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Three days later

"Hey Ev's how's it going?" I ask he said he can't face time on this as it's not a normal deployment which sucks fucking ass. "The forbidden word...weirdly very terrifying silent that brings chills to your body." He says is voice sounds like he's barley paying attention to the phone "that has to suck mi amor I miss you."

"I miss you to how's work going Ed's?"  He asks and I smile loving the firefighting I go to answer when a bucket of water gets dumped on me. "Oh I am going to kill you Chimney!"

"Babe what's going on?" He asks worried and concerned. "Just got a bucket of water dumped on me." All of a sudden I hear a loud bang on the door the phone being dropped making my heart race. "EV! Babe!...BUCK....EVAN!" I yell my heart racing as the words rip through my throat as I start to hear gunshots tears streaming down my cheeks. "EV are you ok!...EVAN!" The words shred through my vocal cords Lena comes walking over asking what's wrong when I put the phone on speaker.

Everything goes quite my heart stopping everything is numb when the line goes dead everything arounds me pauses as I stand there not knowing how to react. "Diaz breath for me."

"Lena." I rasp out she rubs my back as I stand there my body cold and shaking as I compose myself when two hours my phone rings and I answer it. "Hey baby I am ok just a little uh unexpected visitors." I let a breath of relief hearing his voice as he starts to laugh. "THAT WAS NOT FUNNY!" I growl and he and the others laugh even harder as he giggles. 

"Yeah it kind of is we kicked their ass even being blind sided and out numbered I am good your on speaker by the way."


"Sewing up my calf from the bullet nothing bad but need both hands." Did he really just say that in a shrugging voice did that asshole really just act like it's not a big deal. "Ok Diaz did you just basically shrug at the fact that your sewing up your own leg!"

"Yes I did Bosko had Kelly take the bullet out and now I am sewing myself the fucking marine medic they gave us no offense barley knows how to enter an IV he's been on the job for two weeks! It's not a big deal like two dozen stiches and I'll be good."

Everyone in ear shot look horrified as me and Lena shake our heads knowing this is so Buck. "So how's work please tell me Lena your partner." He says lightly grunting probably sticking the needle into his skin. "Good I like it and yes Lena my partner...and please tell me your wearing gloves."

"Yeah I'm wearing gloves." I hear his cocky voice and I sigh. "Latex gloves not the nasty tactical thick gloves Buck."

"Ken toss me a pair of gloves so he quits worrying!" Me and Lena both groan fucking idiots and the damn medic didn't stop him from not wearing gloves at least. "FROGMAN!" I complain wanting to smack him in the back of his head. "What army pussy?" Everyone snorts at that as I rub the bridge of my nose. "Can you please let the damn medic take over?"

"Nah I'm fine just finished it everything good here like I said just a GSW I do got to go mi amor love ya hope to see you soon." 

"Love you to you big stubborn idiot frogman Diaz." He hangs up everyone looks confused as me and Lena rub our foreheads. "That is why SEALS piss me off they are the smartest idiots that they are smart and good at their job but if they get hurt they hate people patching them up."

Lena growls and I nod my head that man gonna kill me with heart break. "He seems intense." Hen says making me nod and laugh. "Never offer to go on a run with him unless you plan on running 15 miles an hour for four hours straight at times I learned that the hard way." Lena laughs and I shudder making that mistakes a few times to many.

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