Episode 15

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First, I inserted the game card in my 3DS. Then, I turned my console on. Next, I tapped the icon on the menu. Finally, I am transported on Sesame Island.

Today, someone is going to propose to someone else. I just know it. And this time it's Happy (or That Gay Guy, as his full name is).

Happy: I not happy now
(I tapped the scribble icon)
Happy: I want to propose to Rapunzel. Do you think I should?
(Of course, I tapped go for it! because I support this couple)
Happy: where should I propose?
(I chose the firework show because that's romantic...or should I have done the train station? Fuck it I did the firework show)
Happy: should I change my outfit?
(I tapped you're good)
Happy: I'm really nervous about popping the question at the right time...would you mind helping me out? Let me know when Rapunzel is thinking about me!
(I tapped no problem!)
Happy: okay it's time. I'm going to propose!

(At the firework show)

Happy: let's sit here shall we?
Rapunzel: Sure!
(I got the first heart)
Happy: isn't it lovely?
Rapunzel: it's gorgeous!
(I got the second heart)
Happy: you know...your beauty shines brighter than the fireworks.
Rapunzel: oh, you! You're the sweetest!
(I got the third heart)
Happy: as it were...there's something important I've been meaning to ask...
Rapunzel: what's that?
(I got the final heart!)
Happy: my love...will you marry me?
(Short pause)
Rapunzel: it would be my honor! I'm so happy!
(Yea boiiiiii!)
Happy: everything went really great! Thank you so much! Please take this as a token of thanks.
(He gave me beads)
Happy: we're so excited for our wedding!
(And their honeymoon was in Japan. Lucky!)

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