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"Come on Evan come party with us." The annoying co-worker said making me roll my eyes and decline parents already hate my guts don't need to be acting stupid. "Nah man headed to the gym than I got homework and what not." I get groans from the three men they have tried over and over to get me to come and hang out.

"Come on your a hot 16 year old with a birthmark Evan you can have anyone you want...quit being an up tight nerd and come to a party!" I shake my head looking at them in disbelief freaking fools.

"Yeah trust me I know that...I have plenty of sex with both genders." I say opening my wallet and pulling out a 10 pack of condoms smirking. "Matter of fact I lost my virginity at 14 man trust me I love me some hook ups...but I only allow them to happen on Fridays."

I tilt my head their faces are priceless at what I just said I give out a chuckle naïve people. "You just keep those in your wallet?"

"Yeah if your gonna hook up with anyone you wear a fucking condom so you don't end up three kid Derek at school with three kids three different women." I say shrugging walking out of the room so I can get to the gym for my workout.

I get to the gym running on the treadmill for about 2 hours than going over to the weights to work on my arms. I'm on my fifth rep when I am approached by an older male mid thirties or forties making me a bit nervous as we are the only people in the gym.

"Hey kid how much are you dead lifting?" The older man asks me and I shrug doing the math of the plates in my head. "Don't know bout 300 give or take why?" I ask taking my earbuds out and turning to the man. 

"That is pretty impressive kid...how old are you?" He asks and I take a step back getting a bit more nervous and skeptical about this. "Oh sorry I'm not gonna hurt you...I am a recruiter for the Navy SEALS and I think you would be a wonderful fit." He says handing me his ID and I take it looking at it raising my brows.

"16." I say hesitantly still keeping a fair distance from the older man just to be safe. "Mhm that a little rougher but if you wanted it and if your parents signed off I could get you into the training within a few weeks." I take a drink of my water damn it I am gonna have to start my reps again.

"I uh can I think about it...I mean uhm." I don't know how to react I mean a recruiter asking a useless stupid 16 year old. Who parents don't even want me I mean why me why the stupid reckless 16 year old who isn't worth anything.

"Yeah kid here's my number and email all you have to do is comeback with parental consent signed on this paper." He says walking away and I sit down looking at the paper neatly putting it in my bag and finishing my workout shaking what had happen at the gym off.

"Sorry I'm late Maddie needed help with her jeep it broke down." I say throwing my keys in the bowel and taking my shoes off. "Your past your curfew Evan...I told you what would happen if you broke curfew." My eyes shoot open and I give my father pleading eyes.

"Dad please don't call Maddie I promise I was helping Maddie...please don't lock me in my room." I beg earning a smack across the face that hurt as I am being dragged up the stairs by my hair thrown into my room. I call work saying I need to call out for a few shifts knowing that I'll be stuck in here for a while.

I open up my note books studying for my tests going over them 20 times than flopping onto my bed wanting to scream my lungs out I can't do this anymore. Maybe I should just go off to the military hell maybe jet blown up.



Few days later

"I said I was sorry!" I yell receiving a hard kick to my ribs on top of the blows to my head. 

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