4 ; He's Not in the Mood for Sex

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Passionate, seductive, sensual, erotic, and steamy, are some words you would describe the sex you and Justin had last night. (im laughing so hard rn)

He returned from tour about 5 days ago and you guys couldn't keep your hands off of each other. You being pregnant didn't help either. Your hormones were all over the place.

One minute you wanted to cuddle up with Justin, watch movies and eat popcorn, and the next minute you would catch an attitude and cuss him out.

Currently you were laying in bed tracing over Justin's cross tattoo in the middle of his chest. He always seemed to look sexier the morning after you guys had sex.

You have been awake for about 2 hours, but you were so warm and comfortable in Justin's arms you couldn't find the strength to get up.

He shouldn't just sleep his day away, so you decided to wake him up... but in a different way than normal.

You climbed on top of Justin and slowly started grinding against his crotch.

"Y/N," he spoke in his scratchy morning voice, that is so sexy to you and seemed to turn you on even more, "what are you doing?"

"I'm just trying to have a little fun baby, don't you want to?" you questioned.

"Y/N.. Baby stop." He replied haulting your movements.

Sexually frustrated you moan out, "Jussssttiinnnn, why'd you make me stop? you know you want this." you reply, while leaving delicate kisses down his neck.

"That's where you're wrong babe. I don't want this. I'm so tired and worn out from last night, I just want to stay in bed all day. Also, I'm sure the baby is tired of his or her's little home being invaded by their daddy's dick, don't you think?" he replies with a chuckle.

Without saying another word, you climbed off of Justin, and turned the opposite direction, and you couldn't help but feel the major blush creeping up on your cheeks. Even though you had a dark skin complexion anyone could still tell whether you were blushing or not.

Never have you ever been rejected by Justin. In the past if he wasn't in the mood he would just pleasure you in another way... if you know what I mean.

Guessing he sensed how embarrassed you felt, he scooted closer to you, draped his arm across your waist, and put his face into your neck.

"Y/N why are you embarrassed? It's not that I don't want to have sex with you, i'm just tired. I had a long day at the studio yesterday trying to finish my new album, and then coming home, cutting the lawn, and then having sex all night, leaves a man exhausted."

"I understand baby. Im sorry" you say, turning around and pecking his lips.

When you began to pull away from the kiss, he grabs the back of your head and pulls you in for more.

Confused you pull away fully this time and ask with furrowed eyebrows, "I thought you weren't in the mood?"

With a smirk on his face he replies, "'Mhhmm, I changed my mind."

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