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The morning news came up on TV screens all over the city. A news lady, with long, orange hair and a yellow stripe in that hair as well. A large gemstone on her chest, and purple eyes. She had a grin on her face, and a greeting that seemed to get everyone's attention.

"Goooood morning, motherfucker!" She greeted everyone.

This woman began to give the morning news, as well as mentioning something that happened last night involving a missing bus full of innocent civilians.

(F/N) sat on his bed, staring at his desk. On it was his grandfather's camera, keeping his eyes focused on it, while hearing the news downstairs. There were still remnants of the fight before, with bruises and cuts, but he was healing up. Thanks to Yukari, (F/N) was starting to feel a lot better. But he was lost in thought. The past few days has been crazy on him, and last night was a tough pill to swallow for him.

He could still remember the choice he was given. The same choice he had to make so long ago. And even now, he wonders if he made the right decision, especially with what he had chosen now.

As the details of the previous night was being made aware for everyone, (F/N) finally got up and left. Grabbing his camera, he walked down the stairs of his house and slipped his shoes on, all while his father watched the news.

"(F/N)!" He stopped and turned around, seeing his mother approach him. The night he came back, he remembered the tight hug that he had gotten. He was concerned that more ribs would be broken, and he thought that was what she was going to do now. However, she just stood there in front of him, looking at him. There was a moment of silence, the two of them just staring at each other. "Are you sure you want to do this? I know we keep talking about this, but-"

"Mom," (F/N) began, his voice calmer, "I'm sure. If I've learned anything after the past few days, it's that I'm ready for this." His mother wanted to say something else, but kept it to herself. She nodded her head. They both shared a tender hug, holding each other before (F/N) backed away and finally walked out of the house.


The walk to Kuroko's apartment was a bit of a long one, filled with silence and his head running with thoughts. When he eventually reached her location, (F/N) met with her parents. They had returned home after hearing about what happened, wanting to make sure their daughter was fine.

He walked in, spoke to the mother, and got paid for his work. And when this little chore was done, he walked down to where the streets were, and there he saw them.

Standing in front of their own bus was Tsukune and the others. They all looked at (F/N) silently. All, but Ms. Nekonome, just gave him a silent stare, their thoughts also stuck on the events of last night. Their eyes locked with each other, silently speaking, before the catty teacher spoke up.

"Oh this is so great!" She said, sliding into (F/N)'s view. "Oh I'm sure Mr. Morioka would be glad to have another photographer as a part of the club!"

"Y-Yeah," (F/N) said, scratching the back of his head. "I'm sure he would be."

"At least it's not another Ginei," Kurumu said, walking away from the group and walking into the bus.

"It's a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one," Mizore muttered, following along with Kurumu.

"Let's just hope he doesn't turn out to be like him," Yukari added on before following the others. Ms. Nekonome followed the others onward, leaving himself, Tsukune, and Outer Moka. They all looked at each other again, before Tsukune spoke up.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm doing fine."

"Even after what happened last night?" Moka asked. (F/N) paused for a moment, but he nodded his head.

The Monsters We Become (Rosario + Vampire x Male Spider-Man Reader)Where stories live. Discover now