Chapter 2-Meeting Them

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Previously on the story you guys got to about THE SPACE ACADEMY and FAB 5 and how they are, how the Academy is scared of them and Mr Manish gave them a challenge and how they are in a deep thought and a little trailer for them who tries or gets on the nerves of FAB 5.



The air in the music college hallway hummed with anticipation as five students made their way towards their designated practice room. Each carried their instrument, ready to dive into their rehearsal session. But as they neared their destination, a discordant sound pierced the air, accompanied by a voice that didn't belong to any of them."Who the hell is in our practice room?"asked Vansh as he stared at the door of the practice room with rage."I have no idea, but they're about to regret it," said Arshiya, her guitar case swinging by her side.With determined strides, they pushed open the door, only to be met with an unexpected sight.

  Three figures occupied the space, completely absorbed in their music. One girl stood in the center, her voice harmonizing effortlessly, while a boy behind the drum set kept the beat with precision and another girl standing up beside the first girl with a guitar while her fingers worked effortlessly on the strings.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing here?" shouted Vinni, her bag clenched in her hand.The trio froze, a questioning look by the intrusion. The girl who was singing, her long hair locks falling in front of her amber eyes, spoke up first. "Ohh...We're playing cricket wanna join"

Vansh's anger flared at the dismissive response. "Cricket? In our practice room? Are you kidding me?" His voice was sharp, his tone dripping with irritation.

The girl with the guitar exchanged a glance with her companions before smirking. "Oh, of course, we're just here to practice cricket," she replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Arshiya narrowed her eyes, seeing through their facade. "Cut the act. We can see you're practicing music just like us. What are you really doing here?"

The trio exchanged sheepish glances before the boy behind the drum set spoke up, his voice sheepish. "Ohh thanks to Jesus you can see we are practicing music then why are making it a deal and disturbing us"

Vansh's temper flared at the boy's insolence. "Don't you dare talk to us like that, you little punk! This is our practice room, and you have no right to barge in here and disrupt our rehearsal.

"The girl with the guitar stepped forward, her eyes flashing with defiance. "Oh, boo-hoo! Cry me a river, princess. We were just trying to find a quiet space, and your entitled asses had to ruin it."

Arshiya's patience wore thin, her voice sharp with anger. "Watch your mouth, you disrespectful brats! This is a music college, not a playground for wannabe musicians like you."

The trio bristled at the insult, their own tempers flaring in response. "Who the hell do you think you are, talking to us like that?" the girl who was singing snapped, her voice dripping with venom.

Vinni's fists clenched at her sides, her rage simmering beneath the surface. "You wanna start something? Bring it on, you arrogant little twerps!"As tensions escalated, the air crackled with animosity, each side ready to defend their territory with biting words and curses flying like daggers in the heated exchange.

Kabir and Aditya, stepped forward, their presence adding to the intensity of the confrontation. "Who the hell are you guys?" Kabir demanded, his voice sharp with suspicion. "We haven't seen you around Space before. How did you even get permission to step foot on the sixth floor?"

The trio bristled at the accusation, their defenses rising. "We have every right to be here," the boy behind the drum set retorted, his tone defiant. "And we don't need to answer to a bunch of snobbish elitists like you."

Aditya's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin. "Watch your mouth, kid. You're treading on thin ice here. You don't want to mess with us."

The tension in the room reached a boiling point as tempers flared and insults flew. The air crackled with animosity, each side unwilling to back down from the standoff. It was a clash of egos and wills, with no clear resolution in sight.

Before the trio could respond, a voice boomed over the intercom, interrupting the escalating confrontation. "Attention all students, this is Manish Singhaniya, the dean of Space Academy. I requested the presence of all the students and the newcomers in the auditorium immediately for a special announcement."

The sudden announcement caught everyone off guard, momentarily diffusing the tension in the room. The members of FAB 5 exchanged wary glances, a silent understanding passing between them.

Vansh stepped forward, his expression steely. "You may have lucked out this time, but don't think for a second that you're off the hook. We'll deal with you later."With a final warning glare, the members of FAB 5 made their way out of the practice room, leaving the trio to ponder the consequences of their actions. As they followed suit, the weight of uncertainty hung heavy in the air, a sense of foreboding lingering as they headed towards the auditorium to face whatever awaited them.

As the members of FAB 5 were about to go out, the tension between them remained palpable. However, the girl who was singing broke the silence with a mocking tone, "Well, isn't this just delightful? A special announcement just for us. I wonder what trouble we're in for now."

Her words dripped with sarcasm, eliciting eye rolls and scoffs from the FAB 5 members. Ignoring their reactions, she continued, "Well, go on then. We'll be waiting with bated breath to hear what the illustrious Manish Singhaniya has to say."

Her mocking reply only fueled the simmering animosity between the two groups, adding another layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere. With wary glances exchanged between them, they continued on their path to the auditorium, each bracing themselves for the unknown and the potential consequences that awaited them.

 With wary glances exchanged between them, they continued on their path to the auditorium, each bracing themselves for the unknown and the potential consequences that awaited them

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Hey guys ik the Updates are very late but will try to recover it
Read like and comment on their first banter
Well it's just the start

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