10 : Anastasia The Peculiar [ A Nosey Harry Onto Something ]

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Six pairs of footsteps walked in the same pace past the crowd of people who were giving them looks of surprise and amazement

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Six pairs of footsteps walked in the same pace past the crowd of people who were giving them looks of surprise and amazement.

" Woah, aren't those three Malfoys? "

" Yeah, and the three other kids must be purebloods too. Parkinson, Nott, and Glasswater. I heard from my children that those kids are always together in Hogwarts. "

" Hold on, Glasswater? As in the child of Glasswater that was just found? "

Lucius even urged them to walk faster, glaring at the whispering crowd and smiling smugly once they flinched under his stare.

Finally arriving at one of the train's entrances, the children bid the Malfoy couple goodbye.

" Don't forget to study well. Do not slack off. ", Lucius reminded them.

" Thank you for dropping us off, Mr. Malfoy! ", Anastasia thanked the older man before finally walking away with her friends.

" Ana, let's sit together! ", said Pansy, earning an agreement from Draco.

Anastasia's bright face suddenly dimmed for a bit. " Umm.. About that... "

Theodore gave the blue-eyed girl a glance before letting out a huff and walking away from the group. The three children watched him as he made his way further than them before entering a cabin.

" Ah... He left... ", Anastasia whispered.

Anastasia jolted in surprise when she felt two hands on both sides of her shoulders. She turned around and found that it was just Lee. Perhaps the Weasley twins have been attempting to surprise her multiple times already that she expected them to be the one who surprised her this time.

" Lee! ", Anastasia greeted as they both hugged each other.

" Hello Ana! What are you still standing here for? Let's go! ", Said Lee as he held her hand and began pulling her away from the stunned Slytherins.

" H-hey! Wait! "

Upon noticing their friend getting dragged off by the Quidditch Commentator, Pansy and Draco finally snapped out of their frozen state.

" Hey! What do you think you're doing?! ", Draco exclaimed.

Lee Jordan paused on their steps, causing the young girl to stop too. He then turned around and gave a mischievous smirk at the two. " Why I'm taking her with me of course. She'll be sitting with me. "

Draco looked even more enraged. " Who says you can?! She'll sit with us! "

" Ohhh? Is that so? ", Lee turned his attention to the girl beside him. " Who are you sitting with, Ana? "

Anastasia looked troubled. She was going to suggest all of them to sit together but with what's happening now, it won't be possible. But if she sat with Draco and Pansy, the other Slytherins and Gryffindors might get angered. Besides, Fred and George aren't here to keep Lee company.

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