Before you start reading

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Hello reader! 

Thank you for reading this piece of crap and this is my very first book, so please be patient with me as I try to find more ways to make my stories more interesting. This will just be filled with some random oneshots about TNT and Y/n. There will also be some ships within the group too. There is no smut in this book I won't update very often, because of schoolwork, piano and voice lessons, etc., but I will try to add more stories as often as I can. I won't edit these, so if you see a mistake, please just move on. I will allow constructive criticism. Warning for people who like super long stories: most of these will probably be (what I consider) very short. So if you think all of these oneshots are too short, or you just don't like it in general, flip off and go read some other book. But if you are not one of these people, then go ahead and start reading!


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