real life

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Jude's POV
We're currently driving through France, we have around 9 hours left. I glance to the right of me and see Isabella still asleep. I look to the clock on the dash display, it's 3:45 (am). Kick off's at 15:30 (3:30 pm), so we have plenty of time to get there.
My thoughts are interrupted when my phone starts to ring, still connected to bluetooth.
"Hello," I say, not checking who it is.
"Hey Bro, just wanted to check up on you, see how you're doing." It's Toby.
"Toby, mate it's 4 in the morning."
"You answered."
"Fair. I'm alright, how are you?"
"I'm pretty good. What are you doing this weekend?"
"Uhm, I'm actually heading up to Manchester right now."
"So that's why you're awake. Why are you going to Manchester?"
"For the Manchester derby."
"Damn, you're going to the United game over Liverpool? Didn't see that coming"
"I mean it's a derby."
"Fair. Who are you going with?"
"What do you mean? Who said I was going with someone?" I say quickly, starting to panic.
"Mate I was just asking, relax."
"Oh. I'm just gonna go alone."
"Jude Bellingham going to a game by himself? Shocking."
"I'll hang out with the England boys and Erling after."
"Holy shit, I just remembered why I called you," he says suddenly. "You fucking celebrated to Gavi's cousin?"
"So you didn't call to check up on me?"
"You've been at Madrid for a week and already got the rivals to hate you?"
"They don't hate me. Ale loves me for sure. And de jong too."
"Mate, you basically admitted to being in love with the player with the most anger issues', cousin. You do understand that right?"
"I didn't admit to being in love with her," I roll my eyes. "I just pointed up. Who knows if it was to her, maybe it was to God."
"Shut up Jude. Isn't she going to be at the derby?" He asks, making my eyes widen.
"Who said that? And how would I ever know? Not like I talk to her."
"Well she's Mount's roommate innit? I'd go to watch my roommate play."
"Oh yeah. Forgot about that part," I say just as I hear noise from the right of me. I turn to see Isa starting to wake up. "Alright mate, I gotta go."
"Where? Are you in Manchester already?"
"No but have to go get gas innit."
"Oh. Isn't your car electric?" He asks as Isa stretch's her arms, yawning.
"Gotta go, love you. Bye Toby," I say and quickly hang up.
"Who's Toby?"
"Look who's awake, morning Paez."
"It's the middle of the night bro."
"You know what I meant."
"Where are we?"
"France, almost to Paris," I read off the navigation system. Isa gasps,
"Omg can we go see bappe?"
"It's almost 4 in the morning."
"So? He loves me, it's fine."
"We're not going to see M'bappe Isa."
"You're a meanie," she says, crossing her arms. "Can we atleast go see Hakimi?" Hakimi?
"Since when are you friends with Hakimi?"
"Since he beat Portugal's ass at the World Cup."
"Didn't he also beat your guys' ass?"
"Yeah but in his defense he was cooking for Morocco."
"Okay Isa, definitely," I say sarcastically.
"Okay well you have to let me drive now Bellingham."
"No? When did I say that?"
"Jude," she says giving me a look. "Come on, you've been awake for almost  24 hours. Let me drive for at least a little bit."
"I really am fine, you don't-"
"Pull over Bellingham," she says, interrupting me. I groan, reluctantly pulling over. Sighing, I look over at Isabella, unlocking the car to get out. The second she gets outside, she immediately turns around and gets back in the car.
"What's wrong?" I ask, worried.
"It is so fucking cold. You're gonna have to get out and I'll hop over." I roll my eyes at how dramatic that was.
"Here just put on my jacket," I say, reaching into the back. I grab my leather jacket and hand it to her. She looks up at me, raising her eyebrows.
"Didn't take you as the leather jacket type Bellingham."
"I'm not, but it's a nice jacket. And my mom got it for me." I pause before saying the last part.
"Cute," she smiles, putting it on. She closes her eyes, sighing, "warm too." I shake my head at her, laughing, as I get out of the car. She gets out too and we switch sides. I get in as she's closing her door. As soon as her door closes she looks at me, "can we take pictures, pleaseee."
"Because, some of us actually post on our instagrams?"
"You just want a picture in Jude Bellingham's car."
"You're so cocky. I look cute right now, meaning it's the best time to take pictures."
"You just woke up?"
"And I look cute, duh." I shake my head, not wanting to get into that argument. I quickly get out of the car and get in the backseat. I look up at Isabella after I sit down and she stares at me, confused.
"I'm not have sex with you Bellingham."
"Oh my god isa," I groan, massaging my temples.
"What? Why else are you in the backseat?"
"To take pictures," I say in a duh tone.
"Ohhh. Okay then," she says before passing me her phone. "Take a bunch, I can delete them if they're bad."

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