relative L.G

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Me and my dad, Richard, were taking a trip to New York to visit my cousin Jackie for thanksgiving.

We were in our car, driving to the house, with mixed emotions running through my body.

"I'm so excited!" I squealed.

"Calm down, y/n. We aren't even there yet" my dad reassured me.

I rolled my eyes and laughed at his comment, turning to the window.

We arrived at the house, and it was a large, yellow house, overlooking a beautiful ranch covered in snow.

We got out of the car, cold wind blowing through my hair.

We walked up to the front door and before we even knocked, the door flung open.

"Hi! Richard, y/n so glad to see you here!" A red-headed lady smiled at us.

I'm guessing she was "Katherine", who my dad mentioned.

"Hi, um Katherine?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes! So nice to meet you!" She patted my shoulder as we walked in.

"So where's Jackie!?" I said a bit to excitedly.

"Oh she actually out delivering thanksgiving orders" Katherine smiled.

"In this weather it's freezing?" My dad said as Katherine's smile dropped slightly.

"She has a warm coat" Katherine sighed.

"Is it okay if I have a quick look around the house?" I asked as Katherine nodded.

I walked outside on the porch and sat on one of the chairs, feeling the nice cold breeze against my face.

I heard rolling against the wood, I looked up and saw a boy on a skateboard.

He was tall, with brown fluffy hair.

He stopped and picked up his skateboard, sitting next to me.

"Hey, you must be y/n? Jackie's cousin? I'm lee." He asked looking at me.

"Hi,how did you know my name?" I asked.

"Aunt Kathy told us all you were coming so we got prepared." He stated as I looked at him then his skateboard.

"Can I have a turn on your skateboard?" I pleaded and he looked down at it.

"Sure. Do you know how to ride it?" He asked.

"I don't know you tell me" I grab his skateboard and ride it.

"Oh yeah? Let's time how fast we can ride around the whole house!" I suggested and he laughed.

"Okay y/n, be prepared to lose" lee laughed in my face.

"Bite me" I said skating off.

I got back to the start and my time was 2:13 minutes, which I felt proud of.

"Boom! Beat that lee!" I screamed which made some other boys come outside.

I met some of them on my way outside.

"What are you guys doing?" Danny asked.

"Skating competition. Seeing who sucks and whos great at skating" I replied.

"My money's on y/n" Isaac shouted as I laughed and gave him a high-five.

"Okay lee your time starts, Now!" I shouted starting the timer on my phone.

He skated off, drifting at the corner.

It was 1:55 seconds so far and he is coming really fast down the porch.

Just before he made it past the corner, he slipped on a loose board, and cut open his knee.

Everyone was shocked but no one helped him up.

I ran over to him and picked him up, with one arm on his shoulder, and one of his on mine.

I dragged him through the house, before Katherine stopped us.

"Oh my god lee what happened?!" She screamed.

"It's okay Katherine, I'll take care of him" I groaned, due to how heavy he is.

I pulled him up the stairs and to his room.

I opened the door and threw him on his bed.

"Omg your so heavy" I whined.

"Woah thanks so much for that comment" he said sarcastically.

"Your welcome" I rolled my eyes.

I went to the bathroom and looked for a first aid kit, and found a small one under the sink.

I walked back to the room holding it.

"I'm back!" I said as he looked up with a smile.

I opened the first aid kit and got a wipe to clean the wound. (HELP HOW DO YOU USE A FIRST AID KIT😭😭)

"Oww" lee winced.

"Sorry," I looked up at him who was already looking at me.

I put one last bandage on his knee, carefully placing it there.

"All done" I smiled as he just stared.

I was sitting next to him while I fixed him up.

We made eye contact which included lee looking at my eyes, then my lips.

We were slowly leaning in till the door flung open.

"Oh there you are y/n, Jackie's back" Isaac barged in with a smirk on his face.

I got up and smiled at lee, leaving there room.

The door closed and I could hear faint yelling coming from the room, while I slowly smiled to myself.



Hey guys just another chapter until tomorrow!!

I hope you guys liked it!

Guys what are your opinions on this? Should I make it a book? Or add a part 2?

Love you guys,

846 words!


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