Chapter 2

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School was going by so slowly. I knew that Hugo wouldn't be in the Demonic ward for any classes which really bummed me. So I found myself remembering that amazing little angel's lips and the way his body was so small and delicate and soft and love able and ughhh!!!! I want to see him! And when I do, I'll definitely score a date with him!

Every time the bell rang for the next class, I would rush there and take my seat so I could think about my little one even more. I would even doodle his name with little hearts around it in my notebook. I chuckled to myself 'Damn, Im like a girl in love'. I wonder if he is doing the same.

The bell rang for the next period and that's when I realized that I go to lunch next. Lunch was a special time where I could possibly see Hugo. The cafeteria was split down the middle, one side for good, the other for evil. Its possible to go to the other side, but no one usually did because that's not really their thing.

I bolted out of my seat and into the hall, headed right toward the cafeteria. I decided to not actually eat lunch and just to watch for Hugo. I walked to the middle of the room where the border was, where the room went from blood red to sky blue.
While my side was filled with Witches, Demons, Goblins, WereWolves, Vampires, and other evil things, Hugo's side was filled with Angels, Sorcerers, Elves, Fairies, and other good things. Amongst those good supernaturals, I spotted my angel. He didn't see me, but I really wanted him too.

As I was staring, trying to think of a way over there, someone patted my back. "Hey bud, what 'cha lookin at?" My best friend Ashton said. I didn't take my eyes off Hugo as he got his lunch, "Nuthin bro, just the person I kissed this morning." I said proudly.

"So you had your first kiss! Amazing Xavier, I'm so proud dude!" Ashton said, somewhat impressed. I saw Hugo look around after he got his lunch, and when he looked this way I raised my hand and waved. When he saw me we both blushed and he waved cutely back, making his way over.

I start hitting Ashton's chest, jumping slightly "Dude, my angel's coming over act cool!" I said rubbing my hands together nervously. "Your telling me?" He said chuckling. I ran my hand through my hair to make sure it looks good as Hugo approached. "Dude chill." Ashton said, patting my back again.

Hugo came up to me with a tray in his hands, looking up at me with his beautiful eyes. "H-Hey Avi." He said cutely. The nick name he gave me made my heart skip a beat. If he gave me a nick name, that means he was thinking of me!

I quickly took the tray out of his hands setting it on a nearby table, pulling Hugo in for a hug. "Damn your too cute." I said hugging my angel. "You said that this morning too." Hugo chuckled, gripping the sides of my shirt, trying to hug back.

"You really weren't lying were you?" Ashton said, chuckling at me. "Yea, isn't he a cutie?" I said, stepping aside to let Ash see my angel, who blushed and grabbed his arm, looking down at the floor.

"Your right, and I bet he is delicious!" Ashton said bending over, lifting Hugo's chin to meet his gaze. Yeah, Ashton's a vampire, a hungry one too, but the way he touched my angel was unacceptable! "Hands off, he's mine!" I said, pulling Hugo away.

I sat down and invited Hugo to sit on my lap, "Come on little one, don't be shy." I said pulling him down onto my lap. "You know what he wanted to do?" I asked Hugo as he ate his salad. He shook his head no, and I could see his neck turn red.

I leaned down and bit softly into Hugo's neck. "Uhn!" My angel moaned, bitting down on his fork. I wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my hands on his thighs, dangerously close to his crotch.

"Awe! Love birds already!" Tori said approaching from behind Ashton, who seemed very flustered. She had startled Hugo, but I gently removed my mouth from my angel's neck, looking up at my cat.

"Yup, and If it's okay with Hugo, I'm gonna be home later than usual. I think I'm gonna take this little one out to dinner tonight." I said softly grazing Hugo's crotch, but hiding it under my other hand. "Right angel?" I ask the melting angel in my arms. He nods obediently and I start to rub slightly harder, feeling it harden.

Hugo placed his hands on top of mine, gripping them softly whimpering. "Whatever." Tori hummed as she grabbed a very red Ashton's hand, pulling him out of the cafeteria.

I whisper into Hugo's ear my plan to get him out of this cafeteria and to somewhere more private. He nods when I finished, his face flushed as he bit his lip. "Lets go then." I say, giving him my bag as we stand up.

He puts both bags in front of himself to cover up as I led him out. "Over there." I said, pointing towards the mens restroom. When he saw were I was pointing, he got even more red.

Before we reached the restroom, the bell rang and Hugo started to take my bag off his shoulder. "Are you sure angel?" I asked, hesitantly taking my bag back. He nodded and pulled me down to give me a kiss on the cheek, "B-Bye, see you after school." He said walking back toward the Heavenly ward. I reached my hand out to him as he walked away, completely flustered.

"Meet me here!" I yell to Hugo as I start walking away. He turns around and I gave him a playful wink, heading to class. I couldn't wait to take him out.


Picture of Ashton is provided up dere^ ^-^ I really dont know where I'm gonna take this, so just hang in there x3

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