Chapter 1

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I stretch as I awaken to the morning sun glaring through the ripped curtians that hung over my cobweb covered window. My cat, Tori, was still sound asleep on my lap, curled into a little ball. I pet her and as she woke up, she morphed into her human form, laying sprawled on my chest, butt naked.(reference pic is up dere ^ o3o)

"Really, can't you at least morph with clothes on?" I said running my hand through her short purple hair. I call her my cat, but she is really a witch I took in about 3 or so years ago. "But Xavier, it's more comfy like this!" She said suggestively, wrapping her arms around my neck, rubbing her head on my sheet guarded chest.

I wrapped the sheet around her, making her look like a caterpillar, and stood with her in my arms bridal style. "Whatever." I said chuckling softly. All I was wearing was my dark pajama sweats and a white t-shirt, which had two poorly cut holes in the back for my demonic wings that flapped instinctively as I walked. "You know I'm never gonna fall for you right?" I said and she just grunted "Whatever."

Stepping out to my gloomy living room, I tossed Tori towards the couch. But before hitting the cushions, she did her little witchy thing where her clothes magically appear and she did a little mid-air spin. She was wearing her uniform and a broom suddenly appeared under her for her to sit on. Snapping her fingers, glasses appeared in her hands, and after putting them on, she glared at the couch.

"That couch is nasty, you need to replace it!" Tori exclaimed as she made a look of displeasure. "Well that's not happening anytime soon, the school only gives me enough for the rent here and very little for food, so tough luck." I said, sighing as I open the fridge. "Then at least get rid of it." She humphed, crossing her arms.

Grabbing a raw steak out of the fridge, I closed it and turned around to lean on it. I started mumbling to myself about late work at school while I ate my meat, catching Tori's attention.

"Xavi? What's wrong, are you upset again 'cuz you have no lover?" She asked, hanging upside down on her broom. A faint blush crossed my face and I flinched at the word lover, "N-No, I was just thinking of my late homework!" I clarified, storming off to my room to get ready.

I got into my room and shut the door, finishing the rest of my steak. I striped off my pajamas and quickly putting on my school uniform, I stuck my wings through the pre-cut holes in my clothes. "Come on Xavier! Oh I know, Ill get you a drink! Brb!" Tori's muffled voice said through the shut door.

I put on my red bandanna around my neck to cover my demon markings, checking myself out in my dusty, nasty mirror. "Jeez, how big are they gonna get!" I said, stroking my horns that went straight up. I mean big horns aren't bad, just dangerous, especially in this run down house that could fall apart any minute.

When I turned around, Tori was there, holding a cup in her hands. "Here, drink up!" She said, holding the drink out to me. I took the cup from her, sipping graciously. When I was finished, I felt kind of strange, "Uhh, what did you put in here? N-No, what's it gonna do to me?!?!" Suddenly realizing I drank a potion she had made.

She chuckled, covering her eyes, "Well...Lets just say that it will effect you and the first person you make eye contact with!" She said, turning into a cat and hopping into my bag.

This is bad...

How am I supposed to go to school knowing that the first person I look at will cause something really bad!


I arrived at school, landing on their stupid 'Winged students landing pad' for students who fly here. I then covered my eyes with my hand to ensure I don't look at anyone.

Walking down the hall I could sort of hear where people were, so I tried my best to avoid them. But I suddenly heard light footsteps coming my way rather quickly. A sudden force hit me, but was to weak to knock me over. My free arm wrapped around the person that ran into me, making sure they didn't fall.

I completely forgot about the potion and took my hand off to see if they were okay. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, its just the wolves were chasing-" A petite boy started rambling, but stopped as soon as our eyes met. I suddenly felt a strong urge to do an unfamiliar action, and I couldn't help but wrap my other arm around his slim figure.

The surprisingly adorable creature in my arms began to blush as I leaned in closer, placing my lips on his. It felt so good and I loved the way his lips felt against mine. I ran my hand up his back but was stopped at what seemed like wings.

I pulled away from our kiss to see the boy in my arm was in fact an angel from the Heavenly ward. "W-wha- Why?" The little angel in my arms stuttered in between pants. Suddenly Tori jumped out of my bag, shifting into a human, she ran down the hall. She turned around briefly and gave me a wink. "Damn cat!" I mumbled, looking around at all the staring students.

They were mainly staring because an angel was in the Demonic ward, but I still feel awkward seeing them staring at me holding this cutie. I picked up the little angel and drug him into an empty classroom, setting him on a desk. I took a moment to look at him, and he really was beautiful. He had pure white hair and his eyes were a misty purple, and when I looked at them, my heart seemed to melt.

"I uhh..." I said scratching the back of my head, "It was my cat! She, She gave me a potion, but didn't tell me what it would do!" The little angel giggled and looked up at me, "Its okay!" He said smiling. "I-I mean, what's your name?" He asked, suddenly flustered again, covering his mouth with his hand, looking down.

"It's Hellblood, Xavier Hellblood." I said, placing my hand on my head. "M-my name is Hugo Halocrown." He said, looking back up at me, but quickly looking away again, "andyouranicekisser..." he added in a quick breath.

I barley heard him, but I understood when he said 'kisser'. "That was actually my first kiss." I said laughing at my self putting both my hands in my pockets. Hugo was silent for a bit when he finally responded, "M-mine too" he said placing both of his hand in his lap, pushing down nervously. "Really! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! You aren't in a relationship are you?" I said worried.

Hugo shook his head no, and I sighed with relief. He mumbled said something, but I didn't quite hear. "What was that?" I asked him, and he suddenly got really red. "A-again......K-kiss" Hugo said, which made me get red.

I pulled my hands out of my pockets, placing them on his shoulders, pulling him into another kiss. I felt him grab the back of my shirt, and I snaked my arms around his waste like I did before. Leaning more into the kiss, I dropped my hands onto the desk to support my weight over him. "Damn, your so cute." I said against his soft lips, regaining my breath.

Hugo said nothing, but his face gave it away that he was enjoying the kiss. We sat there staring at each other for a minute or two, when Hugo began to speak. "A-agai-" Without letting him finish, I slipped my tongue into his mouth, kissing him again lustfully. His grip on my back tightened and I started to slide a hand up the back of his uniform, feeling his flawlessly smooth skin. I pulled back from the kiss, beginning to peck Hugo's neck lovingly.

Suddenly the bell rang and startled both of us and we let go of each other with startled, yet disappointed faces "S-so, Ill see you around." I said, giving him a long peck on the forehead before I headed out of the classroom hesitantly. "Bye X-Xavier." I heard him say when I turned around one last time. He had a cute, innocent smile on his face. I bit my lip and smirked as I walked out.


New story!!!! ^-^ Ima try to update every other day or so o3o stay tuned!

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