Episode 1: Loss

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An overhead shot of the sky pans down towards Richmond, Jason stood in the market trying to remember what his mom asked him to pick up "okay, butter, milk, eggs, bread" he said to himself finally remembering he walks through the busy market looking around at all the vendors

Telltale Games presents
In association with Skybound Entertainment

The Walking Dead The Path Of Unity

Episode one


Jason had picked up his mom's groceries when a familiar face walked over "hey, Jason, what's up man" Gabe Garcia
Jason smiled a little "hey Gabe, how're Kate and Javi?" He asked "as well as they can be with the whole Delta thing" Gabe said with a shrug, "have they found out what they want?" Jason asked "no, no motive has been found yet" the two of them kept walking "I'll see ya Gabe, I gotta head back home" Jason said walking on ahead "alright Jason, have a good one" Jason headed back home
"Hey big bro" his little sister Madeline said
He smiled and kneeled down to her "Hey kiddo, where's mom and dad?" He asked looking around "their in the backyard, their watching Brand do his combat training" she said pointing to the backyard "again?, that guy doesn't know how to relax" he chuckled and went inside putting his groceries away before heading to the backyard his brother was going through the obstacle course their dad had set up "hey Jason, why don't you join your brother up there?" His father John said, not one to argue Jason climbed the latter over a brick wall, volting over brick walls, climbing ropes, crawling through small tunnels, the two of them finished the obstacle course in record time "Well done boys" their mother Caroline said praising them both "Yeah lil bro, you might actually be able to keep up with me in the battle feild" Brand said slapping his brother on the back "haha, very fun" Jason said rolling his eyes, suddenly the sound of an explosion was herd as well as gunfire "the Delta, their back" Jason said "alright boys I've trained you for th-" John said before being cut off by a bullet piercing through his head and he dropped dead "JOHN!" Caroline shouted as her husband hit the ground "dad!, YOU SONS OF BITCHES" Brand said "Jason help me out here" Jason pulled his gun shooting one if the intruders in the head than the second in the throat, one guy shot Caroline in the arm "AHHH!" she screamed out as the bullet hit her chest, walkers flooded in as they surrounded her "No no NOOO!" She was immediately eaten alive "Mommy!" Maddie cried out from the back porch "Jason go get Maddie, I'll cover you" Brand said before shooting another Delta soldier than shooting two walkers, Jason ran over to Maddie shooting several walkers in the process "come on Maddie, we half to" "AHHHHH!" Jason was cut off when he herd his brother scream out in agony "BRAND!" Jason shot the walker and ran over to check on his brother, Brand struggled to breath as he held his bitten throat choking on his own blood "Jason, your the man of the family now, take care of Maddie" he took a gasp of breath "I will, I promise" Jason said tearfully holding his dying brothers hand "I love you....little brother" Brand took one final gasp of air before going limp "is...is he going to turn?" Maddie asked, Jason looked down at his gun than at Brand's body

[Shoot him]    [leave him to turn]

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