Plan A Part One- A Whole New Me

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The six boys walked down their school hallway, completely cross dressed as school girls, and loving it. They smiled to themselves as all eyes followed them. Boys watching with lust, gay or not. Girl watched with envy and the want to be their bests of friends. 

The group filed into their first class, taking their seats in the back. Taemin let out an exasperated sigh, drawing the rest if the groups eyes to fall on him. 

"What's wrong Tae?" Kevin asked while Key patted his back. 

"Yuri was over when I got home last night. They were all snugly and cuddly, watching some romance movie. Minho didn't even notice I came home. On top of that, Yuri decided to spend the night." Taemins head fell into his hands, hiding his face. Luhan tsked.

"That's just so not cool." Tao and Heechul nodded their heads in agreement. 

"I think it's time for a make over." Key stated. Everyone looked at him. 

"What does that have to do with the current situation?" Heechul asked. "Where you even listening to him?" Key scoffed. 

"Of course I am! He's my Taebaby! How can I not listen to my baby's problems and want to help?" He said, cradling his "Taebaby's" head and softly stroking it dramatically. It caused the group to become quite confused.

"Then what does a make over have to do with anything?" Kevin asked. Key sighed, letting go of Tamein's head and sitting back in is set. He brought his hands together in a praying like manner.

"He said that Minho didn't even notice he came home. Well we all know that to get to Taemins room from the front and back door you must go through the living room, which is where they were. It's hard to miss someone coming in the door and going up the stairs." The group nodded for him to continue. "We'll maybe he didn't notice because my fashionably challenged son here, because like I just said, he is fashionably challenged and wasn't appealing enough to be notice by dear Minho." The group looked at Key with wide eyes and oooo'd at this new information. Well everyone except Taemin who's head was once again down as he mumbled about not being fashionably challenged. 

"So if we give Taemin a make over then what?" Tao questioned. 

"That's just that start! We make him more appealing to the eye. Then to Minhos wants and needs. Making him seductive and wanted, but not quite touchable yet. At that rate, Minho will be confused with his feelings. That's when we give the big finish and BAM!!!!! You've just seduced your best friend!" Key clapped his hands together, seemingly proud of his plan. The group all nodded in agreement, even Heechul, which meant it had to be good. Taemin finally lifted his head.

"And what exactly are these little plans of yours?" He asked with sort of knowing glare.

"Now, now Taemin. You shall know when the time comes. This way you can't back out and run away!" Taemin cringed. This was what he was hoping to not happen. 

"What are you six gossiping about now?" Kris asked, hugging Tao around the waist. Sehun sat next to his Luhan, while Jonghyun pulled Key into his lap. 

"Just descussing our plans to help Taemin seduce Minho." Kevin said as if it was no big deal. Taemin glared at him. 

"Might as well tell the whole school." Taemin mumbled. 

"Now why would we do that?" Luhan asked innocents. 

"That would ruin the whole thing!" Tao finished. Jonghyun snickered. 

"Trying to seduce Minho? That should be interesting." Kris and Sehun nodded.

"And you three are going to help! Along with kiseop, Kai, and who ever Heechul decides to choose." Key informed. The three boys looked bewildered.

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