Chapter 24: New Shadow

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Sam's demeanor has noticeably changed after the funeral, for the better, fortunately. It was a challenging process for him to come to terms with his loss and detach himself from the pain. However, I'm glad to see that he has found some solace and can genuinely smile again.

The office has truly felt the absence of his vibrant energy, and I have personally missed it as well. Having him back around has brought a sense of productivity and joy to our work environment. It's not just his authoritative presence, but also the positive aura he exudes that makes working with him enjoyable and meaningful for everyone.

On the other hand, Mike has been noticeably absent since the funeral. We all assume that he is devoting his time to supporting his mother through her grieving process. Alternatively, Mike himself may be mourning deeply, despite not showing any signs of sadness thus far. Perhaps he was in denial and is now facing the harsh reality of his loss. This is what rumors say, but no one has an idea about what's really going on, not even Sam.

It was a good day, the people of the office planned a very thoughtful gesture to welcome Sam back, with flowers of course, and organized a little group lunch for him. which is a great way to help him engage with others, even if he's been keeping to himself lately. He doesn't even go to the Weiqi club anymore no matter how many times I insisted on going together.

Sam has been called by the police and I can't imagine how difficult it must be for him to repeatedly testify about his father's case. It's clear that the situation is taking a toll on him, as I can see the stress in his eyes each time he returns.

Today, we had a spontaneous little beach outing after what felt like ages, and it was all his idea! I was thrilled for two reasons: first, he's officially taking me out as his girlfriend, which is so exciting, and second, it's a sign that he's truly moving forward with his life, well at least trying to, especially after today's debacle in the police station which he keeps avoiding talking about it.

The date was deserted and felt like a virgin part of town. There was no one else in sight the whole time, which made it very intimate as if we were having the date in our home. It was very obvious that he was well prepared, a van was waiting for us nearby. Walking hand in hand towards the shore, I had to take off my shoes while he kept his on. Seeing this, he gently took my shoes from me and held them as we strolled on the sand. This man never fails to make me feel giddy and flustered.

As we approached the van, he released my hand and gently spun me around, resting his head on my shoulder from behind. In a hushed tone, he whispered in my ear, "Stay put, don't budge until I give the signal." I couldn't help but obey; his voice always had a way of sending chills down my spine.

I used to be a hardcore realist, completely uninterested in romance until Sam came along and changed my perspective. Now, I find myself craving those sappy, cheesy romantic gestures - as long as they're coming from Sam.

Just a few minutes passed before Sam gently placed his hands on my arms, spinning me around to meet his gaze. His eyes scanned my face, with a smile that started fading as they landed on my lips, then locked onto my eyes as if they held the key to his world. "Have I mentioned how mesmerizing your eyes are?" he whispered, leading me towards a small table with two chairs positioned face to face.

The sky was painted with a stunning orange hue as the sun set, casting a warm glow over the table adorned with a mix of red, pink, and white rose petals. In the center, two unlit red candles stood tall next to a few plates and champagne glasses. Sam truly outdid himself with this incredibly romantic dinner he prepared for us.

The view had me completely captivated, as the waves collided with each other, drowning out any possible distractions and silencing all dark thoughts that could roam in my head. My mind went blissfully blank, craving a moment of peace away from the chaos of life. And even though we both needed a breather, we were grateful to have each other by our side. 

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