Reason #7

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Reason #7
How am I supposed to deal with Jessica's drama and issues.

Dear Alice,

The seventh reason Alice is how am I supposed to deal with Jessica's drama and issues.

Alice, Jessica is a mess without you, she need you to come back. Alice I need you to come back to me.

Jessica has boy drama. Jessica has girl issues. Jessica has more issues than vogue and believe me I've been listening to them.

Alice, you were there for her when she needed you, and she was there for you through the years. Why do you want to throw all this away?

Since you've been gone Jessica has come to me for answers. Jessica uses me to get through the day. Alice she is lost. Jessica calls me and cries about how she misses you, Alice it's breaking my heart.

I'm sorry, Alice that I've ruined your relationship with Jessica with my stupidity and selfishness. Alice, forgive me and return for Jessica's sake.

I envy your friendship with her, because I'm a guy and you can't tell me everything like you can to her, but if you come back and I'll listen to you the way she does, for you I'll do anything in my power.

My sweet Alice, where have you gone off too? When you are around Jessica is not crazy and energetic. She needs you, and I can do only so much, but I can never replace her best friend.

My best friend is gone and Jessica is filling her place, but Alice it's not the same I miss you and the hole in my hear grows with you not here.

Jessica was complaining about Justin (her new boyfriend) and she wouldn't stop and when she asked me my advice, well I said break up with him if he's that bad. Alice the girl went nuts on me, she said no and that I was crazy! Alice I'm not crazy, Jessica is crazy!

I apparently am not good at relationship advice in Jessica's opinion. Hell in not good in a relationship, because look what I did to us, Alice I'm sorry.

Alice, you mean the world to Jessica. She cries for you and I cry for you too. Alice come back to us, please if not for me then for Jessica your best friend.

Alice, I miss you and I miss you canceling on me to spend time with Jessica. Yeah I know that sounds weird but you always came back to me and told me how thankful she was that you were there for her. I was proud of you to be there when others were in need.

Alice, the seventh reason is how am I supposed to deal with Jessica's drama and issues.


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