Chapter 22

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I apologize for missing yet another daily post, but if you've read the previous update, then you can probably guess why! But here you go, a chapter that starts off cute, and ends...not-so-cute.

Everyone woke up late the next day, and as it was Saturday, they lazed around, not doing anything important. Although the rest of the family tried to put up a feeble protest, since it was Vaidehi and Raghuveer's seventh monthiversary, they gave in pretty quickly when Vaidehi and Raghuveer staunchly refused. Raghuveer's gift to Vaidehi that day was that he would do whatever she ordered him to that day. He thought it was proper compensation for his mistake the day before.

When Vaidehi smiled innocently, he thought she had some sinister plank cooking in her head, but she only asked that he spend the day with her. Not going outside, or shopping, or anything of that sort. But just spending the day at home with her. It was a new experience for him, relaxing at home and taking joy in the simple things. Drinking coffee out on the balcony, basking in the sun. Sitting next to each other on the swing as they read her favorite book together. Her waiting patiently for him to finish reading, so she could flip to the next page. His amusement at her reactions to the book, even though it was likely her hundredth time reading it. Cooking food together, and watching her as she randomly hummed while zipping around the kitchen.

Their peaceful reverie broke the next morning, as Raghuveer left before Vaidehi even woke up. He had left her a simple message, "Urgent work abroad. Be back in a week. Take care of yourself." The rest of the family hadn't been informed about any trips abroad, so they were surprised as well, but accepted it as this had happened a few times before. Raghuveer was on a government-related project. Related to the client whom he had met at the business party on Vaidehi's birthday.

It was crucial to get this deal sorted ASAP, so the government could continue with their investigations. And Raghuveer had only gotten the heads up late last night. Two weeks passed by in a blur. The time difference barely left a few hours each day that Raghuveer could talk to his wife or family, and the long days of confidential meetings took away that time, too. Vaidehi messaged and called him the first two days, but then got caught up in an urgent project at work and the preparations for Radhika and Shraddha's wedding, which was in two weeks.

When a week passed, she messaged him again, but received no reply. It did hurt, a little, but she didn't want to disturb him further since he seemed very busy, and she let it be. Because it was better to respect someone and accept them as they were rather than running after them only to have your heart broken. It was better to distance yourself and only appreciate what you receive rather than cursing them later for causing you pain. Or so her childhood had taught her.

One thing that was important to understand about Vaidehi was that she had a more subtle strength that people often ignored. While everyone else struggled with lost expectations and disappointment, Vaidehi had made herself so independent that she accepted the attention people gave her, while never feeling bad at their ignorance. That was not to say that she was weak-willed or spineless. No, she was bold and confident to the world. But, she knew how to choose her battles and worked to preserve her happiness. 

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