Chapter 2

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The drive to the lodge was quite peaceful .
It was a little place that Daisy and Luna had bought together in order to have a place where the group could could gather when they were not to busy and this was it .IT WAS THAT MOMENT .

The group noticed that Jason seemed like he was a bit off but they didn't want to bombard him with questions , because everyone knew that what happened to him caused alot of trauma .

" So me and the girls are going to make us something for lunch and maybe you boys could go get some wood so that we can sit around the fire ." Walter smirked .

" At least we wouldn't have to do the cooking ." Luna hit his arm softly .

" Oh my word , you hit like a girl ." Luna gave him a sturn look that made him lift his hands up in defence .

" Sorry my love ." he pecked her on the lips as the boys bid their goodbyes .

" You better ." Luna warned as he winked at her before walking out the door with the rest of the boys .

" You know , maybe this would clear his head from everything ." Rebecca said in deep thought .
Luna took her hand in hers .

" Hey ?" Rebecca proceeded to look at her .

" Everything will get better in time , I promise ." There was a slight smile forming on her lips , enough to make Luna feel relieved .
She hated seeing her friends upset .

" I sometimes wonder , what if we didn't find each other again ? Me , you , Daisy and Lydia and wee just kept going on and on , and kept bickering .Where would we have been ? And what if you didn't tell me about God ? And His love for me ?" Luna squeezed her hand softly .

" I wish I had the answer to that but in this moment , I'm so happy that we did fix things .I can't imagine my life without you guys and this group , this family ." The girls nodded in agreement .

" I'm glad we got away because I know if we didn't ...." Luna stopped her .

" It's in the past .Think about what we have now .we have the greatest friend ever and we have the best boyfriends in the world ." Daisy cleared her throat as Luna rolled her eyes .

" And I have the bestest , bestfriend ever ." Daisy smiled .

" But that doesn't exactly mean , she doesn't work on my nerves every time ." Daisy pouted as Luna kissed her forehead .

" We have alot to be grateful for .
God really knew what He was doing ." Everyone nodded .

" There's so much love I have for Him within my heart , not even words can express ." Luna smiled .

" Look at you glowing ." Rebecca hid her face as she blushed .

- A girl who loves Jesus is way prettier than all the girls in the world .

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