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Thursday, 8:00 am.

"Sooo. What happened yesterday?" Nikki peered her head from behind Neil's locker. She bounced on her tippy toes, leaning closer and closer the longer she waited for an answer.

"I'm sorry?" He played dumb and kept his head inside his locker even though he already exchanged everything he needed.

"What did you guys do? You two went to the mall, right? Did you.." She glanced around in each direction.  "Make a moooove~"

"What? WHAT?" Briefly, he felt some heat rushing to his face. He chewed on his lips. Again, regretting that one dreadful night when he spilled his feelings onto Nikki. Admitting he maybe felt something towards their friend. He half expected Nikki to run over to Max and fully expose the feelings stirring around. She hadn't said a word. Not even a peep or hint. It made him appreciate her more.

"...We're cool. Last night was fun." He admitted and slowly closed his locker. "I told you some alone time would work!" She squealed. "I'm Cupid. Tell me I'm not?"

"You're not." Neil leaned up against the closed locker. "You leaving us alone really shook our relationship. He thinks I'm mad at him because I'm not fun and exciting. We sit in silence while I make up scenarios in my head. Half of which end up with me embarrassing myself or dying." He followed some of the other students as they walked by with his eyes.

"If you want to date him you're going to be alone with him all the time. I'm helping you. Just wait. You're going to thank me!" Defeated, Neil let out a sigh. "Kay."

"Why are y'all hanging at Neil's locker?" Max popped out of the crowd of people. He wore the shirt Neil had bought for him yesterday, beneath was a white long-sleeved shirt. He tended to wear anything long since he was cold quite literally all the time. Neil visibly stared down at the top. Causing a chuckle from Max and a large smirk from Nikki.

"Before you asked, I did wash it. I know how you get."He rolled his eyes, playfully.
"Exactly what I was wondering, yeah." The brunette laughed nervously.

"I'll wear yours tomorrow." Neil grinned.
"Don't. I know you'll style it like ass. Let me help you."

Nikki chuckled at the two. "Bad news gang. I'm hanging out with the other gang today again, gang."
"Stop saying, gang," Max complained. "Me and the gang made plans while we were out. Me and the gang as in... Ered is now involved." She bit down on her lip to contain the squeals. Max and Neil just gave each other that look. For once she wasn't trying to sabotage Neil, which was nice too.

"Ered, huh?" Max nudged her shoulder. "No fair! You're only mad I'm not ditching you when it's for a girl?" She pouted.
"A girl you've had a crush on way too long."
Nikki backed up a bit. "Okay. I got to get to homeroom. See you guys at some point today, okay?"

"Tell me what happens. Tell me if she makes a move ~" Neil spoke sarcastically. Nikki rolled her eyes, picking up what he was doing. "Haha! See you two later." She raised a peace sign and faded into the crowd.

After School

"Skating. You want to go skating?"
Neil sent a text message to Max in response.
"Ya. Do you not know how to or something?"
"I do! Shut up."
It wasn't a date. But god, did it sound like one. When he questioned what Max wanted to do on a Thursday afternoon the words "roller skating." scrambled his mind to even be a suggestion.

His phone vibrated with a text from Max. "I'd pay good money to see u fall on your ass. Which is why I'm paying."

"Gee. Thanks. I'm going to get ready. Okay?"

He set his phone down on the table leaving to not yet take a shower. Instead, he opened his closet door and pulled on a thin string that illuminated the once pitch-black room. On the top shelf, he lifted to grab a thin red journal. He took this book over to his desk. Setting it down on the table as he took a seat. Grabbing an actual pen from its holder and began to write. His hand dragged across the page as documented his week so far as a whole. Spilling out the events that occurred with Max, all the way following back to their arguments He hadn't touched this book in a while... Of course, in between he added his input of emotions he felt during the whole ordeal.

Neil flinched. Jumping at his phone vibrating the entire table. It was a message from Max. "Be there in like 30 minutes. K?"

The previous time-stamp was about... forty minutes ago.


Typically he took a shower after school. This was no different. Sure, perhaps he scrubbed here and there longer or squeezed out more body wash than usual. Sure, he sprayed a load of his longest-lasting scent of cologne, and sure, maybe he brushed and pulled on his curls until they sat the way he wanted them to. Nothing different.

He picked a simple outfit. a striped sweater and jeans to match.


Several knocks banged on the door. A minute or so passed by with no answer. Only slamming more rapid knocks at the door until eventually it opened. Immediately a strong scent of cologne hit Max's nostrils. Wrinkles formed near his nose.

"I didn't hear you knocking. I was upstairs. Sorry. Call me next time." Neil suggested and moved out of the doorway for Max to enter.

"Or maybe stay near the door whenever someone says I'm going to be here in thirty minutes." His face continued to scrunch up. "Is that cologne?"

"Yea- Yeah? I use it every day. It's a new scent I've been wanting to try. It's.. more intense. Long lasting though."

"Who are you trying to attract that smell to? Woman? Think they'll come flying towards the smell like they do in cartoons." He snickered. "What were you doing upstairs? Vaping?"

"No. I was fixing my hair."

"Speaking of vaping, let me use your shit."

"I guess."

"I know where it is." He made his way up the step. Letting out a sigh once he heard Neil call out below him "Don't take long. It's kind of late to go skating on a school night."

Max entered the bedroom alone. Neil trusted the boy to wander around the other's room without stealing, snooping, or whatever. He opened the drawer to the nightstand. Immediately a small red notebook stuck out as it covered nearly everything inside the drawer. for a moment he glanced over his shoulder to see no one had entered the doorway just yet. This drawer contained hidden but in plain sight items Neil stored. And previously he remembered being told Carl never snooped around like his mother did. He stared at the cover of the book. Blank. This wasn't some sort of diary, was it? Should something like this even be in his grasp?

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