toxic relationship C.W

759 7 0

TW death mentioned,

Me and Cole are in a relationship, but not a very healthy one.

We argue alot but never as bad as this one.

We were arguing about how Cole slept with Erin, the popular girl of the school.

"WHAT THE FUCK COLE, WHY WOULD YOU SLEEP WITH HER?!" I screamed as he just listened before speaking.

"WHY IS THAT SUCH A BIG DEAL IT WAS NOTHING" he shouted in my face as I just sighed.

"It was nothing? It was so much more than nothing!" I pointed at him.

"Don't give me this shit y/n, I told you it was nothing" he piped down a bit.

"Honestly I don't know why I'm with you" I turned around and walked away from the situation.

"Yeah go home, y/n" Cole screamed out to me.

My dad left when I was a baby, so I never met him and my mom recently passed away so I have been living all by myself for the past 3 months.

I slowly turned around to face Cole and stopped and stared at him.

"Just go home to your family" Cole was about to walk away.

"I could, but I don't have anyone to come home to" tears started to flood my eyes.

Cole stopped in his tracks and turned back to me.

"What? Where are they?" He asked walking towards me.

"Dad's gone, mom's dead" I said between my cries.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Cole brushed the hair out of my face.

I pushed his hand away and looked up at him.

"Are you serious Cole!? You don't listen or care about anything I say to you!" I was about to storm off as he pulled me towards him.

"Listen, I'm so sorry y/n. I love you so much and I'm sorry that I have been such a shitty boyfriend but can we please try again?" He hung onto my wrist.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it Cole" I pulled away and walked out the front door of the Walter house.



Sorry I haven't been updating but I hope you guys understand how busy I am with school and other stuff.

I just wanted y'all to know I am taking a break for a bit and I will update you guys when I'm back😔

Love you guys❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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