Chapter 1.

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Benatar -gay-ass last name- was not a bad guy - sure he could act a bit weak and say weak things and some people might've thought he was some weak-ass twink (which he sorta is) because of his quiet demeanor, love of his precious keytar, and the fact that no ones saw what the top part of his face looks like, spreading the rumor that if you look into his eyes, you'll become a twink. In all honesty, though, he wasn't a bad guy. Sometimes his friends would be huge dicks to him (Axel especially) but it's not like they meant any harm to it all dudes were bros, and they were as tight as bros could get. They'd all been friends since high school (Well, Axel met them when he was a senior and they were all younger than him, but they became friends anyway). okay, so sometimes he could be a complete asshole to Benatar but in reality, they were pretty close friends. Making fun of each other was just showing that they cared. And Benatar cared about Axel a lot like a lot a lot. A lot in the way that it was kinda sorta - okay utterly and completely - gay, Yes, the quietest member of Yfm had the hots for Axel. It wasn't so much that he didn't like girls, It was just that he had sort of given up on women ever since Fzg (friend-zone girl). Which brings him into the situation he is in now, making him question whether or not he deserved his current... predicament. It all started three days ago. The members of YFM were at the Bald Beaver. Benatar watched in sorrow as Axel continued to get rejected by 5 girls, and wasting his money on strippers, and swigging down his sorrows at the bar. Benatar was sitting there nursing a martini. The Brit always ate and drank slowly, it takes him about an hour just to drink a mug of coffee (he carries it around with him and takes sips while he's doing other morning shit). Axel sat on the stool right next to his bandmate. "Are you a lightweight?" He had asked the blonde, taking a shot of whisky. Benatar shrugged, he wasn't much of a talker. Over the years Axel has sort of developed a Benatar sense; he could understand Benatar without him having to say anything. It was weird and the other guys didn't have it but no one questioned it. "You want to have a shot contest?" Axel asked. The reading he got from Benatar was a question as to why he should "It'll be metal! Come on loosen up your britches or some English shit like that." And then they started drinking, And then they started drinking, waiting for the other one to say that they had enough after each shot. Ben lost count after a few shots and they were both hammered by the time they ran out of money. "Y-You know..." Axel slurred, putting an arm around the Brits shoulders "I give you a lot of shit... But dude you're like my best friend..." He laughed and wasn't even sure why. "You tried to shove my head into a loo." Benatar pointed out; that Ben liked Axel's voice, as loud and harsh as it was. "I tried, you actually has done that to me." The metal head reminded him; when they met in high school Axel immediately disliked Benatar and tried to beat up PuffPuff for being his friend, unfortunately, Benatar got involved and Axel dragged him into the bathroom for a swirly. However, he didn't know the brit well enough to know that Benatar's frail appearance was hella deceiving. The guy was seriously strong, unnaturally strong for someone as skinny as he, so he turned the tables on Axel and instead shoved his head into the toilet. Axel giggled at the memory - it made Ben feel tingles in his chest "The school made you write an apology letter." The drummer mused, Axel tightened his arm around the other's neck and pulled him closer until his head was resting on Benatar's shoulder "Axel, you're drunk." "So are yous." Ben slurred and burst out laughing, he started to fade in and out but he was somewhat aware that he was hanging on to Axel as the brunette dragged him out of the club. And the next thing he knew they were on the bus. Without warning Ben wretched and threw up, vomit ending up on both his and Axel's shirts. "Hey!" Axel chastised him, then sat the blonde down on the couch. With fumbling fingers, the drummer took off his graphic shirt, and his white shirt, Benatar stared at the brunette's chest hungrily. Benatar may have been slender, but he wasn't bony. 'Heheh, I could make him reeeaal bony. Down there.' Axel thought with a giggle as Ben felt his shirt getting tugged off and thrown to the ground. "Dude... I need anothers shirt. Go get me another one." Axel groaned, his brain working too stupid to force himself up from the couch "No fucking way, I'm too sloshed right now." "Lightweight!" Axel teased. Axel teased and without thinking he rested his head in Benatar's lap and stared up - with him looking up at the blonde while his hair was sticking up they could look at each other in the eyes for a change. Benatar had brown eyes, Axel had green. Ben didn't remember who kissed first - he liked to think it was Axel, but something that forward was something he'd usually expect from himself. Things got heated from that point on and both of their brains must have shut off. The kiss grew deep... Axel pulled Benatar on top of him... They were moaning and kissing, their hands were roaming everywhere, and the rest of their clothes ended up on the floor. With little sense of time and place, Ben remembered he had his fingers digging into Axel's shoulders as the drummer was thrusting inside of him. Even drunk the brunette had a slow but oh-so-satisfying rhythm, it felt so good that Ben didn't even care if someone saw. He was calling out his name and Axel was calling out his. He came before Axel was finished and passed out while his bandmate was still pushing in and out of him. He woke up the next morning lying on top of Axel, who was thoroughly blacked out and had an arm draped lazily across Ben's back. Panicking when he saw they were both naked and still remembering some of the night before, the Brit got off of the other martian, threw a blanket on top of him and rushed into the bathroom. He threw up into the toilet several times and took a hot shower to wash off the sweat, cum and scent of Axel off of him. In retrospect sleeping with Axel in itself he didn't mind, but it was the fact that they were both drunk that made him feel a bit icky. It wasn't fully consensual on both parts. He climbed out and got dressed, exiting the bathroom just as Axel was stirring awake. His heart thumped as the groaning drummer sat up and looked at him "What happened last night? Why am I naked?" Axel asked; the Brit realized that his friend had no idea of what took place that night... Oh thats right, Axel hadn't eaten much that night because he was so busy practicing for Puffpuff's new song, he was drinking on a half empty stomach. He must have been blacked out the whole time. "You see uh..." He rummaged his throbbing skull for an excuse "We got really drunk last night and uh, I convinced you to go streaking. Sorry man..." Axel groaned "Oh my fucking god,,," He cursed, and with blanket still wrapped around him modestly he shuffled his way into the bathroom, innocently unaware that Benatar not only knew exactly how his naked body looked, but was actually well acquainted with it. That was three days ago, Ben hoped that if he forced himself to forget about it everything would be okay, he could continue to admire Axel from afar satisfied that even if it was unlikely that they would ever be together, at least they had spent one night together. And he could keep this all to himself and there would be no immediate consequences. Yet here he was, hunched over the toilet with bile staining his lips, feeling like absolute shit. Why? Apparently, sleeping with your best friend drunk and not telling him about it was so bad, the universe punished him by knocking him up. 

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