elevator scene Jess and jimmy

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Jess: today has been a hard day for us all we just found out ducky has died late last night and in his memory he wants us to close a case for him in his memory and we are honoured to do it, I'm worried about jimmy though he's taking it harder then the others I mean we don't blame him he's worked side by side with ducky for nearly two decades so this is hard for him, I'm heading down to check on him as I wait for the elevator when I see him in the door.

Jimmy: hey there

Jess: hey I was just coming to see you

Jimmy: I was just coming to see you

Jess: * stops the elevator* this will do its the best place to this conversation

Jimmy: what conversation

Jess: how are you doing I know this has got to be hard on you

Jimmy: hard for everyone ducky was loved by everyone and in his honour we get to close one last case for him with his help and that's a blessing, me I'm okay struggling a little bit but who isn't I mean the guy took me under his wing and turned me into the best medical examinater I could of possibly be, I wouldn't of been here if it wasn't for him, he became my mentor a father figure and my best friend all in one

Jess: I know and I'm sorry you lost him I am I didn't know him as well as everyone else did but I'd love to here some story's one day about him

Jimmy: I'd love to tell you every story about him he was the best story teller every new case he would always come up with stories about the 80s or 70s it was awesome, ah I'm sure gonna miss those days

Jess: I know I can't wait to hear them, but for now we should get back to the case I just had to check on you

Jimmy: thank you your the best

Jess: hey if you need anything I'm only a few floors up or a phone call away like anything at all, I love you *hugs and kisses his cheek*

Jimmy: thank you and I love you too * kisses her lips* be safe okay

Jess: I will I promise

*looks at his phone and sees he has one last voicemail from ducky*

Jimmy: ready to go home

Jess: yes please

Jimmy: something I want to play when we get home I didn't see it until earlier I have one last voicemail from ducky before he died

Jess: omg can we list together or do you want to be alone to listen

Jimmy: I'd love for you to be with me if that's okay

Jess: like I said I'm not going anywhere

* back at home*

Victoria: good night momma night dad

Jimmy: night sweetheart

Jess: good night sweet girl

Jimmy: im ready

Jess: are you sure

Jimmy: yes

Ducky: *hello there Mr palmer and too all my dear friends of ncis my time in this world is coming to an end I would like to take my last few minutes to say to each and everyone of you thank you for kindness and your support in my years of working alongside the best group of people who made my time as a medical examinator for many years and the ncis historian from a small little boy in Edinburgh to NCIS thank you all so much I will miss you all so dearly you guys became my family for a long time and that will forever stay with me, and Mr palmer I mean Jimmy well done I couldn't of been more prouder of you, you've done so well keep it up watching you grow into the doctor you are today was a dream I gained a son I never had so thank you for that and naming your beautiful daughter after my mother I wish you all the best in the future all the best now Dr. Donald mallard aka ducky and good night from me*

Jimmy: Wow that was beautiful

Jess: *wipes away the tears from her eyes* yeah it was I'm proud of you too

Jimmy: thank you for everything I couldn't of done this without you

Jess: anytime I love you

Jimmy: I love you too babe

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