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"that's cute"the alpha said hovering over the omega."biscuit-eat? What type of cuse is that?"he continued.

Yeonjun was frozen he had never been this close to someone other then beomgyu.

Yeonjun tried to push soobin off him but at last he couldn't."I don't use bad language"he said looking into  the others eyes."cute"soobin muttered.The omegas scent was wildly sweet  the most addictive thing soobin had ever smelled.

"Can you move now?"Yeonjun asked meaning for soobin to get off him but the alpha didn't move an inch .

Instead soobin bent down a little to Yeonjun neck. Unconsciously Yeonjun bared his neck for the alpha.

Soobin licked the omegas neck .
Repeating the action until the omega was breathing heavily.

Soobin stopped looking at the breathless omega , smirking .
The omega was as beautiful as ever. "See you tomorrow, omega"soobin leaving the room.

Yeonjun walked to his bed thinking about what just happened.

Hey it's Kai!

Oh hi , how are you?

Yea I'm fine, thanks what about you?

I'm fine , what are you doing?


I was gonna watch netflixbt idk what to watch what about u?


Eating dinner.

You know how to cook


Wow your so cool.

How so?

You're just cool!

Thanks, you too

*A while later*

It's so late , I'm gonna sleep bye byee

Goodnight bye


"Sir, we have found an item that might be the victims"a police man handed beomgyu a pice of cloth
"No , this is not his"beomgyu said .

"Thanks for confirming sir"the police man.

The police walked away leaving beomgyu alone . The omega decided to go on a walk to reduce stress .

Beomgyu walked though the streets alone . He heard someone sobbing and crying .

Teh closer beomgyu walked the sound got louder and the sound of blood gushing was also getting a louder.

Beomgyu stopped at a alleyway
It's was dark , really dark .
Beomgyu reached for his phone but he couldn't find it .
He had left it at home .
'oh shit, what every is happening is not good'he thought.
He couldn't go back to the police station if he did it would take some time and whatever was happening could have already happened.

Noone else was there so he decided to go in . Luckily he had a knife He kept since Yeonjun disappearens.

He entered the alleyway slowing walking forward .

Around a corner the sound was the loudest . Beomgyu saw two people
He couldn't see what was going on so walked closer holding the knife tightly.

"What's going on here"beomgyu said trying to sound confident like a queencard(look so cool like beomgyu, heh).

One of them got up and dropped something that looked like a knife.
"I'll report you to the police"beomgyu said trying to sound like a threat.

"The police won't do anything"the figure said . "At least not after they find out who I am"he continued .

"And who are you?"beomgyu asked who would the police not arrest for a murder?.

"I am Kang taehyun"taehyun said proudly."oh you that guy from the store and here I was scared"beomgyu said laughing at himself.

"What do you mean?"taehyun said confused."more like what do you mean the police won't arrest you , you?"beomgyu said walking to the body.

He thought it was a fight and the person was unconscious but the body was bleeding.

"Didn't expect to see a dead guy?"taehyun asked smirking walking closer to the body.

Taehyun reached to the body's face slapping it around."what's wrong with you!"beomgyu yelled pushing taehyun anyway form it.

Taehyun backed off his eyes turning red weirdly beomgyu's eyes bright white.

Autors note

EEEEE I love this!!!!!
I rewrote it 5 times until I liked it!!!
I hope you enjoy!!!!

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