple of women. They were coming closer.

- Help me, I mumbled.

I felt too exhausted to speak. I forced myself to try again.

- I beg you, help me.

They either did not understand me or did not care to respond. I heard glass shuttering and suddenly I felt a touch and a sharp pain, as pieces of broken glass were shoved up my female genitals. I left a long screeching sound. I could not scream no more. My vocal cords were broken. What have these people done to my body? The women laughed. I listened to them as they were finishing up their scheme and hiding close by. Soon enough I heard more steps. Someone else was coming. He pulled me violently from the ankles and grabbed my face. The hands were large probably a man. He started beating my face. Dissatisfied probably from the lack of response he spread my legs and forced himself inside me. I felt an unstoppable urge to puke. He started screaming in pain. The women hiding close by burst into a terrible hysterical laughter. He started screaming and shouting at them and then turned to me, started kicking and punching me until I was again unconscious and probably then some.  

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