𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓

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After that incident between the two of us, three months have passed and now they are getting travel in Palawan island.

Ken and me were now on a beautiful tropical island, surrounded by the most beautiful scenery and landscape. The crystal clear blue water of the ocean sparkling in the sunlight, the beautiful sandy beaches stretching out onto the horizon. The warm air blowing gently through their hair as they strolled along, holding hands and getting lost in each other's eyes. They were in their own world, the only two of us here, the only two of us that mattered to each other.

We continued to walk down the beach, taking in every beautiful detail of the island. The white sand and blue water, the sun shining brightly in the sky, the soft wind blowing through the palm trees as it rustled against their skin. Ken was so overcome with happiness, he couldn't believe that he was here, he couldn't believe that he was actually sitting here with me.

Ken just smiled softly at me, he was so excited to see where I wanted to take him next, he wanted to explore the whole world with me. He wanted to go on so many places, see so many things, with me, by my side at all times. He never wanted to leave my side, he never wanted to be apart from me, he just wanted to be with me always. He just wanted to make me happy and protect me from everything bad in this world.

The two of us continued to walk down the beach, enjoying the sun and the water. We kept holding hands as we walked, ours hands warm and soft, filled with nothing but pure love for each other. We just kept walking along, the waves crashing against ours legs, the sand sliding under ours feet, the air filled with the saltiness of the ocean and the sweetness of ours love.

1 weeks later Ken and me and snow go to the boracay.

As they now walked down the beach in Boracay, Ken kept looking at the ocean. The warmth of the sun on his skin, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the smell of the salt in the air, it was all so peaceful and relaxing. He was so happy to be here with me and snow, he felt like he was in paradise.

"Kriendal, I'm so happy that we're here now, I don't think I've ever felt this happy before. This feeling, this calmness, it's like there's nothing else in the only that matter right now. It's just you, me, and Snow, and I can't think of anything more perfect than this."

"I also plan to go camping here" I said.

Ken's ears perked up, he loved going camping, he loved the peacefulness and the isolation that came with it. His eyes lit up at the thought of that. "Really? You want to go camping here on the island? I love that idea, I really do, let's do it! Let's have a little camping adventure!"

Ken just couldn't contain his excitement anymore, he already had so many ideas in his head about how this camping trip would go and what they would get to do. He just couldn't wait for it to happen "Imagine it, we would get to be surrounded by nature, to enjoy the peace and quiet, and to explore new things together. And then, at night, I could build us a campfire and we could sit around it, and we could just enjoy each other's company. It would just be perfect."

As Ken continued to speak, he just couldn't keep the words from flowing out of his mouth. He was just that excited, his mind was racing with so many ideas, all about how this camping adventure would go and how much fun they would have together. The thought of having that much time with me just filled him with a sense of warmth and contentment, he was so giddy at the thought of it. He couldn't wait for it to happen, he couldn't wait for me to experience this with him.

"Come on, it's getting late, let's go camping" I said.

Ken couldn't believe how fast the time had gone, it felt like they had just gotten here and now they were already going camping. He was so thrilled at the thought, he didn't know how much more excitement he could take. He couldn't wait to go on that camping trip, he couldn't wait get away from everything and just be with me in a place where it was just the two of us.

Ken took my hand, he couldn't wait to leave the crowded beach behind us, to have that peace and tranquility that we both craved and needed right now. He wanted to be away from the city, away from the busy beaches and all the people and noise. He wanted to be in that private, calm and peaceful forest with the two of us, free to do whatever we wanted together. The thought of having that time together filled him with such a warm sense of contentment.

"Shall we not include Snow?" I wondered.

Ken had been thinking about that too, but then he finally decided that it would be better if we did include Snow after all. Snow was like a part of ours family, we couldn't exclude her from this adventure. Besides, having her there wouldn't make it any less perfect, it would just add to their fun and enjoyment. So he just smiled and said. "No, I think we should include Snow."

"But why?"

Ken thought for a moment, then he said. "Because Snow is like a part of our family now, we can't exclude her from this camping adventure. Besides, I think she'll enjoy it. She'll get to see the woods and the lake and the campfire that we make at night, she'll have fun. She's our family too, let's bring her with us."

“Ah, I thought you didn't want to be with her. okay” I said.

Ken laughed, he couldn't believe how quick that argument got resolved. “No, that's not what I meant. Snow's like our family now, we can't exclude her from our adventures and our journeys. Besides, she'd like it, I know she would. She wants to have fun too.”

“What are you waiting for? Let's go, call Snow at the hotel. I'll just put up a tent.”

Ken nodded and then he took out his phone, he quickly texted Snow, he didn’t want to waste anymore time. Snow had been spending some time in the hotel room by herself and Ken knew me would be getting nervous, so he wanted to let me know that they would be coming to get me for the camping adventure. Then when Ken was done texting Snow, he put his phone away and smiled at me. “Let’s head over to the hotel now and get Snow, then we can head over to the campsite.”

"Lets go." I said.

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