87 3 2

Requested by: XxKyl3xx
They requested for Fluff :3

No ones POV because i'm tired of writing dialouge:

(I swear most of my stories, Whenever they have dialouge it either is just full of it or is mainly just dialouge bruh)

Mephone walked around the forest feeling extremely tired. He was taking a Break from recording II18 and editing II19

(they finished recording both but they had to record the Calm Down cabana scene's)

He then noticed someone still awake near Hotel OJ


He walke dup to the Figure and was surprised it was OJ!

OJ smiled and patted his back before walking inside, Completely forgetting that he banned Mephone from the Hotel.

Mephone tried to enter but got electricuted instead.

OJ was shocked and decided to go camping instead.
He packed their items and headed to the season 2 contestant grounds (when i say items i meant food and a sleeping bag)

OJ layed out the Sleeping bag and had Mephone sleep in it.
Flustered Mephone asked why there was only one.

Simple, Objects made of Glass (like cups and windows) dont get cold

OJ answered, Mephone insisted OJ to take the sleeping bag instead. OJ sighed and hesitantly did.

Later in the night Mephone was shivering and so, OJ got out of the sleeping bag and put mephone instead to warm him up

The end i'm so damn tired and theres construction outside of our house because our neighbores are moving into their new house

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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