𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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He stayed silent for a bit, before speaking in an even colder, harsher, more lifeless voice than before. "Now!" He said, his eyes seemingly staring a hole right through me. I could see the anger and coldness dripping off him, all the way into his voice, which was so lifeless and void of anything, that it sounded like a machine speaking to me, not a human being. He stayed silent for a few more seconds, before turning his head to look out the car window again. "Get out of my car, or I'll kill you and your boyfriend."

"I will leave then, haha. Thank you, you're easy to fool. I don't even have a boyfriend, duh! HAHAHAHAHAHA. Bye."

He stayed silent and stared at me for a few more seconds, before suddenly moving his right hand out of his pocket. He had pulled a pistol out of his pocket, and he was now aiming it right at my head. He didn't seem calm, but he didn't seem angry either. His complete lack of life made it hard for me to tell what he was feeling. He only stayed silent for a second, before he started to speak in his usual cold, lifeless voice. "You aren't going anywhere until you agree to be mine, do I make myself clear?"

"Aren't you letting me go? You're a monster. Look at you, are you really going to kill me? Are you going insane?"

He still stayed in silence after my spoke, but I could feel the tension in the car get even higher then before. He then spoke in an even colder, more lifeless voice then before. "I am a monster, you are correct about that. You will be mine, or you will die. Do you understand me?"

"I'd rather choose to die than be yours!"

"So, you have chosen to die?" He said, sounding cold and lifeless as ever. A slight, almost unnoticeable smile appeared on his cold, lifeless face, as he saw the look of shock and fear on me.

"Oh yes" I laughed.

"Why are you so happy you have chosen to die?" He asked, still sounding cold, but a bit more sinister and slightly angry now.

"Don't you know, Ken, that my father is also a Mafia boss?"

"I don't care who your father is. Why do you seem so happy to have chosen death?" He said, continuing to stare directly at me with those piercing eyes. His facial expression was impossible to read, and his cold voice had slowly started to turn a bit more sinister.

"Yes i'm happy." I laughed.

I could see in his eyes that he was starting to lose his temper, but he kept it together, instead speaking again in a cold voice with a slight hint of anger in them. "You really are insane, aren't you? You'd rather die then be mine?"

"I hate you, you know?"

He stayed silent for a few seconds, still pointing the pistol at me with both hands. Then suddenly he let out a cold, lifeless laugh, sounding completely void of any sense of humanity. He then spoke in a slightly less cold tone. "You seem to think you have a choice in this."


"How amusing, do you really think you can just leave?" He said, still staring right at me with his cold, lifeless eyes, his fingers still pressing on the trigger of his pistol, which was pointed right at my head the whole time. When he spoke this time, he sounded even more cold and lifeless than before.

"Will you let me go or will I kill you?"

I could see the hint of anger start to seep back into his eyes. He didn't like that me had tried to threaten him, even though everyone knew that it was just an empty threat. He stayed silent for a bit, before suddenly he spoke again, his cold, lifeless tone getting replaced with an angry tone, one that couldn't even be described as human anymore. "This is your last chance before you end up in a hole 6 feet deep. Come with me, or you are dead" He said, sounding like a monster.

"Alright, I'll go with you, but throw away all your guns!"

That seemed to confuse him for a second, but then he slowly got to his senses again "Why should I do that?" He asked, sounding a bit suspicious, his angry facade cracking, and his voice slowly turning cold again. He kept the pistol pointed at me.

"Do you want me to come with you or throw me away?"

It took a few seconds before he realized that you were right, but then he spoke in a slightly less cold and angry tone. "Fine, I'll put my pistol away. That doesn't mean you get to try and run away though. Do we have an understanding, or will I have to show you what happens when you make me angry again?"

"Okay fine"

"Good" He said coldly, as he put the pistol away. He then started driving again, and after a few moments of silence he spoke again, in the usual cold, lifeless tone. "Why did you lie to me about having a boyfriend?" He asked, looking at me with his cold, piercing eyes.

"I'm sleepy, don't talk to me"

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