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*a little info*
Beomgyu visited a hospital cause he wasn't feeling well . The doctor told him he has not been sleeping well.

The doctor said he just needed rest but the omega decided not to listen.

*Present Time*

Yeonjun was panicking he knew beomgyu was not getting more then 1 hour or 30 minutes of sleep every night. He had tried meds but they would just make it worse . Sometimes Yeonjun would sleep next to beomgyu to help .

"The Doctor said he'll be fine"taehyun said walking out of beomgyu's hospital room . Taehyun offered to pay for everything but Yeonjun rejected saying it will be okay in the end taehyun ended up paying for everything since he was so persistent .

Yeonjun wanted to pay for it but the latter kept on insisting.

"Oh god okay , does he have to stay in the hospital?" Yeonjun asked the alpha wanting to know more about his best friends condition.

"Probably just an hour or two , I'll be leaving now since soobin is waiting in the car"taehyun said walking out of the hospital.

After beomgyu and Yeonjun left the hospital they went to beomgyu's house to hang out . Yeonjun informed his mom that he would sleep at beomgyu's tonight .

*Beomgyu's room*

"What happened after I passed out"beomgyu asked Yeonjun since he couldn't remember much

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"What happened after I passed out"beomgyu asked Yeonjun since he couldn't remember much .

"Well.... Umm soo you fell and taehyun caught you and..."Yeonjun tried but he really couldn't. "What happened?"beomgyu was curious since what could have happened in a hour?.

"So after taehyun caught you , um the other one um soobin yes he kinda.."Yeonjun said as fast as possible. "Aiya, just tell me what happened".

"He fell on top of me and we almost kissed " Yeonjun whispered .

"WHAT?!?!?!?!???!?!?!?"beomgyu yelled on the top of his lungs . "Yea yes shhhh"Yeonjun tried to shut him up since he was embarrassed.

"wAitttttt, that really happened??"beomgyu asked getting a nod in respond.

"Did he hurt you?"beomgyu's voice changed from shocked to angry. "No no silly" Yeonjun said laughing at his friend.

The two of them fell a sleep after a while . Beomgyu got proper sleep tonight . Tho while he was a sleep yeonjun got up remember be had promised to text taehyun to let him know if beomgyu was okay .

He quickly grabbed his phone and texted on the number he was given

"Hello this is Yeonjun"

"Hello , this is taehyun how is he?"

"The doctor gave him some meds and said he'll be better. thanks so much"

"It was my pleasure , how is he now?"

"He is asleep but he is much better"

"Good to know"

"Okay I won't bother you much farther goodnight"

"Goodnight "

Yeonjun changed the contact number to 'beomgyu's saver' he was scrolling on his phone when suddenly a wave of black smoke appeared in his eyes and he fell asleep.

*With the kangs*

Taehyun and soobin were in soobin's office talking on meetings coming up and stuff.

"Taehyun who are you texting?"soobin asked him waiting for a reply. "Oh the omega from the shop today" . "The one that fainted?".

"Nope the one you meet at the mall too"taehyun said putting his phone away. "What does he want? And how did he get your number?"soobin asked now curious.

"Oh I gave it to him to tell me if beomgyu is better now"taehyun responded calmly.

Soobin just nodding wondering why the omega was up late?.

He decided for HIMSELF and not the omega he would use a bit of magic to help the omega sleep
(Soobin is falling ~)

(Authors note

Sooo how was it I was really busy this week so I couldn't update yes I know that the description says Yeonjun goes into a forest that part is cominggg )

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