The nasty side of fame

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Bang bang!!!
"What the....!" Jungkook mumbled  as Jimin whined at the loss of body heat as jungkook got up.
Going to the door after slipping a robe on he opened it to find Jin and Namjoon there.
"Oh my god your not up yet it's eleven thirty the gangs all here!"
Jin strode through ignoring Namjoons suddenly grabby hands and stalked towards the window opening the blinds turning to be met by Jimin scrambling to cover himself up.
"Oh my god....shit....i didn't think!" For once the unflappable Jin went beet red.
Suddenly there was a giggle which turned into a guffaw of laughter,peeping through his fingers that he'd slapped across his eyes Jin saw Jimin curling up from laughter.
"Er.....are you ok Jimin?"
" look worse than when I'm embaressed!!!!"
Jungkook and Namjoon came further into the room.
"Er hey Jimin sorry...." Namjoon said rubbing his neck
"Well it's not like it's the first time is it Mr Kim?" Jimin said sassily.
"Oh please call me Namjoon....."
Jimin smiled at him and even with bed head he looked adorable.
Jungkook stared at his two friends who seemed entranced by his boyfriend,he frowned then coughed loudly.
"Any reason for the wake up call?"
"Well we all got in an hour ago,I've had certain contacts call me from Korea reminding me that we should all represent our country accordingly,in other words they didn't like some of your speech last night,so can we tone it down."
"Damn it that conversion therapy gets them all the time!" Jimin said with a straight face making the others burst out laughing.
"God I wish they would get with the times.....,how can we try promoting our country when they are so backward in the ways of the world,LGBTQ will never go away just because they deny what's happening doesn't mean it's not true."
"I know Jungkook but if we want to be allowed to perform abroad we have to ignore their prejudice "
"Anyway love birds , if you could possibly get dressed you can eat lunch or brunch in your case with Joonie and I on the rooftop restaurant we will meet you there in forty five minutes."
Jin dragged Namjoon out.
"Well......." Jungkook said then jumped on the bed sprawling over Jimin," good morning my love " he claimed Jimins mouth in a passionate kiss.
Jimin wrapped his arms around his neck kissing back.
Things started to get a bit heated until Jimin regretfully pulled away,
"Clocks ticking....."
"Aaargh!!.....ok let's get ready..."
They both showered Jimin swatting Jungkooks hands away when he got to horny.
Dressing Jimin whined,
"Kookie look at me!!"
Jungkook smirked when he saw the love bite on Jimins delicate collarbone and one on his hip.
"What?I can't help how great you taste!"
Rolling his eyes Jimin dressed in jeans and T shirt putting on the silver necklace that Jungkook had got him and which he adored.
Jungkook was dressed in all black and looked every inch the idol.
They took the lift up to the restaurant and were waved over to a table by the other two.
Soon they were all eating and being regaled about life on the coach trip,how Tae had tried to climb up on someone else's bed when he was half asleep so Suga had got mad and made him sleep in his small bunk with him.
"Of course Joonie and I took over your part of the coach,very roomie,"
"Why didn't Suga just fly down?" Jimin asked
"Because for all his moaning he likes to get back to basics every now and then,reminds him of when he started out."
The restaurant was getting busy the view was spectacular ,Jimin excused himself to go to the bathroom,noticing people look at him and suddenly start murmuring,wow he was famous after one tv show.
After going to the bathroom he went to look out at the view,that's when he heard it.
"Well I'm disappointed ,I came here especially for the show,I've supported Jungkook for years,now he's really let me down, how could he hook up with a faggot? I mean look at him,talk about lowering your standards,I don't know if I can watch him now knowing that,I mean it won't be the same will it?"
"I know....he should really be paying us to watch him after deceiving us."
"It's like can he call himself a man? I mean sure I support them but in the right place and time, his fans like us should tell him it's not right,"
Jimin clenched his fists in anger these women were calling themselves fans?!? Before he stopped to think he turned to the group of women.
"How dare you,fans are people who support someone not fake like you who only pick bits you like"
"How dare you....faggot!"
"Call me anything you like but Jungkook has done nothing wrong, you're prejudiced and fake and let me tell you he certainly is a man!"
"You've corrupted him!!"
"Is it so wrong of him to be who he is,does anyone tell you with your thick makeup ,fake boobs and Botox lips how to live?"
Gasps came then," Jimin!"
Jungkook stood nearby and suddenly the women who had been degrading him minutes earlier swarmed around him telling him Jimin had attacked them without reason,trying to calm the situation down with the help of his two bodyguards Jimin suddenly looked around and saw all eyes on them ,mortified by the bad press he had brought on Jungkook he turned running to the exit and running into the lift hearing a faint 'Jimin'
Instead of going to their room he left the hotel jumping into a taxi and going to the fountains from yesterday.
He pulled on his sunglasses to hide the tears.
What had he done, now Jungkook would surely be mad at him but he couldn't sit there and listen to those women talk shit about Jungkook.
He walked around for an hour it wasn't as good as at night time but he couldn't face Jungkook yet. He gave a laugh that turned into a sob," well I s'pose that's put paid to me moving in with him,my parents are right I really am useless....."
Jimin jumped at the familiar voice,Jungkook was behind him sounding out of breath with Kai standing a few feet away.
"I....i......suppose you're angry ......I'm sorry....."
"Yes I'm angry,angry that you let those bitches call you names while you defended me!"
"Y-you heard?"
"Most of it,Jin suddenly saw you being surrounded and we made our way over,they tried to come into me after you left....why did you run?"
"I suddenly realised I'd made bad publicity for you I thought you all would be mad that I stepped out of place......"
"Ahhh Jimin,you have every right to say what you want, I live your feistiness but you never apply it to yourself you take what everyone throws at you and it dims your bright light...." He held Jimin close brushing away the tear that fell," c'mon baby let's go back everyone is worried about you,"
"How did you know where I'd be?"
"I didn't for certain but there's not many places you've been here so I hoped this one stuck in your head."
He hugged Jimin close and walked back towards Kai.
"Sorry Kai for making your job hard,"
"I'm glad you're safe......the cars this way,"
Arriving back at the hotel the lounge was full of Jungkooks people.
"Omg Jimin are you ok?" Jin asked rushing over
"I'm sorry everyone for causing trouble,"
He went to bow but Namjoon stopped him,
"You. Owe us nothing Jimin except to stay safe,"
Everyone nodded then Jin snorted with laughter
"Fake boobs!"
Jimin blushed
"Botox lips!" Namjoon laughed
"Ok,ok but I'm not good with English, I could have called them something in Korean but I was too wound up.
Tae and Suga appeared" what's going on have you eaten?
They didn't understand the guffaws of laughter.
Suddenly Jimins hand tightened in Jungkooks and he looked to see what had caused it.
The group of women from the restaurant were there walking out noses in the air.
Suddenly the woman's heal went skidding from under her her arms went flailing and she fell face planting the floor.
Tae usually the kindest person going announced unaware,
"Well with those fake boobs and lips I'm surprised she didn't bounce right back!"
A snort of laughter came from the usually stoic faced Kai then Jungkook and Jimin then Jin and Namjoon until they couldn't restrain themselves from laughter.
"What?" Tae and Suga asked making the others laugh more.
"Ah my TaeTae,don't ever change," Jimin went to his friend hugging him as the group walked away from the spectacle in the lobby.
Hours later....
"So without further ado I introduce you to my lively Jimin!"
Jimins smile as he danced made everyone smile,Jungkook looking at the screen with Suga standing next to him smiled in happiness.
"That boy is special," Suga said after hearing all about the events from earlier.
"He is that,he's gonna have to grow a thick skin though in this industry ."
"Hmmmm,what's he doing after the tour?"
"Moving in with me.....but still wants to work why,"
"I have a little project in mind..."
Jungkook looked at his friend quizzically but Suga tapped his nose and shook his head.
Both stared at the ethereal boy as he danced until Jungkook had to hurry back to the stage.
"Ah young sweet,hmmm where's Tae"
He wandered off to find his boyfriend at the edge of the stage watching his friend.
"Let's go babe...."
"Don't you want to wait til the end?"
"Nope I wanna go back soak in a bath and lie in a soft bed making love to you."
"Aw Suga sometimes your quite romantic,"
"Let's hustle,I wanna get you where I want you,"
"Let's see who gets what," Tae laughed as he hauled his lover away.

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