19 love have no end

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"no way"- Vihaan said that make me feel bad but his next words make me shocked

"cuz i will upload it" i looked at him with wide eyes and everyone again start hooting -ohhhhh
i felt shy that i ran from there in my room and fall on bed
"ohh God what's going on with me please save me this feeling damn "- i mummered when i heared knock on door i open it and it was maid -"rani sa dinner is ready"
i said im coming and she left i looked at me in mirror and go in dining table...

everyone looks at me ahh shit i forgot my ankets make kind of loud voice
i came and was about to sit when vihaan said to sit beside him...
i was about to sit when mrs kaur said "DON'T THAT PLACE IS OF MY DAUGHTER"

vihaan eyes become darker kind of scary i never see him like that i took backstep when vihaan said - " sia sit with me she can sit somewhere else"
i looked at him and came near him not to create mess when mrs kaur again said -"vihaan child that place....." she was cutted by vihaan loud voice "SHUT UP "
everyone flinched and mrs kaur become quite
i sit beside him hoping a quite dinner but i heared a voice of heels i looked up and my eyes widen up i saw ayashi but in short dress like almost revealing her thighs along with a clear view of clevage...
it's not I'm judging her but why she wore something like that for dinner she came near me and said " go and sit somewhere that's my seat "
i looked at vihaan but he was eating his food maybe excepting something from me..
i took a long breath and said to ayashi-"sit somewhere else ayashi"
i said with a forced smile and vihaan smirked..
she was about to say something but my devil aktiri again talked
aktiri said in sacrastic way-" ayashi princess there are alot of seats empty in this dining table so sit somewhere else "
she gritted her teeth and sit near rajmata....

rest dinner was peaceful
i was walking in hallway going to my room but i felt someone is taking my pics maybe
i turned and saw no body so i moved to my room and drift in sleep after all today we enjoyed alot....

???sended u pics
i grab my phone with smirked and looked the pics

"damn as always killing baby girl"- i mummered when Ishita said -" bhai I'm so excited to meet bhabhi amd best part is she is sia "
she hugged me i hugged her back and she drift in sleep while we were traveling...

just one more day butterfly i will took u with me for forever-i mummered while looking at outside .....

after dinner we all came to our rooms and talked about SIDDARTH where he is and all but we get no clue about him...

i left the room and go sia room and knocked it but i got no response maybe she slept
i use master key and open it where she was sleeping so peacefully
i go near her and sit on chair
while i tugged her hairs behind her ear and give her a forehead kiss...

i promise to be with u no matter what...
i love u more than anything just same as deep like ocean and wide like Universe

both have no end same my love have no end for u

i placed a forehead kiss on her again and left her room while locking the room..
i go to my room and soon drift in sleep...


i waked up due to alarm its 4 o clock in morning..
i wakes up quick change my clothes and left my room for gym..

-------time skip------------------
after my workout session i go to my room and took a cold shower and wore a black pant and white shirt and black blazer as i have to go office today due to meeting..
i already took leave so i can give time to my flower but today is important meeting and i also wanna invite them for my engagement that is going to be help after 8 days....

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