11. i can fight for my right

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sia was standing there without any emotions...

"kour family is coming today meet her daughter we can still off this marriage kour family daughter is princess of punjab and she is beautiful eligent she knows how to respect others "- she said

"RAJMATA"- Vihaan said and rajmata and everyone looked at him with shocked as he never call her rajmata he prefers to call her maa saa

"i will not like to repeat i will marry SIA"- he said while holding my hand and i was just looking at him

seriously when her raj mata was disrespecting me he didn't said a word but now she said to off the marriage so he have problem wiww what kind of person u re vihaan
my thoughts broked when rajmata shouted

"DO WHATEVER U WANT"- she said and left in anger then riya came near me and hold my cheeks

"beta is it hurting shanti bring hot water"
i nodded and no and said - i wanna take rest
"sure beta aktiri bring her to her room"- she said
and aktiri took me while trying to make me smile but my smiled was lost....

i came in my room and said her to leave me alone for abit ..
i sit in the corner of the room and cried

god why always me did u have a personal issue with me my simple life becomes so difficult why
i was crying when i maid knocked the door
i said come in she came and told me to be ready in 2 hour special guest of rajmata the kaur family is coming i just nodded and she left

now who the hell is that kaur family i wanna go home damn it where im stuck...

when sia left for her room i wanna go to and i wanna said sorry I didn't said anything but someone else broked my thoughts

"vihaan" i looked and rudra was calling me
"me and ruhi wanna talk to u about sia "- he said and concern scared in his eyes can easily visible and i nodded while rehaan aktiri and Karthik also said - we will come too please

i refused but rudra said let them in...

we left in my study room and everyone settle ruhi and rudra saw themselves with concern and tensed

"say"- i said
ruhi said - "vihaan or kuwar sa or jiju i dont what i call u but whatever we will say listen us please....
im ruhi sia best friend from 3 years old and rudra become her friend 5 years ago
vihaan we just wanna tell u she is broked she was not like this she used ti be live happy cute helping nature
she is still but the spark in her eyes in her heart it's all vanished and the day when u saw her that spark in her eyes u will get to know who is SIA in real...
don't let her dance stop anyhow please its request of us from our jija and one more thing took these (handed a box) read it and observe it slowly u will get to know SIA past...
and vihaan we only want our bestfriend happiness and rajmata is disrespecting it we cant saw our friend torture we really saw ur and ur family concern and love for her but please never let her feel alone please "

ruhi finished and rudra said -" if our friend felt uncomfortable here and we get to know it we will took her with us and we don't need any king permission for it hope u get it "

"i know u both are worried for her but i love her from when i saw her it hurts me to see her cry to see her faded face idk why she behave like this with me but i will definitely take care of her "- i said while showing concern and smiled

"we also do and never left her side"- rehaan said
and ruhi and rudra smiled- we can trust u

after talking with them i left to check my flower i knocked her room but i got no answer i knocked but still no answer i panicked and open the door she was no where i start panicked but then i listen shower voice i go near the door and knocked and said -" baby are u inside"

"yes im please wait vihaan"- sia said and i smirked and sit on bed and noticed her dress

"vihaan are u here "- she asked and i said -"yess"

"please go out of my room"- she ordered and i smirked and said no
"get ur ass out of the room my dress is outside"- sia said in anger and i chuckled and said -" after marriage im gonna see u then what's the problem seeing u now "

"vihaan bastard get out"- sia shouted and i chuckled
i grab her dress and knocked on washroom
"yahh take ur dress but i will not leave "- i said

arghh that bastard what he wanna talk that he can't leave my room
i wrapped the towel to my body and open the door abit and took out my hand outside to take my dress..

i tried to hold my dress and my legs slip and i falled on floor and i shouted- ahhhhhh

and next moment i listen a voice-"fuck" i saw vihaan enter the washroom while im only in my towel....

vihaan pov-
i was giving her clothes but i listen her voice - ahhhhhhh
without thinking anything i open the door and go inside and my breath stop by seeing her
the towel was trapped around her body and the towel was till his up thigh that make me hard definitely
her wet hairs her eyes her bare legs fucking everything
while observing her only one word left from my mouth
"fuck"- i said and she looked at me
and again shouted- ahaaaaaa u bastard u duffer
i smirked by her words and she said me to leave
"sorry I'm going but u re looking fucking hot"- i said and i see her cheeks were becoming hot i left from washroom and she came outside after 10 minutes
and i said - "beautiful" and just admiring her

i came outside of washroom but i was feel embarrass whatever just happens i came out and listen his word - beautiful
i was wearing blue colour suit and plazo

i smiled and my cheeks start burning up wait what my cheeks i shook my head and go to dressing table and wore earings and asked him - why are u here ? that make him came out of his lala land ...

he came in his senses and came near me and hold my hands and make me sit on bed while he sit on knees
it will be the funniest if i told anyone that the rajasthan king and no. 1 business in india sit on knees for a simple girl..

i looked at him and his eyes have concern and his next word make me emotional
"sorry sia I didn't took ur side im sorry i really wanted to take ur side but its all happen suddenly and she is raj mata and noone can talk to her back im sorry but i promise u next time this will never happen"
he holded my cheeks and asked - is it hurting baby

i nodded as no and try to understand his situation too and said - " dont worry ik how to fight for my rights and fine i forgive u now u can leave "

he become abit relaxed and his next step make my cheeks heated up
he he fucking kissed me in cheeks i placed my hand on my cheek and trying to understand what just happened he again kissed me on another cheeks

"vihaannn get outttt"- i shouted and he laughed and run and stop at door and said -" baby girl be ready for more " he winked at me and my cheeks heated up

GET OUT- I shouted that make him chuckled and he left

woww what was that noone dare to do this except him....
no no sia forget it let's rest for abit then u have to face rajmata again
i signed and fell on bed....

i was looking at the roof in front of me and just rewinding few stuffs...
my thoughts broked when a maid came and said....

"rani sa rajmata called u " i stand up and left ...

we were sitting in the hall when maa send send maid to call sia i was excited i was busy in my phone but my attention goes towards the sound of anklets
i turned and saw sia came i smiled and just observing her ....
"beautiful"- i mummered but enough to listen by Karthik
he smiled and patted my shoulder and said - " she is urs dont look at her like hungry lion"
he laughed and i rolled my eyes.....

what will happen now?
what sia gave vihaan ?
what's inside that box?
what's sia past?
why she always think about life?

so many stuffs to know so many stuffs to get.....

its just a beginning of a new life whether it is heaven or hell!!!

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to be continued........

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