Part 3

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suga pov

The rhythmic beats of our latest track echoed through the practice room, but my mind was far from the music. I couldn't ignore the persistent discomfort in my mouth, a nagging reminder that had been growing more insistent by the day. Ignoring it had become a futile endeavor, and the mirror in my room served as a stark reminder that something needed to be done.

Braces. The very word echoed through my mind like a discordant note in our otherwise harmonious lives. I cringed at the thought, imagining the metal contraptions that would alter the familiar landscape of my teeth. But as much as I wanted to deny it, the truth stared back at me every time I faced my reflection.

So, I did what any self-respecting Min Yoongi would do – I tried to hide it. I avoided smiling in public, strategically positioning myself in group photos, and even ducking out of close conversations. But, of course, nothing escaped the watchful eyes of my fellow BTS members.

One evening, as I retreated to my room after practice, I found myself surrounded by the familiar voices of my brothers. Taehyung, with his usual knack for discovering hidden truths, had spotted my attempt to conceal my dental dilemma.

"Suga-hyung, what's going on with your teeth?" Taehyung's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

I mumbled a vague response, trying to brush off the inquiry, but Jimin wasn't one to be easily dismissed.

"Come on, Suga, we're family. You can't keep secrets from us," Jimin insisted, a reassuring smile on his face.

The other members chimed in, each expressing concern and genuine curiosity about what was bothering me. Despite my attempts at evasion, they saw through the facade. Namjoon, ever the thoughtful leader, stepped forward with a gentle but firm demeanor.

"Suga, if something's bothering you, we're here to support you. You don't have to face it alone."

I sighed, feeling a strange mixture of vulnerability and gratitude. The boys weren't going to let me hide in the shadows, and a part of me was comforted by their unwavering support.

After some coaxing and a few rounds of playful banter, they managed to talk me into seeking professional advice. The next day, we found ourselves in a bustling orthodontist's office. The sterile scent of antiseptic and the hum of dental equipment filled the air, heightening my unease.

As I sat in the dental chair, the orthodontist explained the process of getting braces. I nodded, trying to maintain a semblance of composure, but my mind was racing with thoughts of metal wires and brackets. The boys, sensing my nervous energy, surrounded me, offering words of encouragement and cracking jokes to lighten the mood.

The orthodontist, a friendly woman with a calming presence, began the procedure. The initial discomfort sent a shiver down my spine, and I involuntarily tensed up. But as the minutes passed, the rhythmic movements of her hands and the soothing words of the boys began to ease my anxiety.

Taehyung, always the optimist, chimed in with anecdotes about his own dental experiences, turning the situation into a shared journey. Jimin attempted a few dance moves, causing laughter to ripple through the room. Namjoon engaged in a deep conversation about the importance of self-care and how taking care of our health is an essential part of being a responsible artist.

With the support of my brothers and the skilled hands of the orthodontist, the procedure was soon complete. I cautiously touched the smooth surface of my new braces, a strange amalgamation of metal and vulnerability. The boys congratulated me, their smiles reflecting genuine pride.

As we left the orthodontist's office, I realized that this journey, as uncomfortable as it may have been, was a testament to the strength of our bond. Braces or no braces, we faced challenges together, and the harmony in our shared experiences resonated far beyond the dental chair. The journey was just another note in the symphony of our lives, a melody that continued to evolve, each member contributing their unique harmony to our collective story.

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