Jealousy is a two way thing

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Jimin wrinkled his nose,coffee?bacon?
He opened his eyes glancing around to see the other side of the bed empty.
Sliding from the bed he slipped the robe on and walked out of the bedroom to the sitting area where Jungkook lay sprawled in a chair at a table munching on crispy bacon and toast.
"Sorry babe did I wake you?the smell of food got too much I couldn't wait much longer"
"You shouldn't wait for me!"
Jimin went to sit on a chair but Jungkook caught and tugged him onto his lap feeding him some bacon.
"Yummy!what time is it?"
"What...why didn't you wake me?"
"Because my tipsy jealous boyfriend obviously needed sleep!"
Jimin blushed remembering yesterday's events,he wriggled trying to escape from Jungkooks lap but was held tight.
"I was just......unused to women throwing themselves at men..." he defended himself
"Men or just me?" Jungkook laughed
This time Jimin stood up sitting in the other chair and filling a plate ignoring the question.
" is your side?"
"Actually it looks worse than it feels so I'll be fine to dance...what we doing today?"
"I wanna shop and your coming with me,"
"You sound like you don't like shopping?"
"I like the theory of it,I mean new things are nice,I've just not done much of it my funds go.....elsewhere"
"Well today we shop and enjoy ourselves,I've been asked to bring you to an interview recorded tonight so you need something as treat."
Jimin bit his full lips causing Jungkooks eyes to drop to them.
"Don't do that..."
"What?" Jimin asked looking around
"Bite your lips.....only I can do that...."
Jimin blushed prettily,he ran his fingers through his hair which had grown quite a bit since his last haircut.
"Where can I get this cut?"
"Hang on..." Jungkook picked up the phone talking to someone then hung up.
"The salon downstairs in forty minutes,they will put the bill to my room,hurry up and get done I'll go with you."
Jimin ate some food quickly and drank juice before hurrying to wash and change.
About to leave Jungkooks phone rang it was Namjoon.
"Hey....what? right now hang on,"
He covered the phone
"Jimin I will catch you up,go outside tell Lee to take you down tell him I'll come with Kai in a bit,"
Jimin nodded looking worried but Jungkook smiled at him and he left leaving Jungkook to carry on the conversation .
"How did his parents get your number?"
"God knows....they are so...weird....saying they demanded I send their son back that the impropriety of it all will make them a laughing stock and're gonna love this bit.......when Jimin gets back he will be escorted to a conversion centre where he would be put right...."
"What?Those places still exist?its 2024 for gods sake, not the dark ages.....Jimin himself has told me that they don't accept he's gay.....Joon they can't legally do anything can they?"
"No.....Jimin is of age and hasn't lived with his parents for years,even though they use him as a cash cow,did you know he sends them a percentage of his wages each month...a lot actually."
"Damn it,I'll talk to him later...any other bad news?"
"No actually,the trips good,Jin loves the food and the coach is quite comfy oh and you and Jimin are hot gossip on the internet."
"Hmmm,I've got that tv interview tonight I was going to take him but I'll see how he feels."
"He may surprise you....he looks like he could be a little fiesty under that angelic look..."
"Oh he is...believe me!"
Cutting the call ,Jungkook made his way downstairs with Kai the other bodyguard.
He went into the salon seeing Jimin with damp hair excitedly pointing to a picture then his head to the hairdresser.
"Hey babe ok?"
"Kookie what do you think I like this you know shorter underneath slightly but the top,I want it to settle back into place even if I run my fingers through it,you know what I mean?"
Smiling Jungkook explained then sat nearby watching as the haircut took place defining even more if it was possible Jimins beautiful features.
Even the hairdresser himself said Jimin had chosen the perfect cut and how handsome he was.
Jimin giggled while Jungkook twitched at the banter between the two,standing to tell Jimin they had to go.
He waved his small hand at the hairdresser thanking him.
Jungkook took that hand and kept hold of it.
They took the lift to the underground car park and got in a large black car driving out to the shops Jungkook wanted to see.
Jimins phone buzzed and he looked at it frowning then excusing himself answered it.
"Mum,dad are you ok?'ve arranged what!!I don't believe you two!why can't you just be regular parents who live their child....youve gone too far now!no I won't I'm not quitting,you put your own narrow mindedness before me.......,no more...I can't be that person you want so that's it....from now you depend on yourselves...I won't contact you and please don't contact me....and don't expect money anymore...pardon?like hell I have to pay for the upset......goodbye!!!"
Jimin was shaking when he put the phone down.
"Babe.......Namjoon rang me earlier he told me....he told me what your parents planned."
"Conversion therapy! How dare they,all I've done for them....even worse it would have been my money paying for it!!have you got his number I need to speak to him."
"Er sure,now?"
Jimin glared at him and Jungkook rapidly got out his phone out calling Namjoon,
"Joon I have Ji..."
The phone was grabbed from him and Jimin spoke,
"Mr Kim I'm sorry you had to deal with my parents earlier,please block their number,also can you refrain from sending the percentage I arranged to their bank account it no longer needs to happen and scratch their name on my file as next of Kin just leave Tae's name, sure I'm perfectly fine now I've had the blinkers lifted from my eyes....I'll  pass you to Jungkook"
"Er hi again,mmhhmm,yep you were right ok bye"
The car was quiet then,
"We don't have to shop Jimin we can go back...?"
"No!.......i have an outfit to buy and finally a life to live!"
The car stopped and both stepped out walking straight into the expensive mall.
Inside Jimin was shaking with anger,all these years he'd passed off their behaviour but today was the final straw,he wasn't going to change for anyone.
Striding forward confidently he wasn't aware he exuded a sexy aura but Jungkook found himself glaring more than once at the stared Jimin got.
"This.......its casual but nice," Jimin said holding the baby blue shirt against him then looked at trousers pulling out plain black ones," I'll go try them on while your looking.
Jungkook nodded,at least he wouldn't be showing anything off wearing simple clothes like that....wrong!
Jimin walked out and a nearby woman with her partner gasped as she looked at the sexy elegant figure.
Simple as both items were they fit Jimin like a glove outlining his torso perfectly
Jimin twirled back and forth then bent over to make sure the trousers felt comfortable giving anyone around a perfect view of his lovely ass.
Jungkook rushed behind him.
"Er great we will take these and the stuff I pulled out,go change Jimin,"
"Ok," Jimin started unbuttoning the shirt but Jungkook hurried him to the changing room.
The bags were being carried by their bodyguards and Jimin suddenly went into a shoe shop quickly picking some black shoes ,
"These will do I don't have dressy shoes for my outfit,"
"No...wait,try these instead softer leather timeless,"
Jimin shrugged until he tried them on realising what Jungkook meant he nodded.
He took out his bank card to pay,jungkook was about to use his but Jimin knocked his arm away,
" can't buy everything it's not right."
Jungkook sighed but put his card away.
They passed a jewellery shop and Jimins eyes caught in a delicate silver chain with an eagle with spread wings.
"You like it?"
About to say yes Jimin saw the price.
"It's really beautiful it just makes me think of freedom........but I'll just get some earrings..."
Jungkook heard the yearning in the others voice but Jimin walked over and instead picked out an earring hoop paying for it and walking out.
Jungkook gave his card to Kai speaking quickly and then following Jimin who suddenly seemed listless.
"Hey let's all go to a steakhouse!" Jungkook said and Jimin's face brightened then he looked around.
"Where's Kai"
"He's .."
"I'm here Jimin I got distracted by er those plushies," Kai lied pointing to a toy shop making Jimin look while he slipped Jungkooks card and a box to him.
"Aw Kai you're a big softy really aren't you.....let's go eat!"
They found a large steakhouse on another level and the four of them sat there eating.
"God they are huge I'm stuffed," Jimin said sitting back then looking around he got up. Kai stood as well.
"No...I'm going to the loo I'll be fine..."
Kai looked at Jungkook who nodded for him to sit.
"See now finish up and I'll get done."
Three pairs of eyes watched him saunter off.
"Did he not know how sexy his walk was "Jungkook thought.
Although they ate all kept an eye on the door til Jimin came out.
He looked petite,adorable and sexy all in one.
He stood aside as a women left her table only for her to lay slim fingers on his arm and whisper something in his ear,he smiled and shook his head saying something seeing Jungkook stand up ready to walk over. He walked back to the table.
"All done?" He smiled
Jungkook expected him to tell him about the woman but Jimin said nothing.
As they left the woman got back to her table she blew a kiss to Jimin and he laughed and waved.
Jungkook felt an unusual feeling go through him,he didn't like how people reacted around Jimin.
"Let's go back," he muttered striding off.
Jimin tried but his shorter legs couldn't keep up the rapid pace so shrugging he walked normally,Kai having to step back with him until Jungkook realised they were behind.
"What's wrong ,"
"Nothing I didn't know we were doing a speed walk "
They got to the waiting car getting in.
Jungkook seemed irritated,his knee bouncing up and down.
"What time are we going tonight?" Jimin asked
"I don't think you should go..."
"O-ok why?"
"What would you say or need you stay here,"
"What's changed Kookie ?"
"Well it was ok earlier I even got an outfit so what changed?"
"Nothing I said,your just the dancer so there's no point,"
Jimin felt hurt and leaned back in his seat quietly faced turned to the window while Jungkook was cursing himself for his rudeness.
They got to the hotel and made their way to the suite.
Jimin thanked the guards taking the bags from them they looked at his sad face and frowned before leaving.
Jungkook stalked to the bedroom hanging his clothes up for the evening.
Coming out he looked around for Jimin seeing the clothes bags stacked together near the door,Jimin was sat on the sofa flicking through his phone.
"You should hang that stuff up,"
"No I'll take it back tomorrow no point wasting money"
Jungkook huffed," don't be silly good clothes are always nice to have."
"Maybe in your world but me, I'm just a dancer remember."
Jimin stood up to walk out but Jungkook grabbed him.
"I didn't mean it,it was nasty and untrue,"
"So why say it?"
"Because I........what did that woman say to you?"
"Woman what woman?" Jimin looked confused
"What woman? The one who flirted and whispered to you and then blew you a kiss!" Jungkook said indignantly.
Jimins confusion cleared and then looking at Jungkook he smirked.
"Kookie.....are you jealous?"
"What?me....come on really?"
"Ok then,no need for you to know"
Jimin sauntered off but was swung back and pushed against the wall.
"Tell me what she said!"
"Because...because...god damn it Jimin!"
He slammed his lips against the others kissing him deeply hearing the moan,his hands crept under Jimins top feeling the hot skin and he groaned,
"Tell me..." he insisted
"Just talked..."
"But she was touching you,all damn day people have. Been ogling you looking at your ass!"
"But your not jealous remember?who laughed at me yesterday?"
"Fuck,ok I'm jealous so damn jealous I wanted to rip her hand off!"
Jimin giggled..." she said although she'd eaten she hadn't got desert but she'd try me if I was available"
"What!!!how dare she what did you tell her?!?!"
"I said sorry but my boyfriend hadn't had his dessert either and he doesn't like sharing ."
Jungkook stared down at his laughing boyfriend then hoisted him over his shoulder marching to the bedroom.
"Kookie what!!" Jimin shrieked as he was thrown in the bed.
"I'm having my dessert..." jungkook threw his clothes of already aroused.
He then made short work of Jimins clothes before diving down to claim his lips.
He kissed Jimin like a starving man then worked his way down his body nipping here and there.
Jimins hands clenched on the bedding as Jungkooks hot mouth took him in sucking and swirling his tongue around the length
Jimins knees fell apart and Jungkook spat on his fingers before inserting them inside Jimin and going back to sucking his length.
Pumping his long fingers prepping the other he bobbed up and down then as Jimin twitched sharply he knew he'd found those sensitive nerves and worked them Jimins moans getting louder his grip on Jungkooks fingers tightening too until,
He released hard down Jungkooks throat raising his hips up at the power of it,jungkook didn't stop his thrusting fingers stroking those quivering nerves overloading Jimins senses.
"Oh god!!" The small male moaned as sensation after sensation ripped through him.
Licking every last drop from him but pumping against the tight grip on his fingers Jungkook looked up at his lovers face,a sheen of sweat full pouting lips tensed over-sensitised body he grinned slowly pulling his fingers out. Jimin gave a moan of relief which didn't last as Jungkook ordered,
"On all fours baby,"
Giving a look of disbelief Jimin did so shuddering as Jungkooks heavy arousal entered him hitting spot on his prostrate.
"Fuck baby yeh grip me hard," jungkook groaned before thrusting back and forth like a piston.
Jimin felt his arousal return how could it not...he felt overloaded with pleasure,jungkook pounded to the very depths of him.
"Nobody touches what's mine ," jungkook moaned out as his high came so did Jimin loudly wailing in pleasure.
Jimin slumped to the bed exhausted.jungkook pulled out flopping sideways .
Harsh breaths were all that could be heard
Jungkook stood up getting damp washcloths and cleaning Jimin up rolling him to his back so he could wipe the sticky mess he'd lain in off,he cleaned the bed off and lay a towel over the dampness.Jimin curled on his side tiredly and soon was sound asleep.
Jungkook kissed his forehead then went to go shower turning suddenly to do something .
Soon Jimin's outfit was hanging nicely and a showered Jungkook made his way back to bed setting his phone alarm for a couple of hours ahead so they had enough time to get ready before cuddling up to his sexy comatose boyfriend,
"Love you baby" he murmured astonished when a sleepy voice mumbled," love you Kookie" before huddling down against his lover with a tiny snore.

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