Chapter 2.

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"Bloody hell..." Ben groaned and he stared down at his plate.Usually, three slices of dry toast, plain oatmeal, and black coffee were his favorite breakfast, but now the thing inside of him decided it was disgusting so therefore he couldn't eat it. His hand unconsciously went to his stomach and he went into his thoughts. He had seen a doctor at a free clinic. She promised to keep this bizarre secret, but explained to him that the baby was growing at a much faster rate than normal, she estimated the entire pregnancy would take only about twenty-three days, apparently male pregnancy was much more rapid than with women. So in a little less than three weeks from now, Ben would have to... give birth to this thing. He didn't want to get rid of it, the thought of killing his child disgusted him, and it didn't help that he couldn't even imagine himself doing something like that to Axel, even if the drummer didn't know it would still be pretty much the ultimate betrayal. The doctor also explained that he should take prenatal vitamins, like a lot of them, constantly, because of the growth being so fast. He didn't want his friends to suspect anything so he just bought a giant bottle of gummy vitamins and iron supplements. Axel was sitting across from him and eating his breakfast - simple, extra-crispy bacon and scrambled eggs with ketchup. Benatar has some oddly plain tastes, he drank his coffee without cream or sugar, pizza without toppings, and never put salt, pepper, or ketchup on anything. He never explained to them why it is he does this, but then again while they sometimes teased him for his 'lack of taste' they never really asked why it is he does this. "Are you alright Ben? You aren't eating." Axel noted Benatar's shoulders shot up to his ears and his back slammed into the back of his chair, being around Axel made him nervous, what if he suspected something? "I-I just don't feel good." Ben said, which was part of the truth. "My stomach... wants nothing I want." "maybe you got a worm or somethin'." Axel suggested and tossed him some juicy crispy bacon. "Maybe something meaty would go down easy." Nodding but not looking at his bandmate, Ben took a bite of the toast - and was surprised that he liked it a lot, he shoved the whole thing into his mouth and after barely chewing swallowed the whole thing. "Thanks, I was really hungry. You think you could make more for me?" Ben asked, the brunette nodded and went back into the bus kitchen. He looked down at his still-flat stomach. The baby must have the same tastes as Axel, something he found inconvenient but amusing in its way. He shouldn't eat with his bandmates much, he didn't want them to notice his eating habits. Axel came back and gave him some mo' scrumptious bacon which the Brit devoured. Ben stalked into the kitchen and some monster from the fridge, He shook it pretty violently and poured some gummy worms into it; maybe the thing likes some hardcore shit since Axel did. Ben was so engrossed in staring at the monster energy fizz in his hand he didn't notice the literal face of YFM come into the kitchen. "What are you making faggot?" A voice asked him from behind making him jump; in nerdy glasses and his ever-present red hoodie stood PuffPuff Humbert. Even though Ben was the second tallest and oldest, and Puffpuff was the youngest and the shortest, Ben felt surprisingly intimidated. Then again, maybe it's because he was so on edge about anyone finding out about his... problem. "I uh..." Ben stuttered "It's... monster." Puff raised an eyebrow "Why would you drink that hardcore shit?" "Just... trying something new." Ben stammered and turned away, he drank most of the monster and gummy worms mixed in together, trying his best not to gag at the taste of the sugar at the bottom then tossed it into the trashcan, and quickly left the kitchen, leaving Puff to stand there confused at the blonde's off behavior. He shrugged it off as the guy coming off of something. Benatar sat on his bed and downed the monster, it tasted honestly amazing right now, the thing did like what Axel does. At least now Ben doesn't have to guess what he's craving. As he finished the monster his eyelids felt heavy. He didn't understand why though, he'd only been awake for about an hour. He was too tired to care now, so he settled into his bed, sound asleep in less than a minute, lying on his side and one arm draped protectively over his stomach. Fatigue. The doctor said that with the baby growing at an impossibly fast rate that it was growing at, he would be eating and sleeping way more than even a pregnant woman. Axel came into the room and was a bit surprised to see his bandmate asleep already, although admittedly he was quite cute while he was asleep. With a small smile, Axel draped a blanket over the unconscious Brit and closed the blinds to make the room dark. He then left the room to help Puff get his hand unstuck from a jar (don't ask.) Benatar woke up when someone started violently shaking his shoulder "Wake up, Bri'ish!!" He heard Puffpuff yell at him, he swatted at the short pest before sitting up groggily. "What?" he mumbled softly, pretty irritated at being woken up. He was having such a nice nap too, and now that he was awake he felt like crap; he was hungry again but queasy at the same time. The nerd put his hands on his hips "It's time for practice." He said, Ben rubbed his eyes for a quick second before standing up and quickly skiddled to the rec room "Hurry up." "okaye......" Ben murmured, meekly enough that Puff found it necessary to grab him by the neckline of his shirt to pull him just enough that he fell to the floor on his hip "Oww! What the bloody hewll was that fow???!" Ben groaned in annoyance. His bed was on the top bunk, hell he was lucky he didn't land on his side or his front or the thing could have been hurt! Annoyed he leapt onto his feet and punched Puff squarely in the jaw. The younger man grunted in pain and stumbled back falling onto his butt. "You dick!" Puffpuff shouted, but the blonde only ignored him as he stumbled into the rec room. DeeJay was adjusting buttons and levers on his sound mixer, and Axel was trying out a new rhythm on his drums, Though Axel's black electric guitar and his acoustic were in their stands behind him, so they might be used also. Axel smiled at him, and it made Ben feel more tingles in his chest "Feeling good, dude?" The drummer asked. It made Benatar suddenly want to go up to the brunette and kiss him for all he's worth, but of course, he didn't. The blonde instead cast his stare onto the floor as he shuffled over to his beloved keytar. 'Axel made me more of a fag' Ben thought. "Yeah I am, I think I'm coming down with something. It'll pass." Benatar muttered, blushing he made sure his face was turned away from them. He liked Axel for a long time, but it was only now after the err... incident between them that Ben felt a bit more nervous and squirmy around the drummer. They started to practice with their instruments, each doing their own thing, and Puffpuff eventually joined them. Puff had a new idea for a song, and belted out some lyrics,  quickly came up with a chorus and the bass instrumental. Axel tried to come up with the intro's instrumental but couldn't focus, which made Puff mad. "Benatar, what the hell is wrong with you today?" The band leader demanded. Benatar couldn't make himself answer, so Axel did it for him "He's got like, a worm or something." The martian told Puff, who at the news turned an angry gaze on Benatar. Well, more like half-angry, half-concerned, Puff wasn't the type to admit that he cared. "Damnit, Ben. why didn't you say you were sick?" Puff demanded but didn't wait for an answer "Peace the fuck out until you get better!" Nodding Benatar got up and left the rec room, he made his way over the the kitchen, settling on eating some chips and pickles (yum). He decided maybe a walk would clear his head so he left the bus and went on a walk with no particular destination. He wasn't sure what town they were in but he didn't care. He let his mind blank out for a while, giving him a peaceful break from the business with Axel and the weird shit happening to his body. He didn't realize it was getting late until he bumped into a street lamp and realized it was on, he looked up to the sky and saw that it was getting dark. Cursing to himself that he had forgotten where he was, he whipped out his phone and dialed the number for the 'community' phone on the bus, a few rings passed before he was answered 'y'ello??' Said the all-too-familiar harsh loud voice, a blush crept on Ben's face and his palms got sweaty. "Erm... Hello, Axel." He greeted awkwardly "Say, It's getting dark. Maybe you could come pick me up, guys??" 'Where are you?' "Uhh..." He scanned his surroundings "Intersection of Oliver and Chile, right across the street from a Billabongs." 'Okay, we'll come get you.' Axel clarified, Benatar heard him say other things kind of muffled, probably talking to Puff or Deejay. "Hurry up." Ben quietly ordered, then ended the call. Sighing, he sat down on the curb sank his chin between his knees, and wrapped his arms around his legs. His mind was a little more clear now, so he mulled over his options. Would he be able to keep the baby once it was born? He was terrified... He would make a horrible parent, and he was in a band, how could he have a baby while they were doing concerts and tours? That and there was Puff to worry about..... What if Puff dropped the baby out of a moving car or something? The guy had serious raging issues. Oh shit... How would he explain a baby to them in the first place? Say that he found it? No, they would probably just say he should give it up to the state or police. That and this baby would end up looking like either him, Axel, or both.... Wait, what if the baby ended up looking exactly like Axel? How the hell would he explain that? The logical side of him wanted to give it up but the emotional side of him wanted to keep it. Maybe he should tell Axel and he would help him. No, the brunette would probably just be disgusted, either that or feel obligated to be with Benatar because of the baby, and Ben didn't want to be with Axel because one of them felt they had to be. "There you are!" He heard, then tilted his head to see Axel walking towards him. The drummer offered him a hand up and Ben took it with a thudding heart. "Puff parked a block from here, he was being annoying about about going into the bar there." They began walking, Ben was still a bit sluggish so he was pretty slow, but Axel didn't seem to mind walking slowly with him. "weird how you decided to take a three-hour walk." "Three hours?" benatar echoed "Wow I have lost track of time." He mused. "I thought you were sick?" "I am, but I wanted some air." benatar shrugged. There was silence for a few minutes, benatar kept stealing glances at his bandmate. He just couldn't get his mind off of the briunette; the thick hair, the striking fashion choice, the harsh personality, the stupid smile he always had... Benatar hoped the baby would be like Axel. Said drummer suddenly stopped in his tracks "Okay, tell me the truth, dude." He said out of nowhere. "T-The t-t-truth?" Benatar sputtered, an arm snaked near his abdomen; did Axel know? "You've been acting so strange and I want to know why." Axel said softly, he turned to the blonde and put a hand on his shoulder "You've been puking your guts out, you've been quiet, anytime I try to talk to you, you get...I don't know, nervous?" A breeze came up and tossed some of his bangs out of his face, showing his maple-brown eyes "I know you don't like me Axel, but if something is wrong I want you to tell me." "It's just...." Benatar choked "It's... for the love of the queen... I... err... Axel, it's just..." He couldn't come up with a full phrase let alone a sentence."Ben..." Axel said softly, and he sounded so concerned and caring.... It made Benatar feel all sorts of good and irrational like the other Martian could wrap his arms around him and make everything okay. "I... " Words weren't helping him, He needed action! Quickly he snapped one arm behind Axel's neck and almost harshly pulled the brunette against him so tight they probably couldn't even hold a piece of paper between them, and smashed his lips onto Axel's, pouring all his emotions into that one action hoping it would make him know exactly what he was feeling. The initial shock went down, and after a few seconds, Ben felt the drummer relax and wrap his arms around his waist and pull him even closer, closing his surprised eyes and returning the kiss, even deepening it. The Brit's heart fluttered and started thumbing at a million beats a second, and from what he could feel it was the same for Axel They needed oxygen soon enough and broke apart, panting heavily, but Benatar kept his arms around Axel's neck and the latter kept his arms around the blonde's waist. Some of his face-covering hair still out of his face, Axel leaned into where their noses were almost touching and swept some of ben's hair out of his face so their eyes would meet. Axel's green eyes were inscrutably foggy and Ben's brown ones were probably a big wide open door to what he was feeling - all of the fear, passion, and relief were all there for Axel to see. Eyes locked, Axel finally said, "Why didn't you just say so?" Benatar felt so happy hearing that, happy and relieved, but at the same time he found something about that statement to be so funny he started to laugh anyway. He buried his head into the shoulder of the brunette briefly before pulling away. He smiled upwards at the slightly taller man who smiled back. They continued their way to the bus, which was just down the street. Though this time Benatar slipped his hand into Axel's and the brunette tightened the grip

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