Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Jake and Noah come in.

"Cooper wrangle Kelsey out of breathing distance for a few minutes?"

Gage inhaled deep and let it out slowly. "Yeah."

Jake came over to lean against the counter beside him. "How the hell are you still standing there?"

Pushing away from the sink, Gage turned and crossed his arms over his chest and stared at the concrete floor. "I've had practice controlling my baser instincts."

"Practice or not, I don't know how you're going to survive it." Jake whistled a low drawn out sound. "I almost lost it and I was only with her for a few minutes." He gave Gage a wide-eyed look. "You have to live in the same house with her."

Gage blew out a loud breath. "I know."

"You lost me," Noah said quietly. "She'll know soon that she's your mate, so what's the problem?"

Jake snorted out a loud noise. "She doesn't know."

Gage looked up to see the confusion on Noah's face. "She doesn't know what she is." He glanced at the door Cooper had taken her through, making sure they weren't heading back this way. Noah shook his head. "She doesn't know her own heritage."

Noah's mouth dropped open. Staring at Gage then turning to Jake, he finally closed it and swallowed. "Oh." Standing to his full height, he eyed both of them again. "I can help keep things under control."

"How?" Jake leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. "You know a secret way to prevent mating?"

Gage eyed him, noting he rarely stood at his full height. A cold look filled Noah's eyes as he looked back toward the door.

"No, but I can ignore the draw of being around females during their cycle."

There was a pain in his voice that made the hair on the back of Gage's neck stand out. He didn't have to ask how he managed to ignore being around females ready for mating, he knew it would have involved beating and pain.

Jake made a strangled noise in the back of this throat. "Man, you should sell that gift. I know a lot of clans that would make you rich to teach them that."

Noah's jaw tightened. "I doubt anyone wants to learn the way I did," he said in a low tone with his teeth clenched together.

"Oh, shit." Jake straightened up, "I'm sorry, Noah." He gave him an exasperated look. "Sometimes my fuckin' mouth spews before my brain catches up."

"No harm done," Noah said quietly.

Gage took another deep breath. "I appreciate you putting yourself out there, Noah, I really do..." He rubbed the back of his neck taking a minute to think it through. "I don't know how I'll deal with you being near her."

Noah nodded. "I'll just step in if needed."

"We'll all run interference," Jake grimaced, "if we can stand to be in scenting distance."

"Fuck," Gage said under his breath. "You can't avoid her completely, she'll know something's up."

"Then tell her."

They turned to see Blair standing in the open side door. His almost white hair was as always standing straight on end like he'd run his hands through it every few seconds. He always looked out of control until he moved. With a long, easy gait, he came toward them.

"She's family to all of us, Gage, and we've been playing this cat and mouse game far too long. You wanted to wait until she's old enough. Respect that she is and tell her the truth." He stopped and stood beside Noah.

Gage looked from one to the other. "I don't have a choice."

Jake reached out and grabbed his shoulder in a tight grip. "Are you going to be all right with her at the house?" His eyes were deadly serious. All of them respected him, but they loved Kelsey and would protect her, even from him.

Looking around at the concerned expressions on the three men's faces, he exhaled and ran a hand down the back of his neck again. "Honestly? I'll have to get back to you on that." He shrugged. "I'd like to say it was just bad today because it's been a while..." Hearing voices, he turned back to the open bay door.

Cooper and Gary were walking in, with Kelsey between them chatting a hundred words a minute. The glare Gary shot him from those twenty feet away was clear enough for Gage to see with his enhanced vision. He had no choice; he had to tell her tonight.

"Tour over?" he looked at Kelsey to see her grinning.

"Yes, I'm returning them so they can get back to work." She paused when she saw Blair grinning at her. With a squeal, she was across the floor and practically throwing herself into his arms.

Gage's teeth clacked shut tightly. He felt a hand at his back and knew Jake was bracing to stop him if he did something extra-special stupid, like toss Blair across the garage for being close to her. Then he noticed the expression on Blair's face as he held her. He looked like he was in pain, but it wasn't the same thing as when Jake had hugged her.

Swallowing down the envy of seeing her in his friend's arms, he had no one to blame but himself. All the years he pushed Kelsey away it was Blair that stepped in the most to stop him from doing something he'd regret.

"When you're done mauling our playboy, I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our team." Cooper said while sending Gage a warning look.

"Oh." Kelsey released Blair and turned around. She paused and looked Noah up and down. "I was hoping you'd be normal sized."

Jake snorted. "This is normal around here, Kels."

She gave a dramatic sigh and pouted. "I can always hope."

Gary winked at her. "You can probably still out maneuver the rest of us in the rigs, so as far as I'm concerned, size doesn't mean a damn thing."

Kelsey laughed. "If you advertised that view men would hate you and you'd have a line of women three miles long."

"One can hope," Gary drawled softly.

Straightening, Kelsey stepped over and stopped in front of Noah. She smiled sweetly at him and held out her hand. "Kelsey Jennings."

Noah's spine stiffened as he looked down at her hand. Gage was sure he was picking up on the scent that he'd just assured them he was immune to. It wasn't until he saw the surprise in the other man's eyes he realized it was because she was willing to touch him.

"Noah Reyes." He grasped her hand briefly and then his shoulders relaxed a bit. "Do I want to know what this is about, you being better in the rigs?"

Kelsey's smile was beaming, she shrugged. "Most girls played with dolls and their hair, I played with big rigs."

Noah smiled. Gage's eyebrows rose as he glanced at Jake, no one had seen him smile since he'd come here.

"Good, maybe you can teach me."

Eyes widening, Kelsey looked at Gage. "I, uh, sure." She looked around at all of them and then her eyes settled back to Gage. "I guess I'll go get settled in and let you guys get back to work." The glow in her eyes faded. "I'll see you at the house."

Nodding, Gage jammed his hands into his pockets to keep from reaching out to her. Every other male here had held or touched her, except him. "Yeah, I'll be done here by five."

With a smile to all of them, she nodded and then turned and headed toward the door. Not one of them moved until she was out the door, then they all turned to look at him. Taking in the hard looks on all their faces, he exhaled loudly. "I know. I'll try to tell her tonight."

"Hell of a homecoming," Gary muttered as he spun on his heel and walked toward the truck.

Gage stood there as they all turned to head in different directions. Every nerve in his body was strung so tightly, he was sure he should be paralyzed. Shaking his head, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It was going to be a long night.

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